Edward Gamble recall, Chatham School Board, Alaska (2007)

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Chatham School District School Board recall
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Edward Gamble
Recall status
Recall approved
Recall election date
November 20, 2007
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2007
Recalls in Alaska
Alaska recall laws
School board recalls
Recall reports

The effort to remove Edward Gamble from the Chatham School board began in 2007 and by the end of the year Gamble was recalled from office.

Petitioners urged the state to review and recall Gamble, Shelly Wilson, and Irene Paul for what they called "misconduct in office, incompetence, and failure to perform prescribed duties." In June 2007, after months of testimony, a petition was submitted for the recall of all three officials. Documents revealed that the targeted officials had hired unqualified personnel and violated the state's open meetings act on six occasions.[1]

On November 20, 2007, 74% of voters cast ballots in favor of Gamble's recall..

Basis for recall

According to the Attorney General, some examples of Gamble's misconduct included:[2]

  • Hiring personnel for 2006-07 who were unqualified as school administrators
  • Failing to implement an evaluation system for district teachers and administrators to evaluate performance
  • Violating the open meetings act by attending approximately 4 illegal executive sessions
  • Failing to adequately supervise the superintendent who misused district resources

See also

External links
