Federal judges nominated by Calvin Coolidge

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U.S. Federal Courts
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Calvin Coolidge, President from 1923-1929

Calvin Coolidge was president of the United States from 1923 to 1929. During his time in office he had 88 judges successfully nominated and confirmed to the federal bench. Coolidge also had one nominee decline their nomination, four withdraw, and 14 be rejected or not voted on by the Senate.[1][2]

List of judges

First name Last name Court Status Term
Simon Adler Western District of New York Deceased 1927 - 1934
Alexander Akerman Southern District of Florida Deceased 1929 - 1948
Albert Anderson Seventh Circuit Deceased 1925 - 1938
Harry Anderson Western District of Tennessee Deceased 1925 - 1935
Robert Baltzell District of Indiana Reassigned 1925 - 1928
Charlton Beattie Eastern District of Louisiana Deceased 1925 - 1925
Fenton Booth Court of Claims Retired 1905 - 1939
Wilbur Booth Eighth Circuit Deceased 1925 - 1944
Wayne Borah Eastern District of Louisiana Elevated 1928 - 1949
Charles Boynton Western District of Texas Deceased 1924 - 1954
Frederick Bryant Northern District of New York Deceased 1927 - 1945
Louis Burns Eastern District of Louisiana Deceased 1925 - 1928
Warren Burrows District of Connecticut Resigned 1928 - 1930
Charles Cavanah District of Idaho Deceased 1927 - 1953
Harrie Chase Second Circuit Deceased 1929 - 1969
William Clark District of New Jersey Elevated 1925 - 1938
Genevieve Cline United States Customs Court Deceased 1928 - 1959
Ernest Cochran Eastern District of South Carolina Deceased 1923 - 1934
Frank Coleman Southern District of New York Deceased 1927 - 1934
William Coleman District of Maryland Resigned 1927 - 1955
John Cotteral Eighth Circuit Reassigned 1928 - 1929
Elijah Cox Northern District of Mississippi Deceased 1929 - 1974
Charles Davis Eastern District of Missouri Deceased 1924 - 1943
Benjamin Dawkins Western District of Louisiana Deceased 1924 - 1966
Charles Dawson Western District of Kentucky Resigned 1925 - 1935
Bascom Deaver Middle District of Georgia Deceased 1928 - 1944
Charles Dewey Southern District of Iowa Deceased 1928 - 1958
Frank Dietrich Ninth Circuit Deceased 1927 - 1930
Guy Fake District of New Jersey Deceased 1929 - 1957
Rufus Foster Fifth Circuit Deceased 1925 - 1942
Finis Garrett United States Court of Customs Appeals Deceased 1929 - 1956
Peyton Gordon District of Columbia Deceased 1928 - 1946
William Graham United States Court of Customs Appeals Deceased 1924 - 1937
William Green United States Court of Claims Deceased 1928 - 1947
George Hahn Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1928 - 1937
Augustus Hand Second Circuit Deceased 1927 - 1954
Learned Hand Second Circuit Deceased 1924 - 1961
Johnson Hayes Middle District of North Carolina Deceased 1927 - 1970
Edward Henning Southern District of California Resigned 1925 - 1929
Smith Hickenlooper Sixth Circuit Deceased 1928 - 1933
Xenophon Hicks Sixth Circuit Deceased 1928 - 1952
Benson Hough Southern District of Ohio Deceased 1925 - 1935
Albert Johnson Middle District of Pennsylvania Resigned 1925 - 1945
Lake Jones Southern District of Florida Deceased 1924 - 1930
Franklin Kennamer Eastern District of Oklahoma Reassigned 1924 - 1925
Frank Kerrigan Northern District of California Deceased 1924 - 1935
William Kirkpatrick Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1927 - 1970
Ira Letts District of Rhode Island Resigned 1927 - 1935
Harold Louderback Northern District of California Deceased 1928 - 1931
George Martin District of Columbia Circuit Deceased 1924 - 1948
John Martineau Eastern District of Arkansas Deceased 1928 - 1937
Wallace McCamant Ninth Circuit Nomination rejected 1925 - 1926
James McCarthy District of New Jersey Resigned 1928 - 1929
Paul McCormick Southern District of California Deceased 1924 - 1960
George McDermott District of Kansas Elevated 1928 - 1929
John McNary District of Oregon Deceased 1927 - 1936
Nelson McVicar Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1928 - 1960
Isaac Meekins Eastern District of North Carolina Deceased 1925 - 1946
Edward Moinet Eastern District of Michigan Deceased 1927 - 1952
Joseph Molyneaux District of Minnesota Deceased 1925 - 1940
Charles Moorman Western District of Kentucky Elevated 1924 - 1925
Charles Moorman Sixth Circuit Deceased 1925 - 1938
Grover Moscowitz Eastern District of New York Deceased 1925 - 1937
John Moss United States Court of Claims Deceased 1926 - 1929
Robert Nevin Southern District of Ohio Deceased 1929 - 1952
Frank Norcross District of Nevada Deceased 1928 - 1952
Elliott Northcott Fourth Circuit Deceased 1927 - 1946
Merrill Otis Western District of Missouri Deceased 1925 - 1944
John Parker Fourth Circuit Deceased 1925 - 1958
Charles Pray District of Montana Deceased 1924 - 1963
Fred Raymond Western District of Michigan Deceased 1925 - 1946
Halsted Ritter Southern District of Florida Impeached 1929 - 1936
John Sanborn District of Minnesota Elevated 1925 - 1932
Nicholas Sinnott Court of Claims Deceased 1928 - 1929
Thomas Slick District of Indiana Reassigned 1925 - 1938
Adolphus St. Sure Northern District of California Deceased 1925 - 1949
Harlan Stone Associate Justice, Supreme Court Elevated 1925 - 1941
Thomas Swan Second Circuit Deceased 1926 - 1975
George Taylor Eastern District of Tennessee Deceased 1928 - 1952
Thomas Thacher Southern District of New York Resigned 1925 - 1930
William Tilson Middle District of Georgia Nomination rejected 1926 - 1927
William Tilson Middle District of Georgia Resigned 1927 - 1928
William Tilson United States Customs Court Deceased 1928 - 1949
Arba Van Valkenburgh Eighth Circuit Deceased 1925 - 1944
Edgar Vaught Western District of Oklahoma Deceased 1928 - 1959
Samuel West Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1928 - 1938
Fred Wham Eastern District of Illinois Deceased 1927 - 1967
Charles Woodward Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1929 - 1952
George Young Board of General Appraisers Deceased 1924 - 1932

Historical context

Appointments by current president

See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

Since taking office for his second term, President Donald Trump (R) has not nominated any individuals to federal judgeships on Article III courts.

During his first term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments.[3] Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges.[4] Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.[5]

Ballotpedia publishes the federal vacancy count report tracking vacancies, nominations, and confirmations to all United States Article III federal courts each month. In the most recent report covering activity in March 2025, there were 43 Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary. To learn more about current vacancies in the federal judiciary, click here. The following chart from the monthly federal vacancy count report for March 1, 2025, details the number of appointments made by President Trump to each type of Article III federal court since taking office. This chart is updated at the start of each month with new appointments data.

See also

External links
