Gary Johnson presidential campaign, 2016/Infrastructure

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Gary Johnson announced his presidential run on January 6, 2016.[1]

2016 Presidential Election
Gary-Johnson-(New Mexico)-circle.png

Gary Johnson
2016 Libertarian presidential nominee
Running mate: Bill Weld
Libertarian National ConventionPollsDebates Presidential election by state

On the issues
Domestic affairsEconomic affairs and government regulationsForeign affairs and national security

Other candidates
Hillary Clinton (D) • Jill Stein (G) • Donald Trump (R) • Vice presidential candidates

Ballotpedia's presidential election coverage

This page was current as of the 2016 election.

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave American transit, road, aviation, and hazardous waste systems a grade of D in 2013.[2] ASCE also estimated that between 2016 and 2025, infrastructure deficiencies would lead each U.S. household to lose $3,400 per year.[3]

In addition to negative environmental and economic consequences, substandard infrastructure can cause public hazards. High-profile fatal incidents like the I-35W Mississippi River bridge collapse and the 2015 Philadelphia passenger train derailment led to greater awareness of the country's aging infrastructure and public opinion polling from Gallup in March 2016 showed that 75 percent of Americans supported increased federal spending on infrastructure.[4]

Read below what Gary Johnson and the 2016 Libertarian Platform said about improving infrastructure.

  • Opposed federal funding of mass transit
  • Supported widening the NM 44 highway through a private-public partnership deal
  • Libertarian Party Johnson on infrastructure

    • In December 2011, Gary Johnson said that he opposed federal funding of public transit. "I know of no mass transit in this country that pays for itself and the government shouldn't, in my opinion, be involved in projects that don't pay for themselves," he said.[5]
    • In the late 1990s, Johnson supported widening the NM 44 highway to four lanes through a private-public partnership. Koch Industries, Inc., the only bidder on the project, directed the construction of the highway rather than the New Mexico Department of Treasury. Critics questioned why Koch had initially proposed the project and was being paid an additional $62 million for a 20-year maintenance warranty, while supporters said the unique arrangement would "save New Mexico taxpayers an estimated $89 million in road maintenance and repair costs."[6][7]

    Recent news

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    See also
