Education on the ballot
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Education on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding schools, students, teachers, education, and education funding.
List of ballot measures
Alabama Amendment 1, Allow Franklin County Board of Education to Manage, Sell, or Lease Land in the Franklin County School System Amendment (2024)
Arkansas Issue 1, Lottery Proceed Funding for Vocational-Technical School Scholarships and Grants Amendment (2024)
California Proposition 2, Public Education Facilities Bond Measure (2024)
Colorado Amendment 80, Constitutional Right to School Choice Initiative (2024)
Florida Amendment 1, Partisan School Board Elections Amendment (2024)
Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 2, Allow State Funding for Non-Public Education Amendment (2024)
Massachusetts Question 2, Repeal Competency Assessment Requirement for High School Graduation Initiative (2024)
Nebraska Referendum 435, Private Education Scholarship Program Referendum (2024)
Nevada Question 1, Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment (2024)
New Mexico Bond Question 3, Public Education Bond Issue (2024)
Rhode Island Question 2, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (2024)
Utah Amendment B, State School Fund Distribution Cap Increase Amendment (2024)
- Washington Initiative 2081, Parental Right to Review Education Materials, Receive Notifications, and Opt Out of Sexual-Health Education Initiative (2024)
New York Proposal 1, Remove Debt Limit on Small City School Districts Amendment (2023)
Texas Proposition 4, Property Tax Changes and State Education Funding Amendment (2023)
Texas Proposition 5, Rename State University Research Fund and Establish Ongoing Revenue Source Amendment (2023)
Arizona Proposition 308, In-State Tuition for Non-Citizen Residents Measure (2022)
California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022)
Colorado Proposition FF, Reduce Income Tax Deduction Amounts to Fund School Meals Program Measure (2022)
Idaho Advisory Ballot, Income and Corporate Tax Changes and Education Funding Question (2022)
Massachusetts Question 1, Tax on Income Above $1 Million for Education and Transportation Amendment (2022)
New Mexico Bond Question 3, Public Education Bond Issue (2022)
New Mexico Constitutional Amendment 1, Land Grant Permanent Fund Distribution for Early Childhood Education Amendment (2022)
West Virginia Amendment 4, Legislative Approval of the State Board of Education Rules Measure (2022)
Alabama Amendment 1, Appointed Education Board Amendment (March 2020)
Arizona Proposition 208, Tax on Incomes Exceeding $250,000 for Teacher Salaries and Schools Initiative (2020)
Louisiana Amendment 1, Allow for Out-of-State Members to the University Board of Supervisors Amendment (December 2020)
Nevada Question 1, Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment (2020)
North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Board of Higher Education Membership Amendment (2020)
Washington Referendum 90, Sex Education in Public Schools Measure (2020)
Louisiana Amendment 2, Education Excellence Fund Uses Amendment (October 2019)
Washington Advisory Vote 24, Nonbinding Question on Business Activities Tax to Fund Higher Education Programs (2019)
Alabama Amendment 3, Board of Trustees Membership for University of Alabama Amendment (2018)
Arizona Proposition 305, Expansion of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Referendum (2018)
Colorado Amendment 73, Establish Income Tax Brackets and Raise Taxes for Education Initiative (2018)
Florida Amendment 7, First Responder and Military Member Survivor Benefits, Supermajority Board Votes for College Fees, and State College System Amendment (2018)
Georgia Amendment 5, School Sales Tax Referendums Amendment (2018)
Maryland Question 1, Gambling Revenue Dedicated to Education Lockbox Amendment (2018)
New Jersey Public Question 1, School Projects Bond (2018)
Rhode Island Question 1, School Buildings Bond Measure (2018)
Rhode Island Question 2, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (2018)
Utah Nonbinding Opinion Question 1, 10 Cents per Gallon Gas Tax Increase for Education and Local Roads (2018)
Alabama Auburn University Board of Trustees, Amendment 1 (2016)
Arizona Education Finance Amendment, Proposition 123 (May 2016)
California Proposition 51, Public School Facility Bonds (2016)
California Proposition 58, Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education (2016)
Georgia Authorization of the State Government to Intervene in Failing Local Schools, Amendment 1 (2016)
Louisiana Authority of College Boards to Establish Tuition and Fees without Legislative Approval, Amendment 2 (2016)
Massachusetts Authorization of Additional Charter Schools and Charter School Expansion, Question 2 (2016)
Oregon Measure 98, State Funding for Dropout Prevention and College Readiness Initiative (2016)
South Dakota Governance of Technical Education Institutes, Constitutional Amendment R (2016)
Mississippi Public School Support Amendments, Initiative 42 and Alternative 42 (2015)
Mississippi Public School Support Amendments, Initiative 42 and Alternative 42 (2015)
Alabama Board of Education Expenditure Increase, Amendment 4 (2014)
Colorado School Board Open Meetings, Proposition 104 (2014)
Georgia Private College Buildings Tax Exemption, Referendum 1 (2014)
Hawaii State Funding for Private Early Childhood Education Programs, Amendment 4 (2014)
Missouri Teacher Performance Evaluation, Amendment 3 (2014)
Nevada Margin Tax for Public Schools Initiative, Question 3 (2014)
New Mexico Capital Expenditures for Higher, Tribal and Special Education, Bond Question C (2014)
New Mexico Dates for School Elections, Amendment 1 (2014)
New Mexico Student on Board of Regents, Amendment 2 (2014)
North Dakota Commission of Higher Education Amendment, Measure 3 (2014)
North Dakota School Year Begins After Labor Day Initiative, Measure 8 (2014)
Oregon Measure 86, Fund for Post-Secondary Education Amendment (2014)
Washington Class Size Reduction Measure, Initiative 1351 (2014)
Colorado Tax Increase for Education, Amendment 66 (2013)
Maine Community College System Building Upgrade Bond, Question 5 (2013)
California Proposition 38, State Income Tax Increase for Education Funding Initiative (2012)
Florida Amendment 12, Student Member of the Board of Governors of the State University System Amendment (2012)
Florida Amendment 3, State Revenue Limitation Amendment (2012)
Georgia Amendment 1, Provide for State Charter Schools Measure (2012)
Idaho Online Learning Veto Referendum, Proposition 3 (2012)
Idaho Proposition 1, Teachers Collective Bargaining Veto Referendum (2012)
Idaho Proposition 2, Teachers Collective Bargaining Veto Referendum (2012)
Maine Community College Bond Question, Question 2 (2012)
Maryland In-State Tuition Referendum, Question 4 (2012)
Missouri Amendment 2, Public Prayer and Public School Students’ Religious Expressions Measure (August 2012)
New Jersey State College Bond Issue, Public Question 1 (2012)
New Mexico Higher Education and Special Schools Bonds, Bond Question C (2012)
Oregon Measure 85, Corporate Tax Refund Redirected to Education Initiative (2012)
Washington Initiative 1240, Charter Schools Authorization Measure (2012)
Washington SJR 8223, Authorization of Public University Investments Amendment (2012)
Colorado Proposition 103, Income and Sales Tax Increase for Education Initiative (2011)
Louisiana TOPS Scholarship Program, Amendment 1 (October 2011)
Texas Education Loans Finance Amendment, Proposition 3 (2011)
Texas Proposition 6, Permanent School Fund Amendment (2011)
Alabama Special County Educational Tax Amendment, Amendment 2 (2010)
Arizona Proposition 302, Termination of Early Childhood Development and Health Board Amendment (2010)
Florida Amendment 8, Average Class Size Limitation Amendment (2010)
Hawaii Board of Education Amendment, Question 1 (2010)
Idaho University of Idaho Tuition and Fees, SJR 101 (2010)
New Mexico Bond Question C (2010)
New Mexico Bond Question D (2010)
Oklahoma State Question 744, State Funds for Common Schools Initiative (2010)
Oregon Measure 69, Bonds for Higher Education Projects Amendment (May 2010)
Rhode Island Capital Bonds for Higher Education Question, Question 2 (2010)
California Proposition 1B, Supplemental Education Appropriations Amendment (May 2009)
Maine School Consolidation Repeal and Replacement, Question 3 (2009)
Texas Proposition 4, National Research University Fund Amendment (2009)
Alabama Rainy Day Accounts, Amendment 1 (2008)
Arkansas State Lottery, Proposed Amendment 3 (2008)
California Proposition 92, Funding and Governance Changes for Community Colleges Initiative (February 2008)
Colorado Amendment 59, Spending of Excess Funds on Education Initiative (2008)
Florida Amendment 8, Sales Tax for Community College Funding Amendment (2008)
Georgia Education Taxes for Redevelopment, Amendment 2 (2008)
Missouri Proposition A, Gambling Loss Limits Initiative (2008)
Montana University System Tax Levy, LR-118 (2008)
New Mexico School Board, Amendment 1 (2008)
Oregon Measure 58, Public School English Immersion Initiative (2008)
Oregon Measure 60, Performance-Based Teachers Pay Initiative (2008)
Utah Amendment E, Create an Exception for Investing in Stocks and Bonds Measure (2008)
Maine Educational and Cultural Improvements, Question 3 (2007)
Texas Proposition 1, Angelo State University Governance Amendment (2007)
Texas Proposition 2, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (2007)
Washington HJR 4204, Simple Majority for Excess School Tax Levies Amendment (2007)
Alabama Macon County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 3 (2006)
Arizona Proposition 203, Tobacco Taxes for Early Childhood Education Initiative (2006)
Arizona Proposition 300, Prohibit Education Financial Assistance and In-State Tuition for Non-Citizens Measure (2006)
Arkansas Higher Education Technology and Facility Bonds, Referred Question 1 (2006)
California Proposition 1D, Education Facility Repairs and Upgrades Bond Measure (2006)
California Proposition 81, Local Libraries Bond (June 2006)
California Proposition 82, Free Half-Day Public Preschool Program Initiative (June 2006)
California Proposition 88, Statewide $50 Parcel Tax Initiative (2006)
Colorado Amendment 39, School District Spending Initiative (2006)
Colorado Referendum J, School District Spending Measure (2006)
Hawaii Board of Regents Candidates Act, Amendment 1 (2006)
Idaho Increase Funding for Education Initiative, Initiative 1 (2006)
Louisiana Central Community School System Act, Amendment 8 (2006)
Louisiana Endowed Funds of Colleges and Universities Act, Amendment 10 (September 2006)
Louisiana School Board Financial Burden Prohibition, Amendment 9 (September 2006)
Michigan Proposal 06-5, School Funding Initiative (2006)
Nebraska Amendment 5, Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund Measure (2006)
Nebraska Referendum Measure 422, Dissolution of Class I School Districts Referendum (2006)
Nevada Question 1, Education Funding Initiative (2006)
Nevada Question 9, University Board of Regents Amendment (2006)
New Mexico Higher Education Capital Improvements and Acquisitions Bonds, Question B (2006)
North Dakota Common Schools Trust Fund, Constitutional Measure 1 (2006)
Ohio Issue 3, Casino Gambling for Education and Government Funding Initiative (2006)
Rhode Island Question 4, Higher Education Bonds Act (2006)
South Dakota Definition of First Day of School, Initiative 3 (2006)
Wyoming Permanent Fund, Constitutional Amendment C (2006)
Arkansas Higher Education Bonds, Referred Question 2 (December 2005)
California Proposition 74, Changes to Public School Teacher Employment Initiative (2005)
Maine Higher Education Campuses Improvements, Question 6 (2005)
Arizona Proposition 102, State Licensing of Technology Amendment (2004)
Arizona Proposition 105, State Board of Education Amendment (2004)
Arkansas School Property Tax Increase, Referred Question 1 (2004)
California Proposition 55, School and College Facilities Measure (March 2004)
Maine School Finance and Tax Reform Carry-over, Question 1 (2004)
Nevada Question 1, Public School Funding Initiative (2004)
Nevada Question 2, Per Pupil Expenditure Initiative (2004)
North Carolina Use of Collected Fines and Civil Penalties Amendment (2004)
Oklahoma State Question 705, State Lottery for Education Measure (2004)
Oklahoma State Question 706, Education Lottery Trust Fund Amendment (2004)
Rhode Island Question 4, School Bonds (2004)
Rhode Island Question 5, Higher Education Residence Hall Bonds (2004)
South Dakota School Services for all Children, Amendment B (2004)
Utah Amendment 2, Allow State and Higher Education Institutions to Exchange Intellectual Property for Private Stock Measure (2004)
Washington Initiative 884, Sales Tax Increase for Education Trust Fund Measure (2004)
Washington Referendum 55, Charter School Authorization Measure (2004)
Wyoming School Revenue Limit, Question A (2004)
Alabama Amendment 1 (2003)
Louisiana Education Act, Ballot Measure 4 (October 2003)
Louisiana Lottery Proceeds for Education Act, Ballot Measure 9 (October 2003)
Maine University, Community College, Maritime Academy and State Library Improvements, Question 5 (2003)
Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, Amendment 1 (2003)
New Mexico Amendment 1, Creation of a Public Education Commission (September 2003)
New Mexico Amendment 2, Public Education Funding Act (September 2003)
New York Proposal 2, Small City School Districts Excluded from Debt Limits (2003)
Alabama Education Trust Fund Amendment (June 2002)
Alaska Educational and Museum Facilities, Bonding Proposition C (2002)
Arizona Proposition 104, Exemption of Funds for Education Expenditure Limitations Amendment (2002)
Arizona Proposition 300, Permanent State School Fund Earnings for Classroom Fund Measure (2002)
California Proposition 47, School Construction Bond Measure (2002)
California Proposition 49, Increase Funding for Before and After School Programs Initiative (2002)
Colorado Amendment 31, English Language Education Initiative (2002)
Florida Amendment 11, Administration of the State University System Initiative (2002)
Florida Amendment 8, 4-Year-Old Pre-Kindergarten Initiative (2002)
Florida Amendment 9, Funding for Limited Class Sizes Initiative (2002)
Hawaii Question 2, Allow Bonds for Non-Profit Private Schools and Colleges Amendment (2002)
Maine School Revolving Renovation Fund, Sprinkler Grants and Homeless Center for Teenagers, Question 1 (2002)
Massachusetts Question 2, English in Public Education Initiative (2002)
Nebraska Amendment 1, Repeal English Language Requirement in Private Schools Measure (2002)
Nevada Question 7, State Debt Limit School Exemption Amendment (2002)
North Dakota Youth Initiative, Initiated Statutory Measure 3 (2002)
Oklahoma State Question 704, Use of School Building Funds Amendment (2002)
Oregon Measure 10, Private Investment in Public University Technology Amendment (May 2002)
Utah Amendment 1, Allow State School Fund Dividend Spending and End Earnings Retainment Requirement Measure (2002)
Virginia Proposed Bond 1, Education Facility Projects Bond Measure (2002)
Maine Capitalize School Revolving Renovation Fund, Question 4 (2001)
Maine Public Learning Centers Improvements, Question 6 (2001)
South Dakota Healthcare and Education Trust Funds, Amendment B (April 2001)
Texas Proposition 13, Donation of School District Property Amendment (2001)
Alabama Auburn University Board of Trustees, Amendment 5 (2000)
Arizona Proposition 203, English Language Education for Public Schools Initiative (2000)
Arizona Proposition 301, Sales Tax for Education Initiative (2000)
California Proposition 14, Public Libraries Bond Measure (March 2000)
California Proposition 20, Lottery Funds for Instructional Materials Measure (March 2000)
California Proposition 26, Simple Majority Vote for Local School Bonds and Charter School Facilities Initiative (March 2000)
California Proposition 38, School Vouchers Initiative (2000)
California Proposition 39, Decrease Supermajority from Two-Thirds to 55% for School Bonds Amendment (2000)
Colorado Amendment 23, Education Funding Initiative (2000)
Colorado Referendum F, Science and Math Grants Measure (2000)
Georgia Indemnification for School Employees, Amendment 4 (2000)
Hawaii University of Hawaii Self-Governance, Amendment 1 (2000)
Idaho Public School Fund, HJR 1 (2000)
Michigan Proposal 1, School Voucher Program Initiative (2000)
Nebraska Amendment 1, Repeal English Language Requirement in Private Schools Measure (May 2000)
New Mexico Bond Issue B (2000)
North Carolina Higher Education Improvement Bonds Referendum (2000)
North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Membership, Measure 1 (2000)
Oklahoma State Question 684, School Land Trust Amendment (2000)
Oklahoma State Question 686, Contracts for College and University Presidents Amendment (2000)
Oklahoma State Question 690, School Millage Levies Amendment (2000)
Oregon Measure 1, Public School Funding and Equalization Initiative (2000)
Oregon Measure 9, Prohibition of Public School Instruction on Homosexual Behaviors Initiative (2000)
Oregon Measure 95, Student Learning as Determinate of Teacher Pay Initiative (2000)
Rhode Island Higher Education Bonds, Question 4 (2000)
South Dakota Investment of School Funds, Amendment E (2000)
Virginia Question 1, Lottery Revenue for Education Amendment (2000)
Washington Initiative 728, School Class Sizes Measure (2000)
Washington Initiative 729, Charter Schools Sponsorship Measure (2000)
Washington Initiative 732, Cost-of-Living Salary Adjustments for Teachers Measure (2000)
Alabama Popular Election of City Boards of Education, Amendment 3 (October 1999)
Louisiana Appropriations for Education, Amendment 7 (October 1999)
Louisiana Rapides Parish School Grant, Amendment 9 (October 1999)
Louisiana Zachary School System, Amendment 3 (1999)
Maine Technical Colleges Infrastructure Improvements, Question 6 (1999)
Ohio Bonds for Public Schools and Higher Education Institutions Amendment (1999)
Texas Proposition 13, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (1999)
Washington SJR 8206, School District Debt Amendment (1999)
California Proposition 1A, Public Education Facilities Bond Issue (1998)
California Proposition 223, Performance Budgeting Requirements for School Districts Initiative (June 1998)
California Proposition 227, Require English Instruction in Public Schools Initiative (June 1998)
California Proposition 8, Class Size Reduction Funding and Teacher Qualifications Initiative (1998)
Colorado Amendment 17, Income Tax Credit for Private Education Expenses and Restrict Nonpublic Education Regulations Initiative (1998)
Colorado Referendum B, Excess Funds for Transportation and Education Measure (1998)
Florida Amendment 6, Education of Children Amendment (1998)
Georgia Lottery Appropriations, Amendment 2 (1998)
Idaho Fund for School Districts, SJR 106 (1998)
Idaho Public School Permanent Endowment Fund, HJR 6 (1998)
Idaho Public School Permanent Endowment Fund, HJR 8 (1998)
Louisiana Appointment to the Board of Regents Guidelines, Amendment 2 (1998)
Louisiana Community College System, Amendment 1 (October 1998)
Louisiana Name of Board of Trustees of University of Louisiana System, Amendment 1 (1998)
Maine Vocational High Schools Capital Expenses, Question 3 (1998)
Missouri Amendment 2, Voter Approval for School Operating Levy Measure (1998)
Missouri Amendment 3, Kansas City School Operating Levy Measure (April 1998)
Missouri Amendment 4, School District Bond Limit Measure (April 1998)
Montana University System Tax Levy, LR-113 (1998)
North Dakota Higher Education Institution References, Measure 1 (1998)
Ohio Bonds for Public Schools and Higher Education Institutions Amendment (May 1998)
Ohio Sales Tax Increase for Public Schools and Homestead Tax Changes Measure (May 1998)
Oklahoma State Question 680, Use of Public Resources for Private Gain Amendment (1998)
Oklahoma State Question 681, Private Ownership of Government-Funded Research Amendment (1998)
Oregon Measure 54, Guaranteed Bonds for School Districts Amendment (1998)
Oregon Measure 55, Guaranteed Earnings on Tuition Trust Fund Amendment (1998)
Rhode Island Question 2, Higher Education Facilities Bonds (1998)
South Dakota Investment of School Funds, Amendment G (1998)
Utah Proposition 3, Specify the Purpose of Parcels of Public Land Amendment (1998)
New York School Bonds, Proposal 3 (1997)
Oregon Measure 52, Lottery Bonds for Public Schools Measure (1997)
Washington HJR 4208, Four-Year School District Tax Levies Amendment (1997)
Arkansas Uniform Property Tax for Schools, Proposed Amendment 1 (1996)
California Proposition 203, School Bond Measure (March 1996)
California Proposition 217, Income Tax Increase Initiative (1996)
Colorado Amendment 17, Parental Right to Direct Upbringing, Education, and Discipline of Children Initiative (1996)
Georgia Sales Tax for Schools, Amendment 2 (1996)
Hawaii Acquisition of School Construction Projects, Amendment 2 (1996)
Hawaii Federal Financial Aid, Amendment 3 (1996)
Kentucky Poll Tax and Separate Schools, Amendment 1 (1996)
Maine Statewide Library Information System, Question 1 (1996)
Missouri Amendment 2, School District Bond Limit Measure (August 1996)
Montana Department of Education, C-30 (1996)
Nebraska Education a Fundamental Right, Measure 411 (1996)
New Mexico Amendment 2 (1996)
North Carolina Public School Buildings Bond Measure (1996)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Membership, Measure 1 (1996)
Oklahoma State Question 671, School Superintendent Contracts Amendment (1996)
Oregon Measure 42, Standardized Testing of Public School Students Initiative (1996)
Rhode Island Question 2, Bonds for College Telecommunications (1996)
Utah Proposition 4, Permit the State to Guarantee School District Debt Amendment (1996)
Utah Proposition 5, Allow Additional Revenues to the State School Fund Amendment (1996)
Utah Proposition 6, Allow Income Tax and State School Fund to Be Used for the Higher Education System Amendment (1996)
Washington Initiative 173, Scholarship Vouchers Measure (1996)
Washington Initiative 177, Charter Schools Measure (1996)
Louisiana Baker and Rapides School Districts Amendment (October 1995)
Maine Telecommunications Infrastructure and Classroom Technology Equipment, Question 3 (1995)
Oregon Measure 21, Lottery Revenues for Education Amendment (May 1995)
Texas Proposition 1, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (1995)
Alabama Cullman City Board of Education Amendment (1994)
- Alabama Decatur City Board of Education, Amendment 3 (June 1994)
- Alabama Dothan City Board of Education, Amendment 2 (June 1994)
Alabama Recognition of Educational Contributions Amendment (1994)
California Proposition 1B, Construction and Improvement of Public Schools Bond Measure (June 1994)
California Proposition 1C, Public Colleges and Universities Facilities Bond Measure (June 1994)
Hawaii Governor Appointed Board of Education, Ballot Measure 3 (1994)
Hawaii Limit Board of Education Powers, Ballot Measure 4 (1994)
Maine Baxter School for the Deaf Safety Improvements, Question 8 (1994)
Maine Training Equipment for Technical Colleges, Question 7 (1994)
Maine University System Academic Improvements, Question 4 (1994)
Massachusetts Question 3, Methods of Assessing Student Fees Referendum (1994)
Michigan Proposal A, Taxation and School Operating Millage Rates Amendment (March 1994)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education, Measure 2 (1994)
Ohio Opportunities for Higher Education Amendment (1994)
Oklahoma State Question 665, Educational Fund Bond Guarantees and Investment Regulations Amendment (1994)
Oregon Measure 15, Maintain Funding for Schools and Community Colleges Initiative (1994)
South Dakota Educational Funds, Amendment C (1994)
Utah Proposition 2, Alter the Public School Funding System Amendment (1994)
Utah Proposition 3, Nonsectarian Religious Studies Exemption from Public Funding Restriction Amendment (1994)
California Proposition 170, Taxation and Bonds for Schools Amendment (1993)
California Proposition 174, School Voucher Program and Open Enrollment Initiative (1993)
Michigan Proposal A, Taxation and School Funding Amendment (June 1993)
Oregon Measure 1, 5% Sales Tax to Fund Public Schools Amendment (1993)
Texas Proposition 2, Allow School Districts to Opt Out of Unfunded State Educational Mandates Amendment (May 1993)
Texas Proposition 3, School District Assistance Bonds Amendment (May 1993)
Alabama Pell City Board of Education (1992)
Arizona Proposition 106, Increase Maximum School District Debt Limit Amendment (1992)
California Proposition 152, Public School Construction and Improvements Bond Measure (June 1992)
California Proposition 153, Higher Education Construction and Improvements Bond Measure (June 1992)
California Proposition 155, School Construction and Improvement Bond Measure (1992)
Colorado Amendment 6, Educational Standards and Funding Initiative (1992)
Colorado Amendment 7, School Voucher Program and Nonpublic Education Regulations Initiative (1992)
Florida Amendment 8, Funding and Bonds for Education Amendment (1992)
Georgia Boards of Education Elections, Amendment 2 (1992)
Georgia State Lottery, Amendment 1 (1992)
Illinois Fundamental Right to Education and Equality of Educational Opportunity Amendment (1992)
Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Amendment (1992)
Louisiana Board of Regents Amendment (October 1992)
Maine Tuition for Unemployed, Full-Time Technical College Students, Question 5 (1992)
Michigan Ballot Proposal C, Tax Exemptions and Property Tax Assessments Initiative (1992)
Missouri Amendment 11, Lottery Proceeds for Public Education Measure (August 1992)
Montana Levy for Technical Education, LR-109 (June 1992)
North Dakota Final Offer Resolution, Measure 3 (1992)
Virginia Question 3, Educational Institutions Bond Measure (1992)
Louisiana Board of Regents Amendment (October 1991)
Louisiana Higher Education Fund Amendment (October 1991)
Missouri Proposition B, Education Accountability and Tax Increase Measure (1991)
Oklahoma State Question 639, Replace House Bill 1017 and Education Changes Initiative (October 1991)
Texas Proposition 13, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (1991)
Texas Proposition 2, Educational Loan Bonds Amendment (August 1991)
Arizona Proposition 103, Classroom Improvement Program Amendment (1990)
Arkansas College Savings Bonds, Proposed Question Act 683 (1990)
California Proposition 121, Higher Education Facilities Bond Issue (June 1990)
California Proposition 123, Public School Construction Bond Issue (June 1990)
California Proposition 143, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (1990)
California Proposition 146, School Facilities Bond Measure (1990)
California Proposition 151, Childcare Facilities Bond Measure (1990)
Georgia Education Trust Fund, Amendment 2 (1990)
Kansas Regarding Education, Amendment 1 (1990)
Louisiana Colleges to Acquire Stock, Amendment 8 (October 1990)
Louisiana Limit Administrative Spending, Amendment 3 (October 1990)
Maine Emergency School Maintenance Problems, Question No. 3 (1990)
Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, Amendment 4 (1990)
Nebraska Referendum 1, Increase State Funding for Public Schools through Increased Sales and Income Taxes Referendum (1990)
Nevada Question 6, Corporate Tax Initiative (1990)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Fund Management (1990)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Members, Measure 3 (1990)
North Dakota Sales Tax Increase for Education, Measure 4 (1990)
Oklahoma State Question 633, State Board of Education Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 634, Property Tax Levies Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 635, Common School Fund Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 636, Compulsory School Attendance Amendment (June 1990)
Oregon Measure 11, Open Enrollment for Public Schools, Refundable Tax Credits for Non-Public Education, and Voter Approval for New Restrictions on Nonpublic Education Initiative (1990)
Oregon Measure 2, Merged School Tax Bases Amendment (1990)
Oregon Measure 5A, Change of School Finance System Advisory Measure (May 1990)
Maine Asbestos and Air Quality Hazards in State Facilities and Public Schools, Question 9 (1989)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes System Capital Improvements, Question 5 (1989)
Michigan Proposal A, School Funding Through Sales and Use Tax Increase Amendment (1989)
Michigan Proposal B, Taxation and School Funding Amendment (1989)
North Dakota Healthcare Education Program, Measure 8 (1989)
Oregon Measure 1, School District Tax Base Limits Amendment (May 1989)
Texas Proposition 21, College Savings Bonds Amendment (1989)
Washington Initiative 102, Child and Family Services Tax Measure (1989)
Alaska Community College System Initiative, Measure 3 (1988)
California Proposition 75, Public School Construction and Improvements Bond Measure (June 1988)
California Proposition 78, Higher Education Facilities Bond (1988)
California Proposition 79, Public Schools Bond (1988)
California Proposition 85, Library Construction and Renovation Bond Measure (1988)
California Proposition 94, Judges as Part-Time Teachers Amendment (1988)
California Proposition 98, Mandatory Education Spending Initiative (1988)
Georgia Commissioner of Education, Amendment 1 (1988)
Maine University System Construction and Upgrades, Question 6 (1988)
Montana Levy for Montana University, LR-106 (1988)
Nevada Question 2, State Lands and Revenue for Educational Purposes Amendment (1988)
New Mexico Bond Question: Education Capital Expenditures (1988)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education, Measure 2 (1988)
Utah Initiative C, Create State Income Tax Credit for Private Education Expenses Measure (1988)
West Virginia Uniform School Funding Amendment, Amendment 1 (1988)
Louisiana Educational Funding Amendment (1987)
Maine Maritime Academy Pier Reconstruction, Question 5 (1987)
Maine School Bus Acquisition, Question 8 (1987)
Mississippi Free Public Schools, Amendment 2 (1987)
Mississippi La Bauve Fund, Amendment 4 (1987)
Ohio State Lottery Funds for Education Amendment (1987)
Oregon Measure 2, Continue School District Property Taxes Amendment (May 1987)
Washington HJR 4220, Property Tax Levy for School Construction Amendment (1987)
Arizona Proposition 101, Increase in School District Spending Limit Amendment (1986)
California Proposition 53, Green-Hughes School Building Bond Measure (1986)
California Proposition 56, Public Higher Education Bond Measure (1986)
Kansas Public Education, Amendment 5 (1986)
Kentucky Establishes a State Board of Education, Amendment 1 (1986)
Maine School Compliance with Educational Reform Law and Mental Health Institute Activity Building, Bond Issue 4 (1986)
Maine University System Facilities Upgrade, Bond Issue 9 (1986)
Massachusetts Question 2, Public Funds for Private Schools Amendment (1986)
Mississippi Educational Trust Fund, Amendment 1 (1986)
Nebraska School Consolidation, Referendum 1 (1986)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Board of Regents Membership (1986)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Expand State Board of Education (1986)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Recall of School Board Members (1986)
New Mexico Bond Act: Educational Capital Improvements (1986)
North Carolina Higher Education Facilities Bonds Amendment (1986)
Oklahoma State Question 599, Investment of School Funds Amendment (August 1986)
South Dakota Loan of Nonsectarian Textbooks, Amendment C (1986)
Utah Proposition 3, Restructure the Education Article Amendment (1986)
Washington HJR 55, Excess Tax Levies for School Districts Amendment (1986)
West Virginia Better School Buildings Amendment, Amendment 2 (1986)
West Virginia School Board Members Amendment, Amendment 6 (1986)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes Equipment and Land Purchases, Bond Issue 7 (1985)
New York Real Estate Taxes and School Districts, Proposal 5 (1985)
Oregon Measure 1, Sales Tax for Education and Other Tax Reductions Amendment (September 1985)
Texas Proposition 4, Land for Permanent School Fund Amendment (1985)
Washington HJR 22, Voter Approval of Excess School Tax Levies Amendment (1985)
California Proposition 26, Construction and Improvement of Public Schools Bond Measure (1984)
Florida Amendment 8, Levy on Gross Receipts for Public Education Construction Amendment (1984)
Georgia Appointment of State School Superintendent, Amendment 3 (1984)
Iowa School Money, Amendment 2 (1984)
Maine University Buildings, Bond Issue 3 (1984)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes Buildings and Maritime Academy Tugboat, Bond Issue 1 (1984)
Minnesota School Fund Investment Restrictions, Amendment 2 (1984)
- New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Issuance of Bonds for Educational Institutions (1984)
North Dakota Junior College Control Initiative, Measure 4 (1984)
North Dakota Minot State College Name Change Referendum, Measure 3 (1984)
Oklahoma State Question 572, School District Indebtedness Amendment (1984)
Oklahoma State Question 578, School Equalization Fund Amendment (August 1984)
South Dakota School After Labor Day, Initiative 2 (1984)
Texas Proposition 2, Higher Education Assistance Fund Amendment (1984)
Utah Proposition 4, Change the Revenue Sources for the Funding of the Public School System Amendment (1984)
West Virginia Amendment 3, Prayer or Private Contemplation in Public Schools Measure (1984)
West Virginia Better Schools, Road and Public Works Amendment, Amendment 4 (1984)
Alabama Lauderdale County School Tax Amendment (March 1982)
Alabama University of Alabama Trustees Amendment (March 1982)
Arizona Proposition 104, State Board of Education Reorganization Amendment (1982)
California Proposition 1, School Construction and Improvement Bond Measure (1982)
California Proposition 9, Textbook Loan Program Amendment (1982)
Maine Higher Education Loans to Parents, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1982)
Massachusetts Question 1, Public Funding for Private Schools and Organizations Amendment (1982)
Mississippi State Board of Education, Amendment 1 (1982)
Missouri Amendment 4, Maximum School Taxes Rate Measure (August 1982)
Missouri Proposition C, School and Highway Tax Initiative (1982)
North Carolina Bonds for Higher Education Facilities Amendment (June 1982)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Nominating Committee Referendum, Measure 5 (1982)
North Dakota School Trust Fund Deposit and Use Referendum, Measure 3 (1982)
South Dakota Fines and Interest Rates on School Land Sales, Amendment B (1982)
West Virginia Fair Education Opportunity Amendment, Amendment 1 (1982)
Wisconsin Question 6, Repeal of Draft Exemption Fund Collection Amendment (1982)
- Wyoming State Education Levy, Amendment 2 (1982)
Alaska Improvements for Education, Bonding Proposition G (1980)
Arkansas Equal Educational Opportunity, Initiated Act 1 (1980)
Georgia Debt for Educational Facilities, Amendment 2 (1980)
Georgia Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits, Amendment 15 (1980)
Georgia Taxes for School Uniforms, Amendment 4 (1980)
Georgia Tuition Reimbursement for Teachers, Amendment 3 (1980)
Louisiana Higher Education Board Student Members Amendment (1980)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes and Maritime Academy Improvements, Referendum Question (1980)
Massachusetts Question 3, Tax Limits and School Aid Initiative (1980)
Michigan Proposal A, School Funding and Elderly Property Tax Break Initiative (1980)
Michigan Proposal C, Tax Revision, Lottery Funds, and "Rainy Day" Fund Amendment (1980)
Nebraska Public Education Financing, Amendment 4 (1980)
Nevada Question 4, Investment of Revenue for Educational Purposes Amendment (1980)
New Mexico Referendum: Number of School Board Members in Large Districts (1980)
Oklahoma State Question 546, School District Emergency Levy Amendment (1980)
Oklahoma State Question 548, School District Indebtedness Limit Amendment (1980)
Oregon Measure 1, Repeal Election of Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1980)
Oregon Measure 3, Oil and Gas Taxes for Common School Fund Amendment (1980)
California Proposition 1, Desegregation Busing Court Orders Amendment (1979)
Louisiana State Board of Education Amendment (1979)
Alaska University of Alaska Bond, Proposition 9 (1978)
Arizona Proposition 100, Increase of Public School Debt Amendment (1978)
California Proposition 1, Construction and Improvement of Public Schools Bond Measure (June 1978)
California Proposition 4, City Boards of Education Amendment (June 1978)
Florida Amendment 8, Education System Amendment (1978)
Georgia Curriculum Laboratory, Amendment 6 (1978)
Georgia Debt for Independent School Systems, Amendment 5 (1978)
Georgia Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits, Amendment 17 (1978)
Georgia Retirement Systems and Education Scholarships, Amendment 2 (1978)
Georgia School Merger Requirements, Amendment 33 (1978)
Hawaii Board of Education, Amendment 19 (1978)
Hawaii Discrimination and Hawaiian Studies, Amendment 20 (1978)
Hawaii University Board of Regents, Amendment 21 (1978)
Maine Cost-Sharing Taxes for Education, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 6 (1978)
Maine Northern Vocational-Technical Institute Dormitory, Referendum Question (1978)
Massachusetts Question 6, No Discrimination for Public School Admittance Amendment (1978)
Michigan Proposal H, Education Voucher Program and School Funding Initiative (1978)
Mississippi Segregation, Amendment 4 (1978)
Montana Levy to Support University System, LR-75 (1978)
Nebraska Financial Support for Public Schools, Referendum 1 (1978)
Oklahoma State Question 526, Remove Segregated Public School System Section Amendment (1978)
Washington Initiative 350, Restriction on Student Busing Measure (1978)
West Virginia School Levy and Bond Amendment, Amendment 2 (1978)
- Wyoming Equal Funding for Schools, Amendment 2 (1978)
Maine Leavitt Hall at Maine Maritime Academy Renovation, Referendum Question No. 2 (1977)
Maine University Construction and Renovations, Referendum Question No. 3 (1977)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes Construction Projects, Referendum Question No. 4 (1977)
New York Filling Vacancies on the Board of Education, Proposition 8 (1977)
Virginia Educational Institutions Bond Measure (1977)
Alaska Proposition 4, Public Funds for Student Financial Aid to Attend Private Education Institutions Amendment (1976)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 8 (1976)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 12 (1976)
Arizona Proposition 102, State Board of Education Amendment (1976)
Arizona Proposition 103, Governor's Appointments of Regents to Universities Amendment (1976)
California Proposition 1, Construction of Public Schools Bond Measure (June 1976)
California Proposition 4, Public Community College Facilities Bond Measure (June 1976)
California Proposition 4, University of California Competitive Bidding and Admission Amendment (1976)
California Proposition 8, Count Superintendents of Schools Amendment (1976)
Georgia Donation of Books, Amendment 27 (1976)
Georgia Free University Courses for Seniors, Amendment 23 (1976)
Georgia Medical School Loans, Amendment 12 (1976)
Maine Veterans' Mortgage Loans and School Building Authority Bond Issue Adjustments (1976)
Missouri Amendment 5, Repeal Segregated Schools Measure (August 1976)
Missouri Amendment 7, Student Assistance Measure (August 1976)
Nebraska Student Loans and Grants, Amendment 6b (1976)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Qualifications and Compensation Referendum, Amendment 1 (1976)
North Dakota Boards of Education Referendum, Amendment 5 (1976)
Oklahoma State Question 521, Establish Institutions to Support the Deaf and Blind Amendment (April 1976)
Washington SJR 137, Two-Year Excess School Taxes Amendment (1976)
Maine University Housing Renovation, Referendum Question No. 1 (1975)
Texas Proposition 4, Education Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
Washington HJR 19, State Financial Assistance for Students of Public, Private, and Religious Schools Amendment (1975)
Washington Initiative 314, Corporate Excise Tax to Reduce School Levies Measure (1975)
Alaska Library Construction Bond, Proposition 3 (1974)
Alaska Rural School Construction Bond, Proposition 9 (1974)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 10 (1974)
Arizona Proposition 103, School District Debt Limit Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 1, Public Schools Improvements Bond Measure (1974)
California Proposition 14, Members of the California State University and College System Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 16, State Tuition Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 3, Postsecondary Education Commission Civil Service Exemption Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 4, Regents of the University of California Amendment (1974)
Colorado Amendment No. 8, Prohibition of Bussing Students to Achieve Racial Balance Initiative (1974)
Florida Amendment 1, School Construction Program Supported by Bonds Amendment (1974)
Kansas Board of Education, Amendment 4 (1974)
Maine School Building Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1974)
Maryland Question 14, State Funding for Nonpublic School Equipment, Materials, and Transportation Referendum (1974)
Massachusetts Question 3, Aid to Private Higher Educational Institutions Amendment (1974)
Nebraska Public School Support, Referendum 1 (1974)
Nebraska University Board of Regents Membership, Amendment 1 (1974)
New Mexico Referendum: Creation of Student Loans for the Healing Arts (1974)
Oregon Measure 1, State Income and Corporate Tax Increase for Education Measure (May 1974)
Oregon Measure 3, School District Tax Base Limitations Amendment (May 1974)
Virginia Higher Education Grants and Contracts for Services from Higher Education Institutions Amendment (1974)
Wyoming Statewide School Levy, Amendment 3 (1974)
North Carolina School Facilities Bonds Referendum (1973)
Oregon Measure 1, Revision of Taxes for Education Amendment (May 1973)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 6 (1972)
Alaska University Bond, Proposition 4 (1972)
California Proposition 1, Community College Facilities Bond Measure (1972)
California Proposition 2, School Improvements Bond Measure (June 1972)
California Proposition 21, Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Imbalances in Schools Initiative (1972)
California Proposition 5, Appointments to the Regents of the University of California Amendment (June 1972)
California Proposition 5, School Districts Actions Amendment (1972)
Colorado Amendment No. 12, Tax Levies and School Financing Initiative (1972)
Colorado Amendment No. 2, Establishment of a Student Loan Program Amendment (1972)
Colorado Amendment No. 4, Administration of the University of Colorado System Amendment (1972)
Florida Amendment 2, Bonds for Student Loans Amendment (March 1972)
Florida Amendment 4, Motor Vehicle Licensing Revenue for Education Amendment (1972)
Florida Equal Opportunity Education, Straw Poll 2 (March 1972)
Florida Forced Busing, Straw Poll 1 (March 1972)
Florida School Prayer Straw Ballot Measure (March 1972)
Georgia Educational Loan Program, Amendment 11 (1972)
Georgia Employee Educational Grants, Amendment 15 (1972)
Georgia Taxes for School Personnel and Facilities, Amendment 12 (1972)
Georgia Tuition Grants for Children of Veterans, Amendment 13 (1972)
Idaho SJR 124, Compulsory Public School Attendance Amendment (1972)
Louisiana Orleans Parish School Board Amendment (1972)
Louisiana Vocational Education Tax Amendment (1972)
Maine University Classroom Expansion and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 2 (1972)
Maine Vocational Technical and Reservation Schools Funding, Referendum Question No. 1 (1972)
Maryland Question 18, State Voucher Program Referendum (1972)
Massachusetts Question 4, Loans for Higher Education Amendment (1972)
Massachusetts Question 9, Voluntary Recitation of Prayer in Public Schools Advisory Question (1972)
Michigan Proposal C, Property Taxes and School Funding Initiative (1972)
Nebraska Education Provisions, Amendment 10 (1972)
Nebraska Educational Funds, Amendment 16 (May 1972)
North Dakota Ellendale Branch Repeal Referendum, Amendment 2 (1972)
Oklahoma State Question 487, Tax Levy for School Districts Amendment (1972)
Oklahoma State Question 490, Allowable Loan for School Funds Amendment (August 1972)
Oregon Measure 9, Prohibition of Property Taxes for Education Initiative (1972)
South Carolina Establishment of a State Board of Education, Amendment 6 (1972)
Texas Proposition 14, County Permanent School Fund Amendment (1972)
Utah Proposition 3, Delete Requirement that Cities Have Separate School Districts Amendment (1972)
Washington Referendum 31, Community Colleges Bond Measure (1972)
Wisconsin Question 3, Public School Building Use Amendment (April 1972)
Wisconsin Question 4, School Release for Religious Instruction Amendment (April 1972)
Maine Higher Education Loans, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1971)
Oklahoma State Question 481, School and Educational Funds Amendment (December 1971)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 1 (1970)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 11 (1970)
California Proposition 1, University Health Science Buildings Bond Measure (June 1970)
California Proposition 4, Public School Appropriations Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 5, Meetings of the Board of Regents Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 6, Boards of Education Amendment (June 1970)
California Proposition 6, Investment of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 7, Speaker of the Assembly and the State College System Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 8, Civil Service Exemption for Deputy Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 9, Boards of Education Amendment (1970)
Florida Amendment 7, Taxes for Capital Improvement Purposes for Schools Amendment (1970)
Georgia Educational Grants and Scholarships, Amendment 5 (1970)
Hawaii Board of Education, Proposition 1 (1970)
Hawaii Superintendent, Proposition 2 (1970)
Louisiana Board of Supervisors Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Creation of New Educational Institutions Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Orleans Parish School Board Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Rapides Parish School District Amendment (1970)
Maine Bond Interest for York County Vocational Education Center, Referendum Question No. 1 (1970)
Maine Gould Academic Building Appropriations Use, Referendum Question No. 4 (1970)
Maine School Building Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1970)
Maine University Classroom Expansion and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 3 (1970)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes and Boys Training Center Funding, Referendum Question No. 2 (1970)
Michigan Proposal C, Prohibit Public Funds to Non-Public Schools Initiative (1970)
Nebraska Board of Trustees of Higher Education, Amendment 14 (1970)
Nebraska Bonds for Universities, Amendment 5 (1970)
Nebraska Educational Trust Funds, Amendment 11 (1970)
Nebraska Private School Grants, Amendment 12 (1970)
New Mexico Referendum: Board of Regents of State Educational Institutions (1970)
New Mexico Referendum: School Fund Levy (1970)
New Mexico Referendum: Student Loan Programs (1970)
North Carolina Escheated Property for Higher Education Aid Amendment (1970)
Oklahoma State Question 475, Prohibition of School Segregation Amendment (September 1970)
Oregon Measure 10, New Property Tax Bases for Schools Initiative (1970)
Oregon Measure 6, School Property Tax Equalization Amendment (May 1970)
Oregon Measure 7, Bonds for School Districts Amendment (1970)
South Dakota School Lands, Amendment H (1970)
Alabama State Education Lands, Amendment 7 (1969)
Alabama State education Oversight, Amendment 1 (1969)
Florida Revenue Bonds for Higher Education Facilities Amendment (1969)
Maine Educational Facilities and Land Acquisition, Referendum Question No. 9 (1969)
Maine Foundation Program School Subsidies, Referendum Question No. 4 (1969)
Maine School, Technical and Vocational Centers Construction, Referendum Question No. 7 (1969)
Maine State Guaranteed Loans for Private Colleges, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1969)
Maine State Insured School Building Authority Loans, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1969)
Maine University Classroom Expansion and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 1 (1969)
Texas Student Loans Funding Amendment (August 1969)
Wisconsin Question 3, State Control and Funding of Vocational Education (April 1969)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1968)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 6 (1968)
Arkansas Public Education Age Restriction, Proposed Amendment 53 (1968)
California Proposition 2, Junior College Facilities Bond Measure (June 1968)
California Proposition 3, School Facilities Bond Measure (1968)
Florida Allow School Board Appointment of Superintendents Amendment (May 1968)
Georgia Funds for School Lunch, Amendment 4 (1968)
Georgia Medical School Loans, Amendment 10 (1968)
Georgia Revenue Bonds for Student Loans, Amendment 8 (1968)
Georgia Scholarships for Children of First Responders, Amendment 7 (1968)
Louisiana Higher Education Council Amendment (1968)
Louisiana State Board of Education Amendment (1968)
Maine Farmington State College Women's Dormitories, Referendum Question No. 2B (1968)
Maine Maritime Academy Dormitories, Referendum Question No. 2A (1968)
Maine Native American Reservation School, Water and Sewage Facilities, Referendum Question No. 1 (1968)
Montana Levy for University Support, R-65 (1968)
Nebraska Long-term Student Loans, Amendment 13 (1968)
Nebraska Membership of University Regents, Amendment 7 (1968)
Nebraska Renaming Normal Schools, Amendment 2 (1968)
North Dakota Higher Education Costs Referendum, Number 1 (1968)
Oklahoma State Question 442, Investment of School Funds Amendment (August 1968)
Oregon Measure 3, Bonds for Higher Education Amendment (May 1968)
South Dakota Appointment of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment E (1968)
South Dakota Reinvestment of School Funds, Amendment D (1968)
South Dakota School District Reorganization, Referendum 2(1968)
Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bond Measure (1968)
Maine College and Vocational-Technical Classroom Facilities, Referendum Question No. 2 (1967)
Maine Colleges and Vocational-Technical Institutes Student Housing and Dining, Referendum Question No. 4 (1967)
Maine Fort Kent State College Multi-Purpose Building, Referendum Question No. 1 (1967)
Maine Higher Education Loans, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1967)
Maine School, Technical and Vocational Centers Construction, Referendum Question No. 6 (1967)
Maine University Classroom Facilities Expansion, Referendum Question No. 4 (1967)
Maine University Research and Advanced Study Building, Referendum Question No. 7 (1967)
Wisconsin Question 7, Transportation for Private School Students Amendment (April 1967)
Alabama School District Formation, Amendment 5 (1966)
Alaska High School Construction Bond, Proposition 7 (1966)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1966)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 4 (1966)
Arkansas School District Reorganization, Initiated Act 1 (1966)
California Proposition 1, Public School Buildings Bond Measure (June 1966)
California Proposition 2, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (1966)
California Proposition 4, Approval Percentage for Bond Issues About Schools and Libraries Amendment (1966)
Florida Amendment 2, Appointive County Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1966)
Georgia Area and Vocational Schools, Amendment 1 (1966)
Georgia Educational Funding, Amendment 4 (1966)
Georgia Election of County Boards of Education, Amendment 6 (1966)
Georgia Funds for Vocational Education, Amendment 13 (1966)
Georgia Medical Loan Repayment, Amendment 15 (1966)
Missouri Amendment 2, School District Property Tax Measure (January 1966)
Nebraska Board of Education Membership, Amendment 4 (1966)
Nebraska Contracts for Private Schools, Amendment 3 (1966)
Nebraska Educational Fund Investment, Amendment 12a (1966)
Nebraska Transportation for Private Schools, Amendment 6 (1966)
New York Contract Indebtedness for the Buffalo City School District, Amendment 9 (1966)
New York State Lotteries for Education, Amendment 7 (1966)
North Dakota County Superintendents Referendum, Number 2 (1966)
North Dakota School Board Proceedings Publication Initiative, Number 5 (1966)
Oklahoma State Question 428, Integrated Schools Amendment (May 1966)
Oklahoma State Question 434, Establishment of Vocational Education School Districts Amendment (May 1966)
Oregon Measure 2, Bonds for Educational Facilities Amendment (1966)
Oregon Measure 2, Selecting Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (May 1966)
Texas Proposition 3, Arlington State College Amendment (1966)
Washington Referendum 14, Bonds for Public School Facilities Measure (1966)
West Virginia Better Schools Amendment, Amendment 5 (1966)
Maine Boys' Training Center, State Prison and Stevens School, Referendum Question No. 5 (1965)
Maine Teachers Colleges and Vocational-Technical Schools Student Housing and Dining, Referendum Question No. 1 (1965)
Maine University Capital Improvements, Referendum Question No. 4 (1965)
Maine University Housing, Referendum Question No. 3 (1965)
Maine York County Regional Vocational Education Center, Referendum Question No. 6 (1965)
Ohio Guarantees of High Education Loans Amendment (May 1965)
Ohio Tax Increase for School Foundation Program Amendment (May 1965)
Oklahoma State Question 430, Ability to Enact Property Tax Levy for School Districts Amendment (September 1965)
Texas Proposition 1, Improvements for Institutions of Higher Education Amendment (1965)
Texas Proposition 6, Student Loans and the Texas Opportunity Plan Fund Amendment (1965)
Arizona Proposition 101, Education Board Composition Amendment (1964)
Arizona Proposition 103, State School Fund Amendment (1964)
Arkansas Community College and Technical School Districts, Proposed Amendment 57 (1964)
California Proposition 10, Maintenance of Monetary Fund Amendment (1964)
California Proposition 2, Facilities Bond Measure (1964)
California Proposition 3, Public School Buildings Bond Measure (1964)
California Proposition 7, Investment of Public Pensions and Retirements Funds Amendment (1964)
Colorado Proposal No. 2, Allow County Voters to Abolish County Superintendents Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 2, Terms of Office for Boards of College and Universities Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 3, Motor Vehicle Licensing Revenue for School Purposes Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 4, Use of State School Funds Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 5, Appointments of County Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 6, Taylor County Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1964)
Georgia Dental Student Loans, Amendment 5 (1964)
Georgia Medical Loan Repayment, Amendment 10 (1964)
Georgia State Scholarship Commission, Amendment 2 (1964)
Georgia Student Loan Program, Amendment 4 (1964)
Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 1 (1964)
North Carolina Public School Facilities Bonds Referendum (1964)
North Dakota Agricultural and Educational Funding Separation, Referendum 1 (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 421, Levy for School Districts Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 422, State Aid to School Districts Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 423, School Districts Disorganization Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 424, County Superintendents Initiative (1964)
Oregon Measure 1, Bonds for Education Building Program Amendment (May 1964)
Texas Proposition 1, Permanent School Fund Transfer Amendment (1964)
Washington Referendum 12, Public School Facilities Bond Measure (1964)
Florida Amendment 2, Bonds for Higher Learning Capital Outlay Amendment (1963)
Maine Maritime Academy Dining Facility, Referendum Question No. 1 (1963)
Maine State Teachers Colleges Student Housing, Referendum Question No. 3 (1963)
North Dakota School District Taxes, Referendum 5 (1963)
Pennsylvania Question 1, State Higher Education Loans Amendment (1963)
Alaska Proposition 1, University Construction Bond Measure (1962)
Alaska Proposition 2, School Construction Bond Measure (1962)
Alaska Proposition 4, Vocational School Bond Measure (1962)
Arkansas Free Public Education, Proposed Amendment 51 (1962)
Arkansas Public School Fund, Initiated Act 1 (1962)
California Proposition 1, Educational Buildings Bond Measure (June 1962)
California Proposition 13, Non-Profit College Grounds Tax Exemption Amendment (1962)
California Proposition 1A, State College, Junior College University, and Healthcare Facilities Bond Measure (1962)
California Proposition 24, Restrictions Based on a World Communist Movement Initiative (1962)
Florida Amendment 2, Appointment of Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1962)
Georgia Amendment 1, "Freedom from Compulsory Association in Public Education" Measure (1962)
Georgia Repayment of Medical Loans, Amendment 8 (1962)
Georgia Taxes for School Lunches, Amendment 13 (1962)
Maine Educational Television Network, Referendum Question (1962)
North Dakota Agricultural and Educational Funding Separation, Referendum 2 (1962)
Oregon Measure 10, Repeal of School District Reorganization Initiative (1962)
Texas Proposition 12, State Employees as Consultants, Advisors, or Members of School Boards Amendment (1962)
Texas Proposition 13, Independent School District Taxes and Bonds Amendment (1962)
Alabama University Board of Trustees, Amendment 7 (1961)
Maine State Teachers College Student Housing, Referendum Question No. 2 (1961)
New York State Liability of Construction of Buildings at Universities, Amendment 6 (1961)
North Carolina Community College Improvement Bonds Referendum (1961)
North Carolina Correctional Schools Improvement Bonds Referendum (1961)
North Carolina Educational Institutions Improvement Bonds Referendum (1961)
Alaska Proposition 3, Vocational Education Bond Measure (1960)
Alaska Proposition 4, University Bond Measure (1960)
Arizona Proposition 100, University Faculty Exemptions Amendment (1960)
Arkansas Free Education for All Children, Proposed Amendment 52 (1960)
California Proposition 2, School Buildings, Equipment, and Housing Bond Measure (June 1960)
California Proposition 3, Bond Issues and Legislative Members of the State Allocation Board Amendment (June 1960)
Georgia Board of Regents Membership, Amendment 10 (1960)
Georgia Education Tax Levy Limits, Amendment 5 (1960)
Georgia Funds for School Lunch, Amendment 11 (1960)
Georgia Physician Scholarships, Amendment 14 (1960)
Georgia Repayment of Medical Loans, Amendment 13 (1960)
Georgia State Board of Education, Amendment 3 (1960)
Georgia Vocational Schools, Amendment 15 (1960)
Illinois Bond Issue for Education (1960)
Michigan Proposal No. 1, Funding and Taxes for Schools Amendment (1960)
Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 9 (1960)
North Dakota Agricultural College Name Change Initiative, Amendment 3 (1960)
Oklahoma State Question 393, Capital Improvements for Higher Education Amendment (July 1960)
Maine University Housing, Referendum Question No. 3 (1959)
Michigan Proposal No. 2, Name of the Governing Body of Michigan State University Amendment (April 1959)
Michigan Proposal No. 3, Board of Governors for Wayne State University Amendment (April 1959)
New York City Bond for School Construction, Amendment 4 (1959)
North Carolina Referendum 1, Educational Institution Improvement Bonds Referendum (October 1959)
North Carolina Referendum 3, Community College Improvement Bonds Referendum (October 1959)
Pennsylvania Question 2, School District Debt Limits Amendment (1959)
Alabama Marion County School Provisions, Amendment 2 (1958)
Alabama Marion County School Provisions, Amendment 2 (November, 1958)
Arizona Proposition 200, Rename Arizona State College to Arizona State University Initiative (1958)
California Proposition 10, Taking of Property for Schools and Airports Amendment (1958)
California Proposition 13, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1958)
California Proposition 16, Removal of Tax Exemption for Religious Schools Initiative (1958)
California Proposition 2, Schools for Physically or Mentally Handicapped Children Bond Measure (1958)
California Proposition 3, State Educational, Mental, and Correctional Institutions Bond Measure (1958)
Georgia Establishment of Colleges, Amendment 11 (1958)
Georgia Physician Scholarships, Amendment 7 (1958)
Georgia Scholarships for Employee Education, Amendment 3 (1958)
Georgia State School Lunch Tax, Amendment 14 (1958)
Georgia Student Scholarships, Amendment 2 (1958)
Georgia Teacher Scholarships, Amendment 6 (1958)
Montana Indebtedness of High School Districts, Amendment 1 (1958)
Montana University of Montana Levy, R-61 (1958)
New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1958)
North Dakota Change Name of Agricultural College, Initiative 4 (1958)
North Dakota School District Reorganization, Initiative 5 (1958)
North Dakota School for the Blind Construction Appropriation, Initiative 3 (1958)
Utah Amendment 4, Provide that Revenue From Mineral Deposits be Used for Public School Funding Measure (1958)
Virginia Allow County School Boards to Borrow Money from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for School Construction Amendment (1958)
Washington Referendum 10, Bonds for State Institutions Measure (1958)
Washington Substitute HJR 4, Tax Levy Periods for Schools Amendment (1958)
West Virginia Better Schools Amendment, Amendment 3 (1958)
West Virginia State Superintendent of Free Schools Amendment, Amendment 2 (1958)
Kentucky Commissioner of Education Referendum (1957)
New York State Debt for Expansion of the State University, Amendment 2 (1957)
Arizona Proposition 100, Teachers' Exchange Program Amendment (September 1956)
Arkansas Assignment of Pupils in Public Schools, Initiated Act 2 (1956)
Arkansas Federal Government Not Allowed to Exercise Power Over Public Schools (1956)
Arkansas Interposition, Proposed Amendment 47 (1956)
Arkansas School Tax Limitation, Proposed Amendment 43 (1956)
California Proposition 2, Schools Bond Measure (1956)
California Proposition 3, Educational, Mental, and Correctional Institutions Bond Measure (1956)
Florida Amendment 8, County Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1956)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 17 (1956)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 19 (1956)
Georgia Walton County School District, Amendment 57 (1956)
Minnesota Divert Mining Tax, Amendment 3 (1956)
Missouri Amendment 1, Educational Institutions Bond Measure (January 1956)
Nevada Question 3, Public School Financing Initiative (1956)
Nevada Question 4, Office of Public Instruction Amendment (1956)
North Carolina Education Expense Grants and Local School Suspension Votes Amendment (September 1956)
North Dakota Scholarship Board and Fund, Initiative 2 (1956)
North Dakota Williston Educational Institution, Referendum 6 (1956)
Oklahoma State Question 370, Common School Funds Investment Amendment (July 1956)
Oklahoma State Question 371, Board of Regents for the College for Women Amendment (July 1956)
Oklahoma State Question 372, Board of Regents for the Military Academy at Claremore Amendment (July 1956)
Wisconsin Question 1, Teacher Retirement Benefits Amendment (April 1956)
Alabama School Funding, Amendment 16 (1955)
Michigan Proposal No. 3, Loans to School Districts Amendment (April 1955)
Missouri Referendum 1, Cigarette Tax for Schools Referendum (October 1955)
Missouri Referendum 2, School Foundation Program Referendum (October 1955)
North Dakota State Loan Fund Issue (1955)
Oklahoma State Question 368, Ad Valorem Taxes for Public Schools Amendment (April 1955)
California Proposition 14, Tax Exemption for College Buildings Under Construction Amendment (1954)
California Proposition 2, School District Bond Measure (1954)
Georgia Clarke County School District, Amendment 20 (1954)
Georgia Education Section Addition, Amendment 4 (1954)
Georgia Fulton County School District Debt, Amendment 33 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 19 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 24 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 30 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 44 (1954)
Georgia Tift County School District, Amendment 45 (1954)
Louisiana Amendment 16, Racial Segregation in Public Schools Amendment (1954)
Montana Training School Bond Issue, R-58 (1954)
Nebraska Board of Educational Lands and Funds, Amendment 2 (1954)
Nevada Question 5, Legislative Funding for Public Schools Amendment (1954)
South Dakota School District Debt Limit (1954)
Utah Referendum 1, End State Operation of Dixie, Snow, and Weber State Colleges Measure (1954)
Utah Referendum 2, Discontinue Carbon College and Dispose of its Property Measure (1954)
Arizona Proposition 102, Department of Public Schools Amendment (September 1953)
Arizona Proposition 103, Removal of School Attendance Requirement for State Money Amendment (September 1953)
Kentucky Distribution and Use of School Fund, Referendum (1953)
Ohio Creation of State Board of Education Amendment (1953)
California Proposition 2, State Funding for Student Initiative (1952)
California Proposition 24, Loans and Grants for School Districts Bond Measure (1952)
California Proposition 3, Property Tax Exemption for Schools Referendum (1952)
California Proposition 9, College Taxation Exemption Amendment (1952)
Florida Amendment 1, Funds of Education Capital Projects Amendment (1952)
Georgia Appling County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1952)
Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 33 (1952)
Georgia Carroll County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 34 (1952)
Georgia Crisp County School Districts, Amendment 11 (1952)
Georgia Dodge County School Districts, Amendment 38 (1952)
Georgia Effingham County School Bonds, Amendment 46 (1952)
Georgia Fannin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 28 (1952)
Georgia Floyd County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 42 (1952)
Georgia Fulton County School District Bonds, Amendment 39 (1952)
Georgia Medical School Scholarships, Amendment 4 (1952)
Georgia Polk County Board of Education, Amendment 21 (1952)
Georgia Rockdale County School Superintendent, Amendment 44 (1952)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 30 (1952)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 32 (1952)
Georgia Troup County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 13 (1952)
Georgia Union County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 12 (1952)
Georgia Wilcox County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 29 (1952)
Minnesota School Investment Requirements, Amendment 1 (1952)
Missouri Amendment 2, School District Debt Limit Measure (1952)
Nebraska Department of Education, Amendment 4 (1952)
North Dakota Location of School for the Blind Referendum, Amendment 3 (1952)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Appointment of Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1952)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Transfer Veterans' Fund to Common School Fund Amendment (1952)
Oregon Measure Nos. 320-321, School District Reorganization Referendum (1952)
Texas Proposition 2, State Medical Education Fund Amendment (1952)
Washington HJR 8, School District Indebtedness Limits Amendment (1952)
Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Allow State Funds to Supplement Public Schools Initiative (1950)
Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Election of State Board of Education Amendment (September 1950)
Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Excise Tax for School Maintenance Initiative (September 1950)
Arizona Measure Nos. 318-319, Prohibit Racial Segregation in Public Schools Initiative (1950)
California Proposition 7, Right of Blind People to Become Chiropractors Measure (1950)
Georgia Baldwin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 5 (1950)
Georgia Board of Education Loan Authority, Amendment 4 (1950)
Georgia Chatham County Education Tax, Amendment 11 (1950)
Georgia Chatham County School Bonds, Amendment 13 (1950)
Georgia City of Atlanta School System, Amendment 23 (1950)
Georgia City of Bainbridge School System, Amendment 15 (1950)
Georgia Dawson County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 14 (1950)
Georgia Fulton County School District Bonds, Amendment 21 (1950)
Georgia Hancock County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 31 (1950)
Georgia Meriwether County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 32 (1950)
Georgia Rockdale County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1950)
Georgia Schley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 36 (1950)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 19 (1950)
Georgia Taylor County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 37 (1950)
Missouri Amendment 1, Increase of School Taxes Measure (1950)
North Dakota Removal School for the Blind Referendum, Amendment 1 (1950)
Oklahoma State Question 346, Military Academy Board of Regents Amendment (1950)
Oregon Measure Nos. 306-307, Property Tax for School Support Measure (1950)
South Dakota School District Indebtedness (1950)
Virginia School District Consolidation Amendment (1950)
Washington HJR 10, School District Indebtedness Limits Amendment (1950)
Washington Referendum 7, Bonds for School Construction Measure (1950)
Washington Referendum 9, Bonds for Public University Construction Measure (1950)
Alabama School Districts and Taxes, Amendment 8 (1949)
California Proposition 1, School District Bond Measure (1949)
Kentucky Appropriated School Funds Referendum (1949)
North Carolina School Construction Bonds Referendum (June 1949)
Arkansas School District Reorganization, Initiated Act No. 1 (1948)
Colorado Amendment 1, Elected State Board of Education Measure (1948)
Florida Amendment 2, Educational Bonds Amendment (1948)
Montana University of Montana Bonds, R-52 (1948)
Montana University of Montana Levy, R-51 (1948)
North Dakota Initiated Measure 1, Prohibit Public School Teachers Religious Dress Measure (1948)
Oklahoma State Question 327, Tax Levy for Schools Amendment (July 1948)
Oklahoma State Question 328, Board of Regents for Oklahoma Colleges Amendment (July 1948)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Qualifications to Vote in School Elections Initiative (1948)
Arkansas School District Reorganization, Initiated Act No. 1 (1946)
California Proposition 13, Allocation of Funds to the Public School System Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 16, Repeal of the Educational Poll Tax Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 3, School Pay and State Support Initiative (1946)
California Proposition 7, County Board of Education Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 8, Qualifications and Salaries of County Superintendents Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 9, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction and Associate Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1946)
Michigan Proposal No. 2, Return of Sales Tax Revenue and Educational Grants Initiative (1946)
Nebraska State Aid for Schools, Amendment 2 (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 314, Ad Valorem Tax for Schools Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 315, Common Schools Funding Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 316, Ad Valorem Tax for Schools Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 318, Textbooks for Common Schools Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 319, Tax Levy for Schools Amendment (July 1946)
Oregon Measure Nos. 304-305, Establishment of Rural School Districts and School Boards Measure (1946)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Tax for School Support Fund Initiative (1946)
Texas Proposition 1, Building Construction for John Tarleton Agricultural College Amendment (1946)
Wisconsin Question 2, Transportation for Private School Students Amendment (1946)
Georgia Chatham County School Tax, Amendment 11 (August 1945)
Georgia Fulton County Educational Tax, Amendment 10 (August 1945)
Georgia School Debt, Amendment 5 (August 1945)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Cigarette Tax for Public School Assistance Fund Measure (June 1945)
California Proposition 9, Funds for Public Elementary Schools Initiative (1944)
Missouri Amendment 1, Public School Fund Management Measure (1944)
Montana Income from Public School Funds, Amendment 1 (1944)
North Carolina Board of Education Amendment (1944)
Oklahoma State Question 310, Agricultural and Mechanical College Board of Regents Amendment (July 1944)
Oklahoma State Question 311, University of Oklahoma Board of Regents Amendment (July 1944)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Educational Aid to World War II Veterans Measure (1944)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Tax Revenues for Public School Fund Initiative (1944)
South Dakota Educational Fund Loans (1944)
South Dakota Educational and Charitable Institutions (1944)
Virginia Public School Funding from the Literary Fund Amendment (1944)
Wisconsin Question 1, Property Tax for School Aid Advisory Question (April 1944)
Georgia Board of Education, Amendment 4 (1943)
Georgia Board of Regents, Amendment 1 (1943)
Georgia Consolidation of School Districts, Amendment 10 (1943)
Georgia DeKalb County Education Tax, Amendment 18 (1943)
Georgia Spalding County Board of Education, Amendment 21 (1943)
Georgia Summerville School District Bonds, Amendment 26 (1943)
Arkansas Junior College Districts, Proposed Amendment 32 (1942)
California Proposition 12, School District and Fifth and Sixth Class Cities's Stocks in Mutual Water Companies Amendment (1942)
California Proposition 3, Board of Examiners in Basic Sciences Initiative (1942)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 1 (1942)
Missouri Amendment 1, Authorization of School Taxes Measure (1942)
Montana Create Board of Education, Amendment 1 (1942)
Montana Educational Bonds, R-46 (1942)
Montana State College Bonds, R-45 (1942)
North Carolina Board of Education Amendment (1942)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Distribution of Surplus Tax Revenues to School Districts Initiative (1942)
Texas Proposition 2, Salaries for Military Officers Amendment (1942)
Texas Proposition 3, Building Construction at John Tarleton Agricultural College Amendment (1942)
Georgia Chatham County School Tax, Amendment 42 (June 1941)
Georgia Cook County School Bonds, Amendment 56 (June 1941)
Georgia Evans County School Bonds, Amendment 57 (June 1941)
Georgia Franklin County School Bonds, Amendment 43 (June 1941)
Georgia Gwinnett County School Bonds, Amendment 47 (June 1941)
Georgia Jeff Davis County School Bonds, Amendment 12 (June 1941)
Georgia Jefferson County School Bonds, Amendment 53 (June 1941)
Georgia Jefferson County School Bonds, Amendment 60 (June 1941)
Georgia Mitchell County Board of Education Loans, Amendment 26 (June 1941)
Georgia Oglethorpe County School Bonds, Amendment 30 (June 1941)
Georgia School Bonds, Amendment 22 (June 1941)
Georgia School Bonds, Amendment 35 (June 1941)
Georgia School Superintendent Terms, Amendment 55 (June 1941)
Georgia Toombs County School Bonds, Amendment 48 (June 1941)
Georgia Washington County School Bonds, Amendment 32 (June 1941)
Georgia Wilcox County School Bonds, Amendment 13 (June 1941)
Oklahoma State Question 300, State System for Higher Education Amendment (March 1941)
Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, State Aid for Public Education Initiative (1940)
Michigan Proposal No. 1, Exceeding the Mill Limit for School Building Purposes Amendment (1940)
Montana State College Bonds, I-44 (1940)
Montana University of Montana Levy, R-42 (1940)
Nebraska Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment 1 (1940)
North Dakota Basis of Need Payments State Equalization Fund Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Earmarking Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Reallocating Basis of Need Payments Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)
Wisconsin Question 1, Teacher Tenure Law Repeal Advisory Question (April 1940)
Georgia Assumption of School Bonds, Amendment 32 (June 1939)
Georgia Johnson County Bonds, Amendment 3 (June 1939)
Georgia School District Bonds, Amendment 23 (June 1939)
Georgia Tattnall County Bonds, Amendment 4 (June 1939)
Ohio Establishment of State Board of Education Amendment (1939)
Arkansas Establish a State Board of Education, Proposed Amendment 30 (1938)
Florida Raising of Revenue for the State Amendment (1938)
Georgia Berrien County Bonded Debt, Amendment 3 (1938)
Georgia Brantley County School Tax, Amendment 5 (1938)
Georgia Floyd County School Tax, Amendment 11 (1938)
Georgia Twiggs County Bonds, Amendment 17 (1938)
Georgia Ware County Bonds, Amendment 19 (1938)
Missouri Amendment 8, Tax Assessments, Bonds and Public Education Initiative (1938)
Montana Investment of Public School Permanent Fund, Amendment 2 (1938)
Nebraska Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment 4 (1938)
Nevada State Question 1, Public School and University Tax Amendment (1938)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Initiative (1938)
Washington Initiative 126, Non-Partisan Elections for School Superintendents Measure (1938)
California Proposition 11, State Tenure Board Initiative (1936)
Georgia School Superintendent, Amendment 3 (1936)
Missouri Amendment 3, Public Funded Teachers Pensions Initiative (1936)
Oklahoma State Question 210, Board of Regents for the Agricultural and Mechanical College Amendment (1936)
Oregon Measure Nos. 306-307, Authorization of College Student Activity Fees Referendum (January 1936)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Remove Military Service Requirements for College Degrees Initiative (1936)
Arkansas Act 78, Appointed State Board of Education (1934)
California Proposition 11, State Board of Education Initiative (1934)
Michigan Proposal No. 5, Property Classification and Income Tax for Schools Initiative (1934)
Minnesota Definition of Academic Facilities, Amendment 1 (1934)
Missouri Proposition 3, Public Funded Teachers Pensions Initiative (1934)
North Dakota Maximum School Taxes Initiative (1934)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Sales Tax Increase for Education Referendum (May 1934)
Arkansas Appropriation of School Funds, Amendment 2 (1932)
California Proposition 9, School Tax Funding Initiative (1932)
Georgia Consolidation of School Districts, Amendment 6 (1932)
Georgia School Board Contracts, Amendment 3 (1932)
Oklahoma State Question 168, Taxes for School Purposes Initiative (July 1932)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Consolidating and Moving Public Higher Education Institutions Initiative (1932)
South Dakota Teachers' Colleges (1932)
Texas Proposition 8, Investment of University Funds Amendment (1932)
Washington Initiative 69, Graduated Income Tax for School Funding Measure (1932)
Oklahoma State Question 172, Board of Education and Textbooks for Schools Initiative (December 1931)
Colorado Measure 2, Elected State Board of Education Measure (1930)
Georgia Pierce County Taxes for Schools, Amendment 8 (1930)
Montana Bonds for State Educational Institutions, R-33 (1930)
Oklahoma State Question 158, State Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges Board of Regents Amendment (1930)
Oklahoma State Question 159, University of Oklahoma Board of Regents Amendment (1930)
Texas Proposition 2, Investment of the Permanent University Fund Amendment (1930)
Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Physical Education in Public Schools Referendum (1928)
Arkansas Ban on Teaching Evolution, Act 1 (1928)
California Proposition 6, State Board of Education Amendment (1928)
Colorado Elected State Board of Education, Measure 6 (1928)
Florida School Districts and Tax Levy Amendment (1928)
Idaho Loaning of Educational Funds, HJR 10 (1928)
Nebraska Control of the Schools for the Deaf and Blind, Amendment 1 (1928)
Texas Proposition 1, Appointment of the State Board of Education Amendment (1928)
Texas Proposition 2, School Officer Term Limits Amendment (1928)
Virginia Question 4, Selection of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Virginia Amendment (June 1928)
California Proposition 11, Secondary Educational Institution Taxation Exemption (1926)
California Proposition 15, School Districts Amendment (1926)
California Proposition 17, Holy Bible in Public Schools Initiative (1926)
Florida County School Funds Amendment (1926)
Georgia Higher Education Bonds, Amendment 9 (1926)
Georgia McIntosh County Education Bonds, Amendment 8 (1926)
Georgia Taxes for Education, Amendment 7 (1926)
Georgia Teacher Salaries, Amendment 5 (1926)
Montana Levy for Public Schools, R-29 (1926)
Oklahoma State Question 137, Public School Textbooks Referendum (1926)
Oklahoma State Question 145, Public School Fund and Levy Amendment (1926)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, State Normal School at Seaside Measure (1926)
Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, State Normal School in Eastern Counties Measure (1926)
Texas Proposition 2, Special School Districts Amendment (1926)
Florida Special Tax School District Bonds Amendment (1924)
Michigan Compulsory School Attendance Initiative (1924)
Missouri Amendment 15, Establish State Board of Education Measure (February 1924)
Missouri Amendment 8, Impeachment Proceeding for State Board of Education Measure (February 1924)
Montana Qualifications of County Superintendents, Amendment 1 (1924)
Nevada State Question 3, Education Lands and Funds Amendment (1924)
Washington Initiative 49, Compulsory Public School Attendance Measure (1924)
Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Uniform Public School System Amendment (1922)
California Proposition 26, School District Amendment (1922)
Colorado Location and Control of Higher Education Institutions, Measure 7 (1922)
Florida Creation of School Districts and Taxes Amendment (1922)
Missouri Proposition 12, County Board of Education Referendum (1922)
North Dakota Repeal of Teachers Minimum Training and Salary Initiative (1922)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Require Children to Attend Public School Initiative (1922)
South Dakota State University Relocation (1922)
Washington Initiative 46, School Fund Allocation and Distribution Measure (1922)
Washington Referendum 13, Physical Examination and Vaccination Requirements Measure (1922)
Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Increase Salaries of Teachers and Public Officials Amendment (1920)
California Proposition 12, State University Tax Amendment (1920)
California Proposition 16, School System Initiative (1920)
California Proposition 6, Prohibition of Required Vaccination Initiative (1920)
Colorado One-Mill Levy for State Education Institutions, Measure 7 (1920)
Idaho Increase Annual Sale of School Land, HJR 10 (1920)
Michigan Compulsory School Attendance Initiative (1920)
Montana Bonds for Educational Institutions, I-19 (1920)
Montana Interest on School Funds, Amendment 2 (1920)
Montana Levy for University Maintenance, I-18 (1920)
Nebraska Age Requirements for Industrial Schools, Amendment 24 (September 1920)
Nebraska Amendment 3, English as Official State Language Measure (September 1920)
Nebraska Boards of Education, Amendment 25 (September 1920)
Nebraska Election of University Regents, Amendment 22 (September 1920)
Nebraska Temporary School Fund, Amendment 20 (September 1920)
North Dakota Reform School Referendum (1920)
North Dakota School Funds Referendum (1920)
North Dakota Teacher Certification Initiative (1920)
Oklahoma State Question 109, Ad Valorem Tax for Common Schools Initiative (1920)
Oklahoma State Question 99, Tax for Common Schools Initiative (1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, Taxes for Higher Education Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Taxes for Educational Aid for Veterans Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Vaccination Requirement Removal Initiative (1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Taxes to Fund Elementary Schools Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Taxes to Fund School for the Blind Measure (May 1920)
North Dakota Board of Administration Referendum (1919)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Veterans' Financial Aid Measure (June 1919)
California Proposition 8, University of California Administration Amendment (1918)
Florida Maximum School Tax Amendment (1918)
Missouri Amendment 1, Affecting the Tax Rate for School Purposes Measure (1918)
Missouri Amendment 2, Revenue for School Purpose Measure (1918)
North Carolina Amendment 2, School Terms Amendment (1918)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Southern and Eastern Oregon Normal Schools Establishment and Maintenance Amendment (1918)
Texas Proposition 2, Property Tax for Schools Amendment (1918)
Colorado Investing Public School Funds, Measure 7 (1916)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 2 (1916)
North Dakota Dickinson Normal School Referendum (1916)
Oklahoma State Question 83, Taxes for Common Schools Amendment (August 1916)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, State Normal School at Pendleton Initiative (1916)
Texas Proposition 4, County Student Loan Fund Amendment (July 1915)
Texas Proposition 6, Separation of University of Texas and Agricultural College Amendment (July 1915)
California Proposition 11, University of California Building Bonds Measure (1914)
California Proposition 43, Educational Tax Exemption Amendment (1914)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 5 (1914)
Montana Consolidation of Higher Education Institutions, I-9 (1914)
Montana Levy for Education, Referendum 1 (1914)
Nebraska University Removal, Initiative 1 (1914)
North Carolina Amendment 10, Six-Month Public School Term Amendment (1914)
Oklahoma State Question 59, Taxes for Common School Amendment (August 1914)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, State Normal School at Ashland Measure (1914)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, State Normal School at Weston Amendment (1914)
South Dakota Northern Normal School Course of Study (1914)
Washington Referendum 1, Teachers' Retirement Fund Measure (1914)
Oklahoma State Question 57, Taxes for Common Schools Amendment (August 1913)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, State University Repair Fund Referendum (1913)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, University of Oregon Building Appropriations Referendum (1913)
Arkansas Free Textbooks, Act 4 (September 1912)
California Proposition 1, State Board of Education and Elementary School Textbooks Amendment (1912)
Colorado Control of Public Schools, Measure 15 (1912)
Colorado Examination of Teachers, Measure 21 (1912)
Colorado Teachers' Summer Normal School, Measure 26 (1912)
- Florida Special Tax School District Bonds Amendment (1912)
Idaho General Supervision of Educational Institutions, HJR 30 (1912)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 3 (1912)
Minnesota Qualifications for County Superintendents, Amendment 5 (1912)
Missouri Amendment 1, Free Public Schools Measure (1912)
Missouri Amendment 9, Tax Increase to Support Public Education Initiative (1912)
Nevada State Question 3, Public Land and Education Revenue Amendment (1912)
North Dakota Acquiring School Lands Referendum (1912)
Ohio Organization of Boards of Education Amendment (September 1912)
Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (September 1912)
Oklahoma State Question 45, Taxes for Common Schools Amendment (1912)
Oregon Measure Nos. 320-321, Create Board of Regents for University of Oregon and State Agricultural College Initiative (1912)
Texas Proposition 1, Board of Regents Terms of Office Amendment (1912)
California Proposition 15, Textbook Alterations Amendment (October 1911)
Michigan Funds for Primary Schools Amendment (April 1911)
Colorado Institutions of Higher Education, Referendum 5 (1910)
Missouri Amendment 11, Tax Levy to Support State University Initiative (1910)
North Dakota Minot Normal School Referendum (1910)
Oregon Measure Nos. 318-319, State Normal School at Monmouth Initiative (1910)
Oregon Measure Nos. 336-337, State Normal School at Weston Initiative (1910)
Oregon Measure Nos. 340-341, State Normal School at Ashland Initiative (1910)
Texas Proposition 1, School District Bonds Amendment (August 1909)
Texas Proposition 2, School District Boundaries Amendment (August 1909)
California Boards of Education, Amendment 24 (1908)
California Public Schools, Amendment 8 (1908)
Florida Tax for State Educational Institutions Amendment (1908)
Minnesota County Superintendent Qualifications, Amendment 4 (1908)
Montana Bond for Higher Education, Referendum 1 (1908)
Nebraska Investment of Educational Funds, Amendment 2 (1908)
North Dakota Investment of School Fund Referendum (1908)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, $125,000 for the University of Oregon Referendum (June 1908)
Arkansas State School and School District Taxes Amendment (1906)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Funding for Psychiatric Hospitals, Schools, and Prisons Referendum (June 1906)
Texas Proposition 2, Tax Exemptions for Higher Education Amendment (1906)
South Dakota Lower Interest Rate on School Funds (1902)
Wisconsin Question 2, State Superintendent Amendment (1902)
Nebraska Investment of Educational Funds, Amendment 9 (1896)
South Dakota Abolish Regents' Board of Trustees (1896)
Wisconsin Question 1, State Superintendent Salary Amendment (1896)
- Florida State School Fund Amendment (October 1894)
Washington Investment of Permanent School Fund in School District Bonds Amendment (1894)
Nevada State Question 23, Education Fund and State University Support Amendment (February 1889)
Nevada State Question 24, Nevada University and Common Schools Special Tax Amendment (February 1889)
Alabama Amendment 1, Allow Franklin County Board of Education to Manage, Sell, or Lease Land in the Franklin County School System Amendment (2024)
Alabama Amendment 1, Appointed Education Board Amendment (March 2020)
Alabama Amendment 1 (2003)
Alabama Amendment 3, Board of Trustees Membership for University of Alabama Amendment (2018)
Alabama Auburn University Board of Trustees, Amendment 1 (2016)
Alabama Auburn University Board of Trustees, Amendment 5 (2000)
Alabama Board of Education Expenditure Increase, Amendment 4 (2014)
Alabama Cullman City Board of Education Amendment (1994)
- Alabama Decatur City Board of Education, Amendment 3 (June 1994)
- Alabama Dothan City Board of Education, Amendment 2 (June 1994)
Alabama Education Trust Fund Amendment (June 2002)
Alabama Lauderdale County School Tax Amendment (March 1982)
Alabama Macon County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 3 (2006)
Alabama Marion County School Provisions, Amendment 2 (1958)
Alabama Marion County School Provisions, Amendment 2 (November, 1958)
Alabama Pell City Board of Education (1992)
Alabama Popular Election of City Boards of Education, Amendment 3 (October 1999)
Alabama Rainy Day Accounts, Amendment 1 (2008)
Alabama Recognition of Educational Contributions Amendment (1994)
Alabama School District Formation, Amendment 5 (1966)
Alabama School Districts and Taxes, Amendment 8 (1949)
Alabama School Funding, Amendment 16 (1955)
Alabama Special County Educational Tax Amendment, Amendment 2 (2010)
Alabama State Education Lands, Amendment 7 (1969)
Alabama State education Oversight, Amendment 1 (1969)
Alabama University Board of Trustees, Amendment 7 (1961)
Alabama University of Alabama Trustees Amendment (March 1982)
Alaska Community College System Initiative, Measure 3 (1988)
Alaska Educational and Museum Facilities, Bonding Proposition C (2002)
Alaska High School Construction Bond, Proposition 7 (1966)
Alaska Improvements for Education, Bonding Proposition G (1980)
Alaska Library Construction Bond, Proposition 3 (1974)
Alaska Proposition 1, University Construction Bond Measure (1962)
Alaska Proposition 2, School Construction Bond Measure (1962)
Alaska Proposition 3, Vocational Education Bond Measure (1960)
Alaska Proposition 4, Public Funds for Student Financial Aid to Attend Private Education Institutions Amendment (1976)
Alaska Proposition 4, University Bond Measure (1960)
Alaska Proposition 4, Vocational School Bond Measure (1962)
Alaska Rural School Construction Bond, Proposition 9 (1974)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 1 (1970)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1966)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1968)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 6 (1972)
Alaska School Construction Bond, Proposition 8 (1976)
Alaska University Bond, Proposition 4 (1972)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 10 (1974)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 11 (1970)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 12 (1976)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 4 (1966)
Alaska University Construction Bond, Proposition 6 (1968)
Alaska University of Alaska Bond, Proposition 9 (1978)
Arizona Education Finance Amendment, Proposition 123 (May 2016)
Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Allow State Funds to Supplement Public Schools Initiative (1950)
Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Uniform Public School System Amendment (1922)
Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Election of State Board of Education Amendment (September 1950)
Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Increase Salaries of Teachers and Public Officials Amendment (1920)
Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Excise Tax for School Maintenance Initiative (September 1950)
Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Physical Education in Public Schools Referendum (1928)
Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, State Aid for Public Education Initiative (1940)
Arizona Measure Nos. 318-319, Prohibit Racial Segregation in Public Schools Initiative (1950)
Arizona Proposition 100, Increase of Public School Debt Amendment (1978)
Arizona Proposition 100, Teachers' Exchange Program Amendment (September 1956)
Arizona Proposition 100, University Faculty Exemptions Amendment (1960)
Arizona Proposition 101, Education Board Composition Amendment (1964)
Arizona Proposition 101, Increase in School District Spending Limit Amendment (1986)
Arizona Proposition 102, Department of Public Schools Amendment (September 1953)
Arizona Proposition 102, State Board of Education Amendment (1976)
Arizona Proposition 102, State Licensing of Technology Amendment (2004)
Arizona Proposition 103, Classroom Improvement Program Amendment (1990)
Arizona Proposition 103, Governor's Appointments of Regents to Universities Amendment (1976)
Arizona Proposition 103, Removal of School Attendance Requirement for State Money Amendment (September 1953)
Arizona Proposition 103, School District Debt Limit Amendment (1974)
Arizona Proposition 103, State School Fund Amendment (1964)
Arizona Proposition 104, Exemption of Funds for Education Expenditure Limitations Amendment (2002)
Arizona Proposition 104, State Board of Education Reorganization Amendment (1982)
Arizona Proposition 105, State Board of Education Amendment (2004)
Arizona Proposition 106, Increase Maximum School District Debt Limit Amendment (1992)
Arizona Proposition 200, Rename Arizona State College to Arizona State University Initiative (1958)
Arizona Proposition 203, English Language Education for Public Schools Initiative (2000)
Arizona Proposition 203, Tobacco Taxes for Early Childhood Education Initiative (2006)
Arizona Proposition 208, Tax on Incomes Exceeding $250,000 for Teacher Salaries and Schools Initiative (2020)
Arizona Proposition 300, Permanent State School Fund Earnings for Classroom Fund Measure (2002)
Arizona Proposition 300, Prohibit Education Financial Assistance and In-State Tuition for Non-Citizens Measure (2006)
Arizona Proposition 301, Sales Tax for Education Initiative (2000)
Arizona Proposition 302, Termination of Early Childhood Development and Health Board Amendment (2010)
Arizona Proposition 305, Expansion of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts Referendum (2018)
Arizona Proposition 308, In-State Tuition for Non-Citizen Residents Measure (2022)
Arkansas Act 78, Appointed State Board of Education (1934)
Arkansas Appropriation of School Funds, Amendment 2 (1932)
Arkansas Assignment of Pupils in Public Schools, Initiated Act 2 (1956)
Arkansas Ban on Teaching Evolution, Act 1 (1928)
Arkansas College Savings Bonds, Proposed Question Act 683 (1990)
Arkansas Community College and Technical School Districts, Proposed Amendment 57 (1964)
Arkansas Equal Educational Opportunity, Initiated Act 1 (1980)
Arkansas Establish a State Board of Education, Proposed Amendment 30 (1938)
Arkansas Federal Government Not Allowed to Exercise Power Over Public Schools (1956)
Arkansas Free Education for All Children, Proposed Amendment 52 (1960)
Arkansas Free Public Education, Proposed Amendment 51 (1962)
Arkansas Free Textbooks, Act 4 (September 1912)
Arkansas Higher Education Bonds, Referred Question 2 (December 2005)
Arkansas Higher Education Technology and Facility Bonds, Referred Question 1 (2006)
Arkansas Interposition, Proposed Amendment 47 (1956)
Arkansas Issue 1, Lottery Proceed Funding for Vocational-Technical School Scholarships and Grants Amendment (2024)
Arkansas Junior College Districts, Proposed Amendment 32 (1942)
Arkansas Public Education Age Restriction, Proposed Amendment 53 (1968)
Arkansas Public School Fund, Initiated Act 1 (1962)
Arkansas School District Reorganization, Initiated Act 1 (1966)
Arkansas School District Reorganization, Initiated Act No. 1 (1946)
Arkansas School District Reorganization, Initiated Act No. 1 (1948)
Arkansas School Property Tax Increase, Referred Question 1 (2004)
Arkansas School Tax Limitation, Proposed Amendment 43 (1956)
Arkansas State Lottery, Proposed Amendment 3 (2008)
Arkansas State School and School District Taxes Amendment (1906)
Arkansas Uniform Property Tax for Schools, Proposed Amendment 1 (1996)
California Boards of Education, Amendment 24 (1908)
California Proposition 1, Community College Facilities Bond Measure (1972)
California Proposition 1, Construction and Improvement of Public Schools Bond Measure (June 1978)
California Proposition 1, Construction of Public Schools Bond Measure (June 1976)
California Proposition 1, Desegregation Busing Court Orders Amendment (1979)
California Proposition 1, Educational Buildings Bond Measure (June 1962)
California Proposition 1, Public School Buildings Bond Measure (June 1966)
California Proposition 1, Public Schools Improvements Bond Measure (1974)
California Proposition 1, School Construction and Improvement Bond Measure (1982)
California Proposition 1, School District Bond Measure (1949)
California Proposition 1, State Board of Education and Elementary School Textbooks Amendment (1912)
California Proposition 1, University Health Science Buildings Bond Measure (June 1970)
California Proposition 10, Maintenance of Monetary Fund Amendment (1964)
California Proposition 10, Taking of Property for Schools and Airports Amendment (1958)
California Proposition 11, Secondary Educational Institution Taxation Exemption (1926)
California Proposition 11, State Board of Education Initiative (1934)
California Proposition 11, State Tenure Board Initiative (1936)
California Proposition 11, University of California Building Bonds Measure (1914)
California Proposition 12, School District and Fifth and Sixth Class Cities's Stocks in Mutual Water Companies Amendment (1942)
California Proposition 12, State University Tax Amendment (1920)
California Proposition 121, Higher Education Facilities Bond Issue (June 1990)
California Proposition 123, Public School Construction Bond Issue (June 1990)
California Proposition 13, Allocation of Funds to the Public School System Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 13, Non-Profit College Grounds Tax Exemption Amendment (1962)
California Proposition 13, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1958)
California Proposition 14, Members of the California State University and College System Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 14, Public Libraries Bond Measure (March 2000)
California Proposition 14, Tax Exemption for College Buildings Under Construction Amendment (1954)
California Proposition 143, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (1990)
California Proposition 146, School Facilities Bond Measure (1990)
California Proposition 15, School Districts Amendment (1926)
California Proposition 15, Textbook Alterations Amendment (October 1911)
California Proposition 151, Childcare Facilities Bond Measure (1990)
California Proposition 152, Public School Construction and Improvements Bond Measure (June 1992)
California Proposition 153, Higher Education Construction and Improvements Bond Measure (June 1992)
California Proposition 155, School Construction and Improvement Bond Measure (1992)
California Proposition 16, Removal of Tax Exemption for Religious Schools Initiative (1958)
California Proposition 16, Repeal of the Educational Poll Tax Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 16, School System Initiative (1920)
California Proposition 16, State Tuition Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 17, Holy Bible in Public Schools Initiative (1926)
California Proposition 170, Taxation and Bonds for Schools Amendment (1993)
California Proposition 174, School Voucher Program and Open Enrollment Initiative (1993)
California Proposition 1A, Public Education Facilities Bond Issue (1998)
California Proposition 1A, State College, Junior College University, and Healthcare Facilities Bond Measure (1962)
California Proposition 1B, Construction and Improvement of Public Schools Bond Measure (June 1994)
California Proposition 1B, Supplemental Education Appropriations Amendment (May 2009)
California Proposition 1C, Public Colleges and Universities Facilities Bond Measure (June 1994)
California Proposition 1D, Education Facility Repairs and Upgrades Bond Measure (2006)
California Proposition 2, Facilities Bond Measure (1964)
California Proposition 2, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (1966)
California Proposition 2, Junior College Facilities Bond Measure (June 1968)
California Proposition 2, Public Education Facilities Bond Measure (2024)
California Proposition 2, School Buildings, Equipment, and Housing Bond Measure (June 1960)
California Proposition 2, School District Bond Measure (1954)
California Proposition 2, School Improvements Bond Measure (June 1972)
California Proposition 2, Schools Bond Measure (1956)
California Proposition 2, Schools for Physically or Mentally Handicapped Children Bond Measure (1958)
California Proposition 2, State Funding for Student Initiative (1952)
California Proposition 20, Lottery Funds for Instructional Materials Measure (March 2000)
California Proposition 203, School Bond Measure (March 1996)
California Proposition 21, Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Imbalances in Schools Initiative (1972)
California Proposition 217, Income Tax Increase Initiative (1996)
California Proposition 223, Performance Budgeting Requirements for School Districts Initiative (June 1998)
California Proposition 227, Require English Instruction in Public Schools Initiative (June 1998)
California Proposition 24, Loans and Grants for School Districts Bond Measure (1952)
California Proposition 24, Restrictions Based on a World Communist Movement Initiative (1962)
California Proposition 26, Construction and Improvement of Public Schools Bond Measure (1984)
California Proposition 26, School District Amendment (1922)
California Proposition 26, Simple Majority Vote for Local School Bonds and Charter School Facilities Initiative (March 2000)
California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022)
California Proposition 3, Board of Examiners in Basic Sciences Initiative (1942)
California Proposition 3, Bond Issues and Legislative Members of the State Allocation Board Amendment (June 1960)
California Proposition 3, Educational, Mental, and Correctional Institutions Bond Measure (1956)
California Proposition 3, Postsecondary Education Commission Civil Service Exemption Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 3, Property Tax Exemption for Schools Referendum (1952)
California Proposition 3, Public School Buildings Bond Measure (1964)
California Proposition 3, School Facilities Bond Measure (1968)
California Proposition 3, School Pay and State Support Initiative (1946)
California Proposition 3, State Educational, Mental, and Correctional Institutions Bond Measure (1958)
California Proposition 38, School Vouchers Initiative (2000)
California Proposition 38, State Income Tax Increase for Education Funding Initiative (2012)
California Proposition 39, Decrease Supermajority from Two-Thirds to 55% for School Bonds Amendment (2000)
California Proposition 4, Approval Percentage for Bond Issues About Schools and Libraries Amendment (1966)
California Proposition 4, City Boards of Education Amendment (June 1978)
California Proposition 4, Education Tax Exemption Amendment (June 1933)
California Proposition 4, Public Community College Facilities Bond Measure (June 1976)
California Proposition 4, Public School Appropriations Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 4, Regents of the University of California Amendment (1974)
California Proposition 4, University of California Competitive Bidding and Admission Amendment (1976)
California Proposition 43, Educational Tax Exemption Amendment (1914)
California Proposition 47, School Construction Bond Measure (2002)
California Proposition 49, Increase Funding for Before and After School Programs Initiative (2002)
California Proposition 5, Appointments to the Regents of the University of California Amendment (June 1972)
California Proposition 5, Meetings of the Board of Regents Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 5, School Districts Actions Amendment (1972)
California Proposition 51, Public School Facility Bonds (2016)
California Proposition 53, Green-Hughes School Building Bond Measure (1986)
California Proposition 55, School and College Facilities Measure (March 2004)
California Proposition 56, Public Higher Education Bond Measure (1986)
California Proposition 58, Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education (2016)
California Proposition 6, Boards of Education Amendment (June 1970)
California Proposition 6, Investment of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 6, Prohibition of Required Vaccination Initiative (1920)
California Proposition 6, State Board of Education Amendment (1928)
California Proposition 7, County Board of Education Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 7, Investment of Public Pensions and Retirements Funds Amendment (1964)
California Proposition 7, Right of Blind People to Become Chiropractors Measure (1950)
California Proposition 7, Speaker of the Assembly and the State College System Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 74, Changes to Public School Teacher Employment Initiative (2005)
California Proposition 75, Public School Construction and Improvements Bond Measure (June 1988)
California Proposition 78, Higher Education Facilities Bond (1988)
California Proposition 79, Public Schools Bond (1988)
California Proposition 8, Civil Service Exemption for Deputy Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 8, Class Size Reduction Funding and Teacher Qualifications Initiative (1998)
California Proposition 8, Count Superintendents of Schools Amendment (1976)
California Proposition 8, Qualifications and Salaries of County Superintendents Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 8, University of California Administration Amendment (1918)
California Proposition 81, Local Libraries Bond (June 2006)
California Proposition 82, Free Half-Day Public Preschool Program Initiative (June 2006)
California Proposition 85, Library Construction and Renovation Bond Measure (1988)
California Proposition 88, Statewide $50 Parcel Tax Initiative (2006)
California Proposition 9, Boards of Education Amendment (1970)
California Proposition 9, College Taxation Exemption Amendment (1952)
California Proposition 9, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction and Associate Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1946)
California Proposition 9, Funds for Public Elementary Schools Initiative (1944)
California Proposition 9, School Tax Funding Initiative (1932)
California Proposition 9, Textbook Loan Program Amendment (1982)
California Proposition 92, Funding and Governance Changes for Community Colleges Initiative (February 2008)
California Proposition 94, Judges as Part-Time Teachers Amendment (1988)
California Proposition 98, Mandatory Education Spending Initiative (1988)
California Public Schools, Amendment 8 (1908)
Colorado Amendment 1, Elected State Board of Education Measure (1948)
Colorado Amendment 17, Income Tax Credit for Private Education Expenses and Restrict Nonpublic Education Regulations Initiative (1998)
Colorado Amendment 17, Parental Right to Direct Upbringing, Education, and Discipline of Children Initiative (1996)
Colorado Amendment 23, Education Funding Initiative (2000)
Colorado Amendment 31, English Language Education Initiative (2002)
Colorado Amendment 39, School District Spending Initiative (2006)
Colorado Amendment 59, Spending of Excess Funds on Education Initiative (2008)
Colorado Amendment 6, Educational Standards and Funding Initiative (1992)
Colorado Amendment 7, School Voucher Program and Nonpublic Education Regulations Initiative (1992)
Colorado Amendment 73, Establish Income Tax Brackets and Raise Taxes for Education Initiative (2018)
Colorado Amendment 80, Constitutional Right to School Choice Initiative (2024)
Colorado Amendment No. 12, Tax Levies and School Financing Initiative (1972)
Colorado Amendment No. 2, Establishment of a Student Loan Program Amendment (1972)
Colorado Amendment No. 4, Administration of the University of Colorado System Amendment (1972)
Colorado Amendment No. 8, Prohibition of Bussing Students to Achieve Racial Balance Initiative (1974)
Colorado Control of Public Schools, Measure 15 (1912)
Colorado Elected State Board of Education, Measure 6 (1928)
Colorado Examination of Teachers, Measure 21 (1912)
Colorado Institutions of Higher Education, Referendum 5 (1910)
Colorado Investing Public School Funds, Measure 7 (1916)
Colorado Location and Control of Higher Education Institutions, Measure 7 (1922)
Colorado Measure 2, Elected State Board of Education Measure (1930)
Colorado One-Mill Levy for State Education Institutions, Measure 7 (1920)
Colorado Proposal No. 2, Allow County Voters to Abolish County Superintendents Amendment (1964)
Colorado Proposition 103, Income and Sales Tax Increase for Education Initiative (2011)
Colorado Proposition 119, Creation of Out-of-School Education Program and Marijuana Sales Tax Increase Initiative (2021)
Colorado Proposition FF, Reduce Income Tax Deduction Amounts to Fund School Meals Program Measure (2022)
Colorado Referendum B, Excess Funds for Transportation and Education Measure (1998)
Colorado Referendum F, Science and Math Grants Measure (2000)
Colorado Referendum J, School District Spending Measure (2006)
Colorado School Board Open Meetings, Proposition 104 (2014)
Colorado Tax Increase for Education, Amendment 66 (2013)
Colorado Teachers' Summer Normal School, Measure 26 (1912)
Florida Allow School Board Appointment of Superintendents Amendment (May 1968)
Florida Amendment 1, Funds of Education Capital Projects Amendment (1952)
Florida Amendment 1, Partisan School Board Elections Amendment (2024)
Florida Amendment 1, School Construction Program Supported by Bonds Amendment (1974)
Florida Amendment 11, Administration of the State University System Initiative (2002)
Florida Amendment 12, Student Member of the Board of Governors of the State University System Amendment (2012)
Florida Amendment 2, Appointive County Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1966)
Florida Amendment 2, Appointment of Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1962)
Florida Amendment 2, Bonds for Higher Learning Capital Outlay Amendment (1963)
Florida Amendment 2, Bonds for Student Loans Amendment (March 1972)
Florida Amendment 2, Educational Bonds Amendment (1948)
Florida Amendment 2, Terms of Office for Boards of College and Universities Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 3, Motor Vehicle Licensing Revenue for School Purposes Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 3, State Revenue Limitation Amendment (2012)
Florida Amendment 4, Motor Vehicle Licensing Revenue for Education Amendment (1972)
Florida Amendment 4, Use of State School Funds Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 5, Appointments of County Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 6, Education of Children Amendment (1998)
Florida Amendment 6, Taylor County Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1964)
Florida Amendment 7, First Responder and Military Member Survivor Benefits, Supermajority Board Votes for College Fees, and State College System Amendment (2018)
Florida Amendment 7, Taxes for Capital Improvement Purposes for Schools Amendment (1970)
Florida Amendment 8, 4-Year-Old Pre-Kindergarten Initiative (2002)
Florida Amendment 8, Average Class Size Limitation Amendment (2010)
Florida Amendment 8, County Superintendents of Public Instruction Amendment (1956)
Florida Amendment 8, Education System Amendment (1978)
Florida Amendment 8, Funding and Bonds for Education Amendment (1992)
Florida Amendment 8, Levy on Gross Receipts for Public Education Construction Amendment (1984)
Florida Amendment 8, Sales Tax for Community College Funding Amendment (2008)
Florida Amendment 9, Funding for Limited Class Sizes Initiative (2002)
Florida County School Funds Amendment (1926)
Florida Creation of School Districts and Taxes Amendment (1922)
Florida Equal Opportunity Education, Straw Poll 2 (March 1972)
Florida Forced Busing, Straw Poll 1 (March 1972)
Florida Maximum County School Tax Amendment (1904)
Florida Maximum School Tax Amendment (1918)
Florida Raising of Revenue for the State Amendment (1938)
Florida Revenue Bonds for Higher Education Facilities Amendment (1969)
Florida School Districts and Tax Levy Amendment (1928)
Florida School Prayer Straw Ballot Measure (March 1972)
- Florida Special Tax School District Bonds Amendment (1912)
Florida Special Tax School District Bonds Amendment (1924)
- Florida State School Fund Amendment (October 1894)
Florida Tax for State Educational Institutions Amendment (1908)
Georgia Amendment 1, "Freedom from Compulsory Association in Public Education" Measure (1962)
Georgia Amendment 1, Provide for State Charter Schools Measure (2012)
Georgia Amendment 5, School Sales Tax Referendums Amendment (2018)
Georgia Appling County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1952)
Georgia Appointment of State School Superintendent, Amendment 3 (1984)
Georgia Area and Vocational Schools, Amendment 1 (1966)
Georgia Assumption of School Bonds, Amendment 32 (June 1939)
Georgia Authorization of the State Government to Intervene in Failing Local Schools, Amendment 1 (2016)
Georgia Baldwin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 5 (1950)
Georgia Berrien County Bonded Debt, Amendment 3 (1938)
Georgia Board of Education, Amendment 4 (1943)
Georgia Board of Education Loan Authority, Amendment 4 (1950)
Georgia Board of Regents, Amendment 1 (1943)
Georgia Board of Regents Membership, Amendment 10 (1960)
Georgia Boards of Education Elections, Amendment 2 (1992)
Georgia Brantley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 33 (1952)
Georgia Brantley County School Tax, Amendment 5 (1938)
Georgia Carroll County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 34 (1952)
Georgia Chatham County Education Tax, Amendment 11 (1950)
Georgia Chatham County School Bonds, Amendment 13 (1950)
Georgia Chatham County School Tax, Amendment 11 (August 1945)
Georgia Chatham County School Tax, Amendment 42 (June 1941)
Georgia City of Atlanta School System, Amendment 23 (1950)
Georgia City of Bainbridge School System, Amendment 15 (1950)
Georgia Clarke County School District, Amendment 20 (1954)
Georgia Commissioner of Education, Amendment 1 (1988)
Georgia Consolidation of School Districts, Amendment 10 (1943)
Georgia Consolidation of School Districts, Amendment 6 (1932)
Georgia Cook County School Bonds, Amendment 56 (June 1941)
Georgia Crisp County School Districts, Amendment 11 (1952)
Georgia Curriculum Laboratory, Amendment 6 (1978)
Georgia Dawson County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 14 (1950)
Georgia DeKalb County Education Tax, Amendment 18 (1943)
Georgia Debt for Educational Facilities, Amendment 2 (1980)
Georgia Debt for Independent School Systems, Amendment 5 (1978)
Georgia Dental Student Loans, Amendment 5 (1964)
Georgia Dodge County School Districts, Amendment 38 (1952)
Georgia Donation of Books, Amendment 27 (1976)
Georgia Education Section Addition, Amendment 4 (1954)
Georgia Education Tax Levy Limits, Amendment 5 (1960)
Georgia Education Taxes for Redevelopment, Amendment 2 (2008)
Georgia Education Trust Fund, Amendment 2 (1990)
Georgia Educational Funding, Amendment 4 (1966)
Georgia Educational Grants and Scholarships, Amendment 5 (1970)
Georgia Educational Loan Program, Amendment 11 (1972)
Georgia Effingham County School Bonds, Amendment 46 (1952)
Georgia Election of County Boards of Education, Amendment 6 (1966)
Georgia Employee Educational Grants, Amendment 15 (1972)
Georgia Establishment of Colleges, Amendment 11 (1958)
Georgia Evans County School Bonds, Amendment 57 (June 1941)
Georgia Fannin County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 28 (1952)
Georgia Floyd County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 42 (1952)
Georgia Floyd County School Tax, Amendment 11 (1938)
Georgia Franklin County School Bonds, Amendment 43 (June 1941)
Georgia Free University Courses for Seniors, Amendment 23 (1976)
Georgia Fulton County Educational Tax, Amendment 10 (August 1945)
Georgia Fulton County School District Bonds, Amendment 21 (1950)
Georgia Fulton County School District Bonds, Amendment 39 (1952)
Georgia Fulton County School District Debt, Amendment 33 (1954)
Georgia Funds for School Lunch, Amendment 11 (1960)
Georgia Funds for School Lunch, Amendment 4 (1968)
Georgia Funds for Vocational Education, Amendment 13 (1966)
Georgia Gwinnett County School Bonds, Amendment 47 (June 1941)
Georgia Hancock County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 31 (1950)
Georgia Higher Education Bonds, Amendment 9 (1926)
Georgia Indemnification for School Employees, Amendment 4 (2000)
Georgia Jeff Davis County School Bonds, Amendment 12 (June 1941)
Georgia Jefferson County School Bonds, Amendment 53 (June 1941)
Georgia Jefferson County School Bonds, Amendment 60 (June 1941)
Georgia Johnson County Bonds, Amendment 3 (June 1939)
Georgia Lottery Appropriations, Amendment 2 (1998)
Georgia McIntosh County Education Bonds, Amendment 8 (1926)
Georgia Medical Loan Repayment, Amendment 10 (1964)
Georgia Medical Loan Repayment, Amendment 15 (1966)
Georgia Medical School Loans, Amendment 10 (1968)
Georgia Medical School Loans, Amendment 12 (1976)
Georgia Medical School Scholarships, Amendment 4 (1952)
Georgia Meriwether County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 32 (1950)
Georgia Mitchell County Board of Education Loans, Amendment 26 (June 1941)
Georgia Oglethorpe County School Bonds, Amendment 30 (June 1941)
Georgia Physician Scholarships, Amendment 14 (1960)
Georgia Physician Scholarships, Amendment 7 (1958)
Georgia Pierce County Taxes for Schools, Amendment 8 (1930)
Georgia Polk County Board of Education, Amendment 21 (1952)
Georgia Private College Buildings Tax Exemption, Referendum 1 (2014)
Georgia Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits, Amendment 15 (1980)
Georgia Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofits, Amendment 17 (1978)
Georgia Repayment of Medical Loans, Amendment 13 (1960)
Georgia Repayment of Medical Loans, Amendment 8 (1962)
Georgia Retirement Systems and Education Scholarships, Amendment 2 (1978)
Georgia Revenue Bonds for Student Loans, Amendment 8 (1968)
Georgia Rockdale County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 35 (1950)
Georgia Rockdale County School Superintendent, Amendment 44 (1952)
Georgia Sales Tax for Schools, Amendment 2 (1996)
Georgia Schley County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 36 (1950)
Georgia Scholarships for Children of First Responders, Amendment 7 (1968)
Georgia Scholarships for Employee Education, Amendment 3 (1958)
Georgia School Board Contracts, Amendment 3 (1932)
Georgia School Bonds, Amendment 22 (June 1941)
Georgia School Bonds, Amendment 35 (June 1941)
Georgia School Debt, Amendment 5 (August 1945)
Georgia School District Bonds, Amendment 23 (June 1939)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 17 (1956)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 19 (1950)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 19 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 19 (1956)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 24 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 30 (1952)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 30 (1954)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 32 (1952)
Georgia School District Merger, Amendment 44 (1954)
Georgia School Merger Requirements, Amendment 33 (1978)
Georgia School Superintendent, Amendment 3 (1936)
Georgia School Superintendent Terms, Amendment 55 (June 1941)
Georgia Spalding County Board of Education, Amendment 21 (1943)
Georgia State Board of Education, Amendment 3 (1960)
Georgia State Lottery, Amendment 1 (1992)
Georgia State Scholarship Commission, Amendment 2 (1964)
Georgia State School Lunch Tax, Amendment 14 (1958)
Georgia Student Loan Program, Amendment 4 (1964)
Georgia Student Scholarships, Amendment 2 (1958)
Georgia Summerville School District Bonds, Amendment 26 (1943)
Georgia Tattnall County Bonds, Amendment 4 (June 1939)
Georgia Taxes for Education, Amendment 7 (1926)
Georgia Taxes for School Lunches, Amendment 13 (1962)
Georgia Taxes for School Personnel and Facilities, Amendment 12 (1972)
Georgia Taxes for School Uniforms, Amendment 4 (1980)
Georgia Taylor County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 37 (1950)
Georgia Teacher Salaries, Amendment 5 (1926)
Georgia Teacher Scholarships, Amendment 6 (1958)
Georgia Tift County School District, Amendment 45 (1954)
Georgia Toombs County School Bonds, Amendment 48 (June 1941)
Georgia Troup County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 13 (1952)
Georgia Tuition Grants for Children of Veterans, Amendment 13 (1972)
Georgia Tuition Reimbursement for Teachers, Amendment 3 (1980)
Georgia Twiggs County Bonds, Amendment 17 (1938)
Georgia Union County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 12 (1952)
Georgia Vocational Schools, Amendment 15 (1960)
Georgia Walton County School District, Amendment 57 (1956)
Georgia Ware County Bonds, Amendment 19 (1938)
Georgia Washington County School Bonds, Amendment 32 (June 1941)
Georgia Wilcox County Board of Education Elections, Amendment 29 (1952)
Georgia Wilcox County School Bonds, Amendment 13 (June 1941)
Hawaii Acquisition of School Construction Projects, Amendment 2 (1996)
Hawaii Board of Education, Amendment 19 (1978)
Hawaii Board of Education, Proposition 1 (1970)
Hawaii Board of Education Amendment, Question 1 (2010)
Hawaii Board of Regents Candidates Act, Amendment 1 (2006)
Hawaii Discrimination and Hawaiian Studies, Amendment 20 (1978)
Hawaii Federal Financial Aid, Amendment 3 (1996)
Hawaii Governor Appointed Board of Education, Ballot Measure 3 (1994)
Hawaii Limit Board of Education Powers, Ballot Measure 4 (1994)
Hawaii Question 2, Allow Bonds for Non-Profit Private Schools and Colleges Amendment (2002)
Hawaii State Funding for Private Early Childhood Education Programs, Amendment 4 (2014)
Hawaii Superintendent, Proposition 2 (1970)
Hawaii University Board of Regents, Amendment 21 (1978)
Hawaii University of Hawaii Self-Governance, Amendment 1 (2000)
Idaho Advisory Ballot, Income and Corporate Tax Changes and Education Funding Question (2022)
Idaho Fund for School Districts, SJR 106 (1998)
Idaho General Supervision of Educational Institutions, HJR 30 (1912)
Idaho Increase Annual Sale of School Land, HJR 10 (1920)
Idaho Increase Funding for Education Initiative, Initiative 1 (2006)
Idaho Loaning of Educational Funds, HJR 10 (1928)
Idaho Online Learning Veto Referendum, Proposition 3 (2012)
Idaho Proposition 1, Teachers Collective Bargaining Veto Referendum (2012)
Idaho Proposition 2, Teachers Collective Bargaining Veto Referendum (2012)
Idaho Public School Fund, HJR 1 (2000)
Idaho Public School Permanent Endowment Fund, HJR 6 (1998)
Idaho Public School Permanent Endowment Fund, HJR 8 (1998)
Idaho SJR 124, Compulsory Public School Attendance Amendment (1972)
Idaho University of Idaho Tuition and Fees, SJR 101 (2010)
Illinois Bond Issue for Education (1960)
Illinois Fundamental Right to Education and Equality of Educational Opportunity Amendment (1992)
Kansas Board of Education, Amendment 4 (1974)
Kansas Public Education, Amendment 5 (1986)
Kansas Regarding Education, Amendment 1 (1990)
Kentucky Appropriated School Funds Referendum (1949)
Kentucky Commissioner of Education Referendum (1957)
Kentucky Constitutional Amendment 2, Allow State Funding for Non-Public Education Amendment (2024)
Kentucky Distribution and Use of School Fund, Referendum (1953)
Kentucky Establishes a State Board of Education, Amendment 1 (1986)
Kentucky Poll Tax and Separate Schools, Amendment 1 (1996)
Louisiana Amendment 1, Allow for Out-of-State Members to the University Board of Supervisors Amendment (December 2020)
Louisiana Amendment 16, Racial Segregation in Public Schools Amendment (1954)
Louisiana Amendment 2, Education Excellence Fund Uses Amendment (October 2019)
Louisiana Appointment to the Board of Regents Guidelines, Amendment 2 (1998)
Louisiana Appropriations for Education, Amendment 7 (October 1999)
Louisiana Authority of College Boards to Establish Tuition and Fees without Legislative Approval, Amendment 2 (2016)
Louisiana Baker and Rapides School Districts Amendment (October 1995)
Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Amendment (1992)
Louisiana Board of Regents Amendment (October 1991)
Louisiana Board of Regents Amendment (October 1992)
Louisiana Board of Supervisors Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Central Community School System Act, Amendment 8 (2006)
Louisiana Colleges to Acquire Stock, Amendment 8 (October 1990)
Louisiana Community College System, Amendment 1 (October 1998)
Louisiana Creation of New Educational Institutions Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Education Act, Ballot Measure 4 (October 2003)
Louisiana Educational Funding Amendment (1987)
Louisiana Endowed Funds of Colleges and Universities Act, Amendment 10 (September 2006)
Louisiana Higher Education Board Student Members Amendment (1980)
Louisiana Higher Education Council Amendment (1968)
Louisiana Higher Education Fund Amendment (October 1991)
Louisiana Limit Administrative Spending, Amendment 3 (October 1990)
Louisiana Lottery Proceeds for Education Act, Ballot Measure 9 (October 2003)
Louisiana Name of Board of Trustees of University of Louisiana System, Amendment 1 (1998)
Louisiana Orleans Parish School Board Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Orleans Parish School Board Amendment (1972)
Louisiana Rapides Parish School District Amendment (1970)
Louisiana Rapides Parish School Grant, Amendment 9 (October 1999)
Louisiana School Board Financial Burden Prohibition, Amendment 9 (September 2006)
Louisiana State Board of Education Amendment (1968)
Louisiana State Board of Education Amendment (1979)
Louisiana TOPS Scholarship Program, Amendment 1 (October 2011)
Louisiana Vocational Education Tax Amendment (1972)
Louisiana Zachary School System, Amendment 3 (1999)
Maine Asbestos and Air Quality Hazards in State Facilities and Public Schools, Question 9 (1989)
Maine Baxter School for the Deaf Safety Improvements, Question 8 (1994)
Maine Bond Interest for York County Vocational Education Center, Referendum Question No. 1 (1970)
Maine Boys' Training Center, State Prison and Stevens School, Referendum Question No. 5 (1965)
Maine Capitalize School Revolving Renovation Fund, Question 4 (2001)
Maine College and Vocational-Technical Classroom Facilities, Referendum Question No. 2 (1967)
Maine Colleges and Vocational-Technical Institutes Student Housing and Dining, Referendum Question No. 4 (1967)
Maine Community College Bond Question, Question 2 (2012)
Maine Community College System Building Upgrade Bond, Question 5 (2013)
Maine Cost-Sharing Taxes for Education, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 6 (1978)
Maine Educational Facilities and Land Acquisition, Referendum Question No. 9 (1969)
Maine Educational Television Network, Referendum Question (1962)
Maine Educational and Cultural Improvements, Question 3 (2007)
Maine Emergency School Maintenance Problems, Question No. 3 (1990)
Maine Farmington State College Women's Dormitories, Referendum Question No. 2B (1968)
Maine Fort Kent State College Multi-Purpose Building, Referendum Question No. 1 (1967)
Maine Foundation Program School Subsidies, Referendum Question No. 4 (1969)
Maine Gould Academic Building Appropriations Use, Referendum Question No. 4 (1970)
Maine Higher Education Campuses Improvements, Question 6 (2005)
Maine Higher Education Loans, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1967)
Maine Higher Education Loans, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1971)
Maine Higher Education Loans to Parents, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1982)
Maine Leavitt Hall at Maine Maritime Academy Renovation, Referendum Question No. 2 (1977)
Maine Maritime Academy Dining Facility, Referendum Question No. 1 (1963)
Maine Maritime Academy Dormitories, Referendum Question No. 2A (1968)
Maine Maritime Academy Pier Reconstruction, Question 5 (1987)
Maine Native American Reservation School, Water and Sewage Facilities, Referendum Question No. 1 (1968)
Maine Northern Vocational-Technical Institute Dormitory, Referendum Question (1978)
Maine Old Age Assistance and Minimum Education, Referendum Question (1937)
Maine Public Learning Centers Improvements, Question 6 (2001)
Maine School, Technical and Vocational Centers Construction, Referendum Question No. 6 (1967)
Maine School, Technical and Vocational Centers Construction, Referendum Question No. 7 (1969)
Maine School Building Authority Bond Issue Adjustment, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1981)
Maine School Building Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1970)
Maine School Building Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1974)
Maine School Bus Acquisition, Question 8 (1987)
Maine School Compliance with Educational Reform Law and Mental Health Institute Activity Building, Bond Issue 4 (1986)
Maine School Consolidation Repeal and Replacement, Question 3 (2009)
Maine School Finance and Tax Reform Carry-over, Question 1 (2004)
Maine School Revolving Renovation Fund, Sprinkler Grants and Homeless Center for Teenagers, Question 1 (2002)
Maine State Guaranteed Loans for Private Colleges, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1969)
Maine State Insured School Building Authority Loans, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1969)
Maine State Teachers College Student Housing, Referendum Question No. 2 (1961)
Maine State Teachers Colleges Student Housing, Referendum Question No. 3 (1963)
Maine Statewide Library Information System, Question 1 (1996)
Maine Teachers Colleges and Vocational-Technical Schools Student Housing and Dining, Referendum Question No. 1 (1965)
Maine Technical Colleges Infrastructure Improvements, Question 6 (1999)
Maine Telecommunications Infrastructure and Classroom Technology Equipment, Question 3 (1995)
Maine Training Equipment for Technical Colleges, Question 7 (1994)
Maine Tuition for Unemployed, Full-Time Technical College Students, Question 5 (1992)
Maine University, Community College, Maritime Academy and State Library Improvements, Question 5 (2003)
Maine University Buildings, Bond Issue 3 (1984)
Maine University Capital Improvements, Referendum Question No. 4 (1965)
Maine University Classroom Expansion and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 1 (1969)
Maine University Classroom Expansion and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 2 (1972)
Maine University Classroom Expansion and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 3 (1970)
Maine University Classroom Facilities Expansion, Referendum Question No. 4 (1967)
Maine University Construction and Renovations, Referendum Question No. 3 (1977)
Maine University Housing, Referendum Question No. 3 (1959)
Maine University Housing, Referendum Question No. 3 (1965)
Maine University Housing Renovation, Referendum Question No. 1 (1975)
Maine University Research and Advanced Study Building, Referendum Question No. 7 (1967)
Maine University System Academic Improvements, Question 4 (1994)
Maine University System Construction and Upgrades, Question 6 (1988)
Maine University System Facilities Upgrade, Bond Issue 9 (1986)
Maine Veterans' Mortgage Loans and School Building Authority Bond Issue Adjustments (1976)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes Buildings and Maritime Academy Tugboat, Bond Issue 1 (1984)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes Construction Projects, Referendum Question No. 4 (1977)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes Equipment and Land Purchases, Bond Issue 7 (1985)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes System Capital Improvements, Question 5 (1989)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes and Boys Training Center Funding, Referendum Question No. 2 (1970)
Maine Vocational-Technical Institutes and Maritime Academy Improvements, Referendum Question (1980)
Maine Vocational High Schools Capital Expenses, Question 3 (1998)
Maine Vocational Technical and Reservation Schools Funding, Referendum Question No. 1 (1972)
Maine York County Regional Vocational Education Center, Referendum Question No. 6 (1965)
Maryland In-State Tuition Referendum, Question 4 (2012)
Maryland Question 1, Gambling Revenue Dedicated to Education Lockbox Amendment (2018)
Maryland Question 14, State Funding for Nonpublic School Equipment, Materials, and Transportation Referendum (1974)
Maryland Question 18, State Voucher Program Referendum (1972)
Massachusetts Authorization of Additional Charter Schools and Charter School Expansion, Question 2 (2016)
Massachusetts Question 1, Public Funding for Private Schools and Organizations Amendment (1982)
Massachusetts Question 1, Tax on Income Above $1 Million for Education and Transportation Amendment (2022)
Massachusetts Question 2, English in Public Education Initiative (2002)
Massachusetts Question 2, Public Funds for Private Schools Amendment (1986)
Massachusetts Question 2, Repeal Competency Assessment Requirement for High School Graduation Initiative (2024)
Massachusetts Question 3, Aid to Private Higher Educational Institutions Amendment (1974)
Massachusetts Question 3, Methods of Assessing Student Fees Referendum (1994)
Massachusetts Question 3, Tax Limits and School Aid Initiative (1980)
Massachusetts Question 4, Loans for Higher Education Amendment (1972)
Massachusetts Question 6, No Discrimination for Public School Admittance Amendment (1978)
Massachusetts Question 9, Voluntary Recitation of Prayer in Public Schools Advisory Question (1972)
Michigan Ballot Proposal C, Tax Exemptions and Property Tax Assessments Initiative (1992)
Michigan Compulsory School Attendance Initiative (1920)
Michigan Compulsory School Attendance Initiative (1924)
Michigan Funds for Primary Schools Amendment (April 1911)
Michigan Proposal 06-5, School Funding Initiative (2006)
Michigan Proposal 1, School Voucher Program Initiative (2000)
Michigan Proposal A, School Funding Through Sales and Use Tax Increase Amendment (1989)
Michigan Proposal A, School Funding and Elderly Property Tax Break Initiative (1980)
Michigan Proposal A, Taxation and School Funding Amendment (June 1993)
Michigan Proposal A, Taxation and School Operating Millage Rates Amendment (March 1994)
Michigan Proposal B, Taxation and School Funding Amendment (1989)
Michigan Proposal C, Prohibit Public Funds to Non-Public Schools Initiative (1970)
Michigan Proposal C, Property Taxes and School Funding Initiative (1972)
Michigan Proposal C, Tax Revision, Lottery Funds, and "Rainy Day" Fund Amendment (1980)
Michigan Proposal H, Education Voucher Program and School Funding Initiative (1978)
Michigan Proposal No. 1, Exceeding the Mill Limit for School Building Purposes Amendment (1940)
Michigan Proposal No. 1, Funding and Taxes for Schools Amendment (1960)
Michigan Proposal No. 2, Name of the Governing Body of Michigan State University Amendment (April 1959)
Michigan Proposal No. 2, Return of Sales Tax Revenue and Educational Grants Initiative (1946)
Michigan Proposal No. 3, Board of Governors for Wayne State University Amendment (April 1959)
Michigan Proposal No. 3, Loans to School Districts Amendment (April 1955)
Michigan Proposal No. 5, Property Classification and Income Tax for Schools Initiative (1934)
Michigan Regents of the University Amendment (1862)
Minnesota County Superintendent Qualifications, Amendment 4 (1908)
Minnesota Definition of Academic Facilities, Amendment 1 (1934)
Minnesota Divert Mining Tax, Amendment 3 (1956)
Minnesota Investing School Funds, Amendment 3 (1875)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 1 (1942)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 2 (1916)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 3 (1912)
Minnesota Investment of School Funds, Amendment 5 (1914)
Minnesota Prohibit Use of Funds for Sectarian Schools, Amendment 7 (1877)
Minnesota Qualifications for County Superintendents, Amendment 5 (1912)
Minnesota School Fund Investment Restrictions, Amendment 2 (1984)
Minnesota School Funds Loans, Amendment 1 (1886)
Minnesota School Investment Requirements, Amendment 1 (1952)
Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, Amendment 1 (2003)
Mississippi Educational Trust Fund, Amendment 1 (1986)
Mississippi Free Public Schools, Amendment 2 (1987)
Mississippi La Bauve Fund, Amendment 4 (1987)
Mississippi Public School Support Amendments, Initiative 42 and Alternative 42 (2015)
Mississippi Public School Support Amendments, Initiative 42 and Alternative 42 (2015)
Mississippi Segregation, Amendment 4 (1978)
Mississippi State Board of Education, Amendment 1 (1982)
Missouri Amendment 1, Affecting the Tax Rate for School Purposes Measure (1918)
Missouri Amendment 1, Authorization of School Taxes Measure (1942)
Missouri Amendment 1, Educational Institutions Bond Measure (January 1956)
Missouri Amendment 1, Free Public Schools Measure (1912)
Missouri Amendment 1, Increase of School Taxes Measure (1950)
Missouri Amendment 1, Public School Fund Management Measure (1944)
Missouri Amendment 11, Lottery Proceeds for Public Education Measure (August 1992)
Missouri Amendment 11, Tax Levy to Support State University Initiative (1910)
Missouri Amendment 15, Establish State Board of Education Measure (February 1924)
Missouri Amendment 2, Public Prayer and Public School Students’ Religious Expressions Measure (August 2012)
Missouri Amendment 2, Revenue for School Purpose Measure (1918)
Missouri Amendment 2, School District Bond Limit Measure (August 1996)
Missouri Amendment 2, School District Debt Limit Measure (1952)
Missouri Amendment 2, School District Property Tax Measure (January 1966)
Missouri Amendment 2, Voter Approval for School Operating Levy Measure (1998)
Missouri Amendment 3, Kansas City School Operating Levy Measure (April 1998)
Missouri Amendment 3, Public Funded Teachers Pensions Initiative (1936)
Missouri Amendment 4, Maximum School Taxes Rate Measure (August 1982)
Missouri Amendment 4, School District Bond Limit Measure (April 1998)
Missouri Amendment 5, Repeal Segregated Schools Measure (August 1976)
Missouri Amendment 7, Student Assistance Measure (August 1976)
Missouri Amendment 8, Impeachment Proceeding for State Board of Education Measure (February 1924)
Missouri Amendment 8, Tax Assessments, Bonds and Public Education Initiative (1938)
Missouri Amendment 9, Tax Increase to Support Public Education Initiative (1912)
Missouri Proposition 12, County Board of Education Referendum (1922)
Missouri Proposition 3, Public Funded Teachers Pensions Initiative (1934)
Missouri Proposition A, Gambling Loss Limits Initiative (2008)
Missouri Proposition B, Education Accountability and Tax Increase Measure (1991)
Missouri Proposition C, School and Highway Tax Initiative (1982)
Missouri Referendum 1, Cigarette Tax for Schools Referendum (October 1955)
Missouri Referendum 2, School Foundation Program Referendum (October 1955)
Missouri Teacher Performance Evaluation, Amendment 3 (2014)
Montana Bond for Higher Education, Referendum 1 (1908)
Montana Bonds for Educational Institutions, I-19 (1920)
Montana Bonds for State Educational Institutions, R-33 (1930)
Montana Consolidation of Higher Education Institutions, I-9 (1914)
Montana Create Board of Education, Amendment 1 (1942)
Montana Department of Education, C-30 (1996)
Montana Educational Bonds, R-46 (1942)
Montana Income from Public School Funds, Amendment 1 (1944)
Montana Indebtedness of High School Districts, Amendment 1 (1958)
Montana Interest on School Funds, Amendment 2 (1920)
Montana Investment of Public School Permanent Fund, Amendment 2 (1938)
Montana Levy for Education, Referendum 1 (1914)
Montana Levy for Montana University, LR-106 (1988)
Montana Levy for Public Schools, R-29 (1926)
Montana Levy for Technical Education, LR-109 (June 1992)
Montana Levy for University Maintenance, I-18 (1920)
Montana Levy for University Support, R-65 (1968)
Montana Levy to Support University System, LR-75 (1978)
Montana Qualifications of County Superintendents, Amendment 1 (1924)
Montana State College Bonds, I-44 (1940)
Montana State College Bonds, R-45 (1942)
Montana Training School Bond Issue, R-58 (1954)
Montana University System Tax Levy, LR-113 (1998)
Montana University System Tax Levy, LR-118 (2008)
Montana University of Montana Bonds, R-52 (1948)
Montana University of Montana Levy, R-42 (1940)
Montana University of Montana Levy, R-51 (1948)
Montana University of Montana Levy, R-61 (1958)
Nebraska Age Requirements for Industrial Schools, Amendment 24 (September 1920)
Nebraska Amendment 1, Repeal English Language Requirement in Private Schools Measure (2002)
Nebraska Amendment 1, Repeal English Language Requirement in Private Schools Measure (May 2000)
Nebraska Amendment 3, English as Official State Language Measure (September 1920)
Nebraska Amendment 5, Early Childhood Education Endowment Fund Measure (2006)
Nebraska Board of Education Membership, Amendment 4 (1966)
Nebraska Board of Educational Lands and Funds, Amendment 2 (1954)
Nebraska Board of Trustees of Higher Education, Amendment 14 (1970)
Nebraska Boards of Education, Amendment 25 (September 1920)
Nebraska Bonds for Universities, Amendment 5 (1970)
Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 1 (1964)
Nebraska Commissioner of Education, Amendment 9 (1960)
Nebraska Contracts for Private Schools, Amendment 3 (1966)
Nebraska Control of the Schools for the Deaf and Blind, Amendment 1 (1928)
Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, Amendment 4 (1990)
Nebraska Department of Education, Amendment 4 (1952)
Nebraska Education Provisions, Amendment 10 (1972)
Nebraska Education a Fundamental Right, Measure 411 (1996)
Nebraska Educational Fund Investment, Amendment 12a (1966)
Nebraska Educational Funds, Amendment 16 (May 1972)
Nebraska Educational Trust Funds, Amendment 11 (1970)
Nebraska Election of University Regents, Amendment 22 (September 1920)
Nebraska Financial Support for Public Schools, Referendum 1 (1978)
Nebraska Investment for Educational Funds, Amendment 2 (1892)
Nebraska Investment of Educational Funds, Amendment 2 (1908)
Nebraska Investment of Educational Funds, Amendment 9 (1896)
Nebraska Long-term Student Loans, Amendment 13 (1968)
Nebraska Membership of University Regents, Amendment 7 (1968)
Nebraska Private School Grants, Amendment 12 (1970)
Nebraska Public Education Financing, Amendment 4 (1980)
Nebraska Public School Support, Referendum 1 (1974)
Nebraska Referendum 1, Increase State Funding for Public Schools through Increased Sales and Income Taxes Referendum (1990)
Nebraska Referendum 435, Private Education Scholarship Program Referendum (2024)
Nebraska Referendum Measure 422, Dissolution of Class I School Districts Referendum (2006)
Nebraska Renaming Normal Schools, Amendment 2 (1968)
Nebraska School Consolidation, Referendum 1 (1986)
Nebraska State Aid for Schools, Amendment 2 (1946)
Nebraska Student Loans and Grants, Amendment 6b (1976)
Nebraska Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment 1 (1940)
Nebraska Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment 4 (1938)
Nebraska Temporary School Fund, Amendment 20 (September 1920)
Nebraska Transportation for Private Schools, Amendment 6 (1966)
Nebraska University Board of Regents Membership, Amendment 1 (1974)
Nebraska University Removal, Initiative 1 (1914)
- Nevada Exempt Teachers from Strike Prohibition Measure (2026)
Nevada Margin Tax for Public Schools Initiative, Question 3 (2014)
Nevada Question 1, Education Funding Initiative (2006)
Nevada Question 1, Public School Funding Initiative (2004)
Nevada Question 1, Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment (2020)
Nevada Question 1, Remove Constitutional Status of Board of Regents Amendment (2024)
Nevada Question 2, Per Pupil Expenditure Initiative (2004)
Nevada Question 2, State Lands and Revenue for Educational Purposes Amendment (1988)
Nevada Question 3, Public School Financing Initiative (1956)
Nevada Question 4, Investment of Revenue for Educational Purposes Amendment (1980)
Nevada Question 4, Office of Public Instruction Amendment (1956)
Nevada Question 5, Legislative Funding for Public Schools Amendment (1954)
Nevada Question 6, Corporate Tax Initiative (1990)
Nevada Question 7, State Debt Limit School Exemption Amendment (2002)
Nevada Question 9, University Board of Regents Amendment (2006)
Nevada State Question 1, Public School and University Tax Amendment (1938)
Nevada State Question 23, Education Fund and State University Support Amendment (February 1889)
Nevada State Question 24, Nevada University and Common Schools Special Tax Amendment (February 1889)
Nevada State Question 3, Education Lands and Funds Amendment (1924)
Nevada State Question 3, Public Land and Education Revenue Amendment (1912)
New Jersey
New Jersey Public Question 1, School Projects Bond (2018)
New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1958)
New Jersey State College Bond Issue, Public Question 1 (2012)
New Mexico
New Mexico Amendment 1, Creation of a Public Education Commission (September 2003)
New Mexico Amendment 2, Public Education Funding Act (September 2003)
New Mexico Amendment 2 (1996)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Board of Regents Membership (1986)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Expand State Board of Education (1986)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Fund Management (1990)
- New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Issuance of Bonds for Educational Institutions (1984)
New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Recall of School Board Members (1986)
New Mexico Bond Act: Educational Capital Improvements (1986)
New Mexico Bond Issue B (2000)
New Mexico Bond Question: Education Capital Expenditures (1988)
New Mexico Bond Question 3, Public Education Bond Issue (2022)
New Mexico Bond Question 3, Public Education Bond Issue (2024)
New Mexico Bond Question C (2010)
New Mexico Bond Question D (2010)
New Mexico Capital Expenditures for Higher, Tribal and Special Education, Bond Question C (2014)
New Mexico Constitutional Amendment 1, Land Grant Permanent Fund Distribution for Early Childhood Education Amendment (2022)
New Mexico Dates for School Elections, Amendment 1 (2014)
New Mexico Higher Education Capital Improvements and Acquisitions Bonds, Question B (2006)
New Mexico Higher Education and Special Schools Bonds, Bond Question C (2012)
New Mexico Referendum: Board of Regents of State Educational Institutions (1970)
New Mexico Referendum: Creation of Student Loans for the Healing Arts (1974)
New Mexico Referendum: Number of School Board Members in Large Districts (1980)
New Mexico Referendum: School Fund Levy (1970)
New Mexico Referendum: Student Loan Programs (1970)
New Mexico School Board, Amendment 1 (2008)
New Mexico Student on Board of Regents, Amendment 2 (2014)
New York
New York City Bond for School Construction, Amendment 4 (1959)
New York Contract Indebtedness for the Buffalo City School District, Amendment 9 (1966)
New York Filling Vacancies on the Board of Education, Proposition 8 (1977)
New York Proposal 1, Remove Debt Limit on Small City School Districts Amendment (2023)
New York Proposal 2, Small City School Districts Excluded from Debt Limits (2003)
New York Real Estate Taxes and School Districts, Proposal 5 (1985)
New York School Bonds, Proposal 3 (1997)
New York State Debt for Expansion of the State University, Amendment 2 (1957)
New York State Liability of Construction of Buildings at Universities, Amendment 6 (1961)
New York State Lotteries for Education, Amendment 7 (1966)
North Carolina
North Carolina Amendment 10, Six-Month Public School Term Amendment (1914)
North Carolina Amendment 2, School Terms Amendment (1918)
North Carolina Board of Education Amendment (1942)
North Carolina Board of Education Amendment (1944)
North Carolina Bonds for Higher Education Facilities Amendment (June 1982)
North Carolina Community College Improvement Bonds Referendum (1961)
North Carolina Correctional Schools Improvement Bonds Referendum (1961)
North Carolina Education Expense Grants and Local School Suspension Votes Amendment (September 1956)
North Carolina Educational Institutions Improvement Bonds Referendum (1961)
North Carolina Election of University Trustees Amendment (August 1873)
North Carolina Escheated Property for Higher Education Aid Amendment (1970)
North Carolina Higher Education Facilities Bonds Amendment (1986)
North Carolina Higher Education Improvement Bonds Referendum (2000)
North Carolina Public School Buildings Bond Measure (1996)
North Carolina Public School Facilities Bonds Referendum (1964)
North Carolina Referendum 1, Educational Institution Improvement Bonds Referendum (October 1959)
North Carolina Referendum 3, Community College Improvement Bonds Referendum (October 1959)
North Carolina School Construction Bonds Referendum (June 1949)
North Carolina School Facilities Bonds Referendum (1973)
North Carolina State Constitution Revisions Amendment (1876)
North Carolina Use of Collected Fines and Civil Penalties Amendment (2004)
North Dakota
North Dakota Acquiring School Lands Referendum (1912)
North Dakota Agricultural College Name Change Initiative, Amendment 3 (1960)
North Dakota Agricultural and Educational Funding Separation, Referendum 1 (1964)
North Dakota Agricultural and Educational Funding Separation, Referendum 2 (1962)
North Dakota Basis of Need Payments State Equalization Fund Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Board of Administration Referendum (1919)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education, Measure 2 (1988)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education, Measure 2 (1994)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Initiative (1938)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Members, Measure 3 (1990)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Membership, Measure 1 (1996)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Nominating Committee Referendum, Measure 5 (1982)
North Dakota Board of Higher Education Qualifications and Compensation Referendum, Amendment 1 (1976)
North Dakota Boards of Education Referendum, Amendment 5 (1976)
North Dakota Change Name of Agricultural College, Initiative 4 (1958)
North Dakota Commission of Higher Education Amendment, Measure 3 (2014)
North Dakota Common Schools Trust Fund, Constitutional Measure 1 (2006)
North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Board of Higher Education Membership Amendment (2020)
North Dakota County Superintendents Referendum, Number 2 (1966)
North Dakota Dickinson Normal School Referendum (1916)
North Dakota Earmarking Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Ellendale Branch Repeal Referendum, Amendment 2 (1972)
North Dakota Final Offer Resolution, Measure 3 (1992)
North Dakota Healthcare Education Program, Measure 8 (1989)
North Dakota Higher Education Costs Referendum, Number 1 (1968)
North Dakota Higher Education Institution References, Measure 1 (1998)
North Dakota Initiated Measure 1, Prohibit Public School Teachers Religious Dress Measure (1948)
North Dakota Investment of School Fund Referendum (1908)
North Dakota Junior College Control Initiative, Measure 4 (1984)
North Dakota Location of School for the Blind Referendum, Amendment 3 (1952)
North Dakota Maximum School Taxes Initiative (1934)
North Dakota Minot Normal School Referendum (1910)
North Dakota Minot State College Name Change Referendum, Measure 3 (1984)
North Dakota Reallocating Basis of Need Payments Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Reform School Referendum (1920)
North Dakota Removal School for the Blind Referendum, Amendment 1 (1950)
North Dakota Repeal of Teachers Minimum Training and Salary Initiative (1922)
North Dakota Sales Tax Increase for Education, Measure 4 (1990)
North Dakota Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)
North Dakota Scholarship Board and Fund, Initiative 2 (1956)
North Dakota School Board Proceedings Publication Initiative, Number 5 (1966)
North Dakota School District Reorganization, Initiative 5 (1958)
North Dakota School District Taxes, Referendum 5 (1963)
North Dakota School Funds Referendum (1920)
North Dakota School Trust Fund Deposit and Use Referendum, Measure 3 (1982)
North Dakota School Year Begins After Labor Day Initiative, Measure 8 (2014)
North Dakota School for the Blind Construction Appropriation, Initiative 3 (1958)
North Dakota State Board of Higher Education Membership, Measure 1 (2000)
North Dakota State Loan Fund Issue (1955)
North Dakota Teacher Certification Initiative (1920)
North Dakota Williston Educational Institution, Referendum 6 (1956)
North Dakota Youth Initiative, Initiated Statutory Measure 3 (2002)
Ohio Bonds for Public Schools and Higher Education Institutions Amendment (1999)
Ohio Bonds for Public Schools and Higher Education Institutions Amendment (May 1998)
Ohio Creation of State Board of Education Amendment (1953)
Ohio Establishment of State Board of Education Amendment (1939)
Ohio Guarantees of High Education Loans Amendment (May 1965)
Ohio Issue 3, Casino Gambling for Education and Government Funding Initiative (2006)
Ohio Opportunities for Higher Education Amendment (1994)
Ohio Organization of Boards of Education Amendment (September 1912)
Ohio Sales Tax Increase for Public Schools and Homestead Tax Changes Measure (May 1998)
Ohio State Lottery Funds for Education Amendment (1987)
Ohio Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (September 1912)
Ohio Tax Increase for School Foundation Program Amendment (May 1965)
Oklahoma State Question 109, Ad Valorem Tax for Common Schools Initiative (1920)
Oklahoma State Question 137, Public School Textbooks Referendum (1926)
Oklahoma State Question 145, Public School Fund and Levy Amendment (1926)
Oklahoma State Question 158, State Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges Board of Regents Amendment (1930)
Oklahoma State Question 159, University of Oklahoma Board of Regents Amendment (1930)
Oklahoma State Question 168, Taxes for School Purposes Initiative (July 1932)
Oklahoma State Question 172, Board of Education and Textbooks for Schools Initiative (December 1931)
Oklahoma State Question 210, Board of Regents for the Agricultural and Mechanical College Amendment (1936)
Oklahoma State Question 300, State System for Higher Education Amendment (March 1941)
Oklahoma State Question 310, Agricultural and Mechanical College Board of Regents Amendment (July 1944)
Oklahoma State Question 311, University of Oklahoma Board of Regents Amendment (July 1944)
Oklahoma State Question 314, Ad Valorem Tax for Schools Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 315, Common Schools Funding Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 316, Ad Valorem Tax for Schools Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 318, Textbooks for Common Schools Initiative (1946)
Oklahoma State Question 319, Tax Levy for Schools Amendment (July 1946)
Oklahoma State Question 327, Tax Levy for Schools Amendment (July 1948)
Oklahoma State Question 328, Board of Regents for Oklahoma Colleges Amendment (July 1948)
Oklahoma State Question 346, Military Academy Board of Regents Amendment (1950)
Oklahoma State Question 368, Ad Valorem Taxes for Public Schools Amendment (April 1955)
Oklahoma State Question 370, Common School Funds Investment Amendment (July 1956)
Oklahoma State Question 371, Board of Regents for the College for Women Amendment (July 1956)
Oklahoma State Question 372, Board of Regents for the Military Academy at Claremore Amendment (July 1956)
Oklahoma State Question 393, Capital Improvements for Higher Education Amendment (July 1960)
Oklahoma State Question 421, Levy for School Districts Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 422, State Aid to School Districts Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 423, School Districts Disorganization Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 424, County Superintendents Initiative (1964)
Oklahoma State Question 428, Integrated Schools Amendment (May 1966)
Oklahoma State Question 430, Ability to Enact Property Tax Levy for School Districts Amendment (September 1965)
Oklahoma State Question 434, Establishment of Vocational Education School Districts Amendment (May 1966)
Oklahoma State Question 442, Investment of School Funds Amendment (August 1968)
Oklahoma State Question 45, Taxes for Common Schools Amendment (1912)
Oklahoma State Question 475, Prohibition of School Segregation Amendment (September 1970)
Oklahoma State Question 481, School and Educational Funds Amendment (December 1971)
Oklahoma State Question 487, Tax Levy for School Districts Amendment (1972)
Oklahoma State Question 490, Allowable Loan for School Funds Amendment (August 1972)
Oklahoma State Question 521, Establish Institutions to Support the Deaf and Blind Amendment (April 1976)
Oklahoma State Question 526, Remove Segregated Public School System Section Amendment (1978)
Oklahoma State Question 546, School District Emergency Levy Amendment (1980)
Oklahoma State Question 548, School District Indebtedness Limit Amendment (1980)
Oklahoma State Question 57, Taxes for Common Schools Amendment (August 1913)
Oklahoma State Question 572, School District Indebtedness Amendment (1984)
Oklahoma State Question 578, School Equalization Fund Amendment (August 1984)
Oklahoma State Question 59, Taxes for Common School Amendment (August 1914)
Oklahoma State Question 599, Investment of School Funds Amendment (August 1986)
Oklahoma State Question 633, State Board of Education Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 634, Property Tax Levies Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 635, Common School Fund Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 636, Compulsory School Attendance Amendment (June 1990)
Oklahoma State Question 639, Replace House Bill 1017 and Education Changes Initiative (October 1991)
Oklahoma State Question 665, Educational Fund Bond Guarantees and Investment Regulations Amendment (1994)
Oklahoma State Question 671, School Superintendent Contracts Amendment (1996)
Oklahoma State Question 680, Use of Public Resources for Private Gain Amendment (1998)
Oklahoma State Question 681, Private Ownership of Government-Funded Research Amendment (1998)
Oklahoma State Question 684, School Land Trust Amendment (2000)
Oklahoma State Question 686, Contracts for College and University Presidents Amendment (2000)
Oklahoma State Question 690, School Millage Levies Amendment (2000)
Oklahoma State Question 704, Use of School Building Funds Amendment (2002)
Oklahoma State Question 705, State Lottery for Education Measure (2004)
Oklahoma State Question 706, Education Lottery Trust Fund Amendment (2004)
Oklahoma State Question 744, State Funds for Common Schools Initiative (2010)
Oklahoma State Question 83, Taxes for Common Schools Amendment (August 1916)
Oklahoma State Question 99, Tax for Common Schools Initiative (1920)
Oregon Measure 1, 5% Sales Tax to Fund Public Schools Amendment (1993)
Oregon Measure 1, Bonds for Education Building Program Amendment (May 1964)
Oregon Measure 1, Public School Funding and Equalization Initiative (2000)
Oregon Measure 1, Repeal Election of Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1980)
Oregon Measure 1, Revision of Taxes for Education Amendment (May 1973)
Oregon Measure 1, Sales Tax for Education and Other Tax Reductions Amendment (September 1985)
Oregon Measure 1, School District Tax Base Limits Amendment (May 1989)
Oregon Measure 1, State Income and Corporate Tax Increase for Education Measure (May 1974)
Oregon Measure 10, New Property Tax Bases for Schools Initiative (1970)
Oregon Measure 10, Private Investment in Public University Technology Amendment (May 2002)
Oregon Measure 10, Repeal of School District Reorganization Initiative (1962)
Oregon Measure 11, Open Enrollment for Public Schools, Refundable Tax Credits for Non-Public Education, and Voter Approval for New Restrictions on Nonpublic Education Initiative (1990)
Oregon Measure 15, Maintain Funding for Schools and Community Colleges Initiative (1994)
Oregon Measure 2, Bonds for Educational Facilities Amendment (1966)
Oregon Measure 2, Continue School District Property Taxes Amendment (May 1987)
Oregon Measure 2, Merged School Tax Bases Amendment (1990)
Oregon Measure 2, Selecting Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (May 1966)
Oregon Measure 21, Lottery Revenues for Education Amendment (May 1995)
Oregon Measure 3, Bonds for Higher Education Amendment (May 1968)
Oregon Measure 3, Oil and Gas Taxes for Common School Fund Amendment (1980)
Oregon Measure 3, School District Tax Base Limitations Amendment (May 1974)
Oregon Measure 42, Standardized Testing of Public School Students Initiative (1996)
Oregon Measure 52, Lottery Bonds for Public Schools Measure (1997)
Oregon Measure 54, Guaranteed Bonds for School Districts Amendment (1998)
Oregon Measure 55, Guaranteed Earnings on Tuition Trust Fund Amendment (1998)
Oregon Measure 58, Public School English Immersion Initiative (2008)
Oregon Measure 5A, Change of School Finance System Advisory Measure (May 1990)
Oregon Measure 6, School Property Tax Equalization Amendment (May 1970)
Oregon Measure 60, Performance-Based Teachers Pay Initiative (2008)
Oregon Measure 69, Bonds for Higher Education Projects Amendment (May 2010)
Oregon Measure 7, Bonds for School Districts Amendment (1970)
Oregon Measure 85, Corporate Tax Refund Redirected to Education Initiative (2012)
Oregon Measure 86, Fund for Post-Secondary Education Amendment (2014)
Oregon Measure 9, Prohibition of Property Taxes for Education Initiative (1972)
Oregon Measure 9, Prohibition of Public School Instruction on Homosexual Behaviors Initiative (2000)
Oregon Measure 95, Student Learning as Determinate of Teacher Pay Initiative (2000)
Oregon Measure 98, State Funding for Dropout Prevention and College Readiness Initiative (2016)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Appointment of Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1952)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Funding for Psychiatric Hospitals, Schools, and Prisons Referendum (June 1906)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, Southern and Eastern Oregon Normal Schools Establishment and Maintenance Amendment (1918)
Oregon Measure Nos. 300-301, State University Repair Fund Referendum (1913)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Cigarette Tax for Public School Assistance Fund Measure (June 1945)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Tax Levies for Large School Districts Amendment (June 1927)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, Transfer Veterans' Fund to Common School Fund Amendment (1952)
Oregon Measure Nos. 302-303, University of Oregon Building Appropriations Referendum (1913)
Oregon Measure Nos. 304-305, Establishment of Rural School Districts and School Boards Measure (1946)
Oregon Measure Nos. 306-307, Authorization of College Student Activity Fees Referendum (January 1936)
Oregon Measure Nos. 306-307, Property Tax for School Support Measure (1950)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Educational Aid to World War II Veterans Measure (1944)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Qualifications to Vote in School Elections Initiative (1948)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Remove Military Service Requirements for College Degrees Initiative (1936)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Sales Tax Increase for Education Referendum (May 1934)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, State Normal School at Pendleton Initiative (1916)
Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, State Normal School at Seaside Measure (1926)
Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, State Normal School in Eastern Counties Measure (1926)
Oregon Measure Nos. 310-311, Taxes for Higher Education Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Distribution of Surplus Tax Revenues to School Districts Initiative (1942)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, State Normal School at Ashland Measure (1914)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Taxes for Educational Aid for Veterans Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 312-313, Vaccination Requirement Removal Initiative (1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, $125,000 for the University of Oregon Referendum (June 1908)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Require Children to Attend Public School Initiative (1922)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Tax Revenues for Public School Fund Initiative (1944)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Taxes to Fund Elementary Schools Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 314-315, Veterans' Financial Aid Measure (June 1919)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Consolidating and Moving Public Higher Education Institutions Initiative (1932)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, State Normal School at Weston Amendment (1914)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Tax for School Support Fund Initiative (1946)
Oregon Measure Nos. 316-317, Taxes to Fund School for the Blind Measure (May 1920)
Oregon Measure Nos. 318-319, State Normal School at Monmouth Initiative (1910)
Oregon Measure Nos. 320-321, Create Board of Regents for University of Oregon and State Agricultural College Initiative (1912)
Oregon Measure Nos. 320-321, School District Reorganization Referendum (1952)
Oregon Measure Nos. 336-337, State Normal School at Weston Initiative (1910)
Oregon Measure Nos. 340-341, State Normal School at Ashland Initiative (1910)
Pennsylvania Question 1, State Higher Education Loans Amendment (1963)
Pennsylvania Question 2, School District Debt Limits Amendment (1959)
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Capital Bonds for Higher Education Question, Question 2 (2010)
Rhode Island Higher Education Bonds, Question 4 (2000)
Rhode Island Question 1, School Buildings Bond Measure (2018)
Rhode Island Question 2, Bonds for College Telecommunications (1996)
Rhode Island Question 2, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (2018)
Rhode Island Question 2, Higher Education Facilities Bond Measure (2024)
Rhode Island Question 2, Higher Education Facilities Bonds (1998)
Rhode Island Question 4, Higher Education Bonds Act (2006)
Rhode Island Question 4, School Bonds (2004)
Rhode Island Question 5, Higher Education Residence Hall Bonds (2004)
South Carolina
South Dakota
South Dakota Abolish Regents' Board of Trustees (1896)
South Dakota Appointment of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment E (1968)
South Dakota Definition of First Day of School, Initiative 3 (2006)
South Dakota Educational Fund Loans (1944)
South Dakota Educational Funds, Amendment C (1994)
South Dakota Educational and Charitable Institutions (1944)
South Dakota Fines and Interest Rates on School Land Sales, Amendment B (1982)
South Dakota Governance of Technical Education Institutes, Constitutional Amendment R (2016)
South Dakota Healthcare and Education Trust Funds, Amendment B (April 2001)
South Dakota Investment of School Funds, Amendment E (2000)
South Dakota Investment of School Funds, Amendment G (1998)
South Dakota Loan of Nonsectarian Textbooks, Amendment C (1986)
South Dakota Lower Interest Rate on School Funds (1902)
South Dakota Northern Normal School Course of Study (1914)
South Dakota Reinvestment of School Funds, Amendment D (1968)
South Dakota School After Labor Day, Initiative 2 (1984)
South Dakota School District Debt Limit (1954)
South Dakota School District Indebtedness (1950)
South Dakota School District Reorganization, Referendum 2(1968)
South Dakota School Lands, Amendment H (1970)
South Dakota School Services for all Children, Amendment B (2004)
South Dakota State University Relocation (1922)
South Dakota Teachers' Colleges (1932)
Texas Education Loans Finance Amendment, Proposition 3 (2011)
Texas Proposition 1, Angelo State University Governance Amendment (2007)
Texas Proposition 1, Appointment of the State Board of Education Amendment (1928)
Texas Proposition 1, Board of Regents Terms of Office Amendment (1912)
Texas Proposition 1, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (1995)
Texas Proposition 1, Building Construction for John Tarleton Agricultural College Amendment (1946)
Texas Proposition 1, Improvements for Institutions of Higher Education Amendment (1965)
Texas Proposition 1, Permanent School Fund Transfer Amendment (1964)
Texas Proposition 1, School District Bonds Amendment (August 1909)
Texas Proposition 12, State Employees as Consultants, Advisors, or Members of School Boards Amendment (1962)
Texas Proposition 13, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (1991)
Texas Proposition 13, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (1999)
Texas Proposition 13, Donation of School District Property Amendment (2001)
Texas Proposition 13, Independent School District Taxes and Bonds Amendment (1962)
Texas Proposition 14, County Permanent School Fund Amendment (1972)
Texas Proposition 2, Allow School Districts to Opt Out of Unfunded State Educational Mandates Amendment (May 1993)
Texas Proposition 2, Bonds for Educational Loans Amendment (2007)
Texas Proposition 2, Educational Loan Bonds Amendment (August 1991)
Texas Proposition 2, Higher Education Assistance Fund Amendment (1984)
Texas Proposition 2, Investment of the Permanent University Fund Amendment (1930)
Texas Proposition 2, Property Tax for Schools Amendment (1918)
Texas Proposition 2, Salaries for Military Officers Amendment (1942)
Texas Proposition 2, School District Boundaries Amendment (August 1909)
Texas Proposition 2, School Officer Term Limits Amendment (1928)
Texas Proposition 2, Special School Districts Amendment (1926)
Texas Proposition 2, State Medical Education Fund Amendment (1952)
Texas Proposition 2, Tax Exemptions for Higher Education Amendment (1906)
Texas Proposition 21, College Savings Bonds Amendment (1989)
Texas Proposition 3, Arlington State College Amendment (1966)
Texas Proposition 3, Building Construction at John Tarleton Agricultural College Amendment (1942)
Texas Proposition 3, School District Assistance Bonds Amendment (May 1993)
Texas Proposition 4, County Student Loan Fund Amendment (July 1915)
Texas Proposition 4, Education Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
Texas Proposition 4, Free Textbooks Amendment (August 1935)
Texas Proposition 4, Land for Permanent School Fund Amendment (1985)
Texas Proposition 4, National Research University Fund Amendment (2009)
Texas Proposition 4, Property Tax Changes and State Education Funding Amendment (2023)
Texas Proposition 5, Rename State University Research Fund and Establish Ongoing Revenue Source Amendment (2023)
Texas Proposition 5, Transferring Monies from the Permanent School Fund Amendment (August 1891)
Texas Proposition 5, University Fund Investment Amendment (August 1887)
Texas Proposition 6, Permanent School Fund Amendment (2011)
Texas Proposition 6, Separation of University of Texas and Agricultural College Amendment (July 1915)
Texas Proposition 6, Student Loans and the Texas Opportunity Plan Fund Amendment (1965)
Texas Proposition 8, Investment of University Funds Amendment (1932)
Texas Student Loans Funding Amendment (August 1969)
Utah Amendment 1, Allow State School Fund Dividend Spending and End Earnings Retainment Requirement Measure (2002)
Utah Amendment 2, Allow State and Higher Education Institutions to Exchange Intellectual Property for Private Stock Measure (2004)
Utah Amendment 4, Provide that Revenue From Mineral Deposits be Used for Public School Funding Measure (1958)
Utah Amendment B, State School Fund Distribution Cap Increase Amendment (2024)
Utah Amendment E, Create an Exception for Investing in Stocks and Bonds Measure (2008)
Utah Initiative C, Create State Income Tax Credit for Private Education Expenses Measure (1988)
Utah Nonbinding Opinion Question 1, 10 Cents per Gallon Gas Tax Increase for Education and Local Roads (2018)
Utah Proposition 2, Alter the Public School Funding System Amendment (1994)
Utah Proposition 3, Delete Requirement that Cities Have Separate School Districts Amendment (1972)
Utah Proposition 3, Nonsectarian Religious Studies Exemption from Public Funding Restriction Amendment (1994)
Utah Proposition 3, Restructure the Education Article Amendment (1986)
Utah Proposition 3, Specify the Purpose of Parcels of Public Land Amendment (1998)
Utah Proposition 4, Change the Revenue Sources for the Funding of the Public School System Amendment (1984)
Utah Proposition 4, Permit the State to Guarantee School District Debt Amendment (1996)
Utah Proposition 5, Allow Additional Revenues to the State School Fund Amendment (1996)
Utah Proposition 6, Allow Income Tax and State School Fund to Be Used for the Higher Education System Amendment (1996)
Utah Referendum 1, End State Operation of Dixie, Snow, and Weber State Colleges Measure (1954)
Utah Referendum 2, Discontinue Carbon College and Dispose of its Property Measure (1954)
Utah Specify the Control and Maintenance of Public Schools in Cities Amendment (1900)
Virginia Allow County School Boards to Borrow Money from the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for School Construction Amendment (1958)
Virginia Educational Institutions Bond Measure (1977)
Virginia Higher Education Grants and Contracts for Services from Higher Education Institutions Amendment (1974)
Virginia Higher Educational Institutions Bond Measure (1968)
Virginia Proposed Bond 1, Education Facility Projects Bond Measure (2002)
Virginia Public School Funding from the Literary Fund Amendment (1944)
Virginia Question 1, Lottery Revenue for Education Amendment (2000)
Virginia Question 3, Educational Institutions Bond Measure (1992)
Virginia Question 4, Selection of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Virginia Amendment (June 1928)
Virginia School District Consolidation Amendment (1950)
Washington Advisory Vote 24, Nonbinding Question on Business Activities Tax to Fund Higher Education Programs (2019)
Washington Class Size Reduction Measure, Initiative 1351 (2014)
Washington HJR 10, School District Indebtedness Limits Amendment (1950)
Washington HJR 19, State Financial Assistance for Students of Public, Private, and Religious Schools Amendment (1975)
Washington HJR 22, Voter Approval of Excess School Tax Levies Amendment (1985)
Washington HJR 4204, Simple Majority for Excess School Tax Levies Amendment (2007)
Washington HJR 4208, Four-Year School District Tax Levies Amendment (1997)
Washington HJR 4220, Property Tax Levy for School Construction Amendment (1987)
Washington HJR 55, Excess Tax Levies for School Districts Amendment (1986)
Washington HJR 8, School District Indebtedness Limits Amendment (1952)
Washington Initiative 102, Child and Family Services Tax Measure (1989)
Washington Initiative 1240, Charter Schools Authorization Measure (2012)
Washington Initiative 126, Non-Partisan Elections for School Superintendents Measure (1938)
Washington Initiative 173, Scholarship Vouchers Measure (1996)
Washington Initiative 177, Charter Schools Measure (1996)
- Washington Initiative 2081, Parental Right to Review Education Materials, Receive Notifications, and Opt Out of Sexual-Health Education Initiative (2024)
Washington Initiative 314, Corporate Excise Tax to Reduce School Levies Measure (1975)
Washington Initiative 350, Restriction on Student Busing Measure (1978)
Washington Initiative 46, School Fund Allocation and Distribution Measure (1922)
Washington Initiative 49, Compulsory Public School Attendance Measure (1924)
Washington Initiative 69, Graduated Income Tax for School Funding Measure (1932)
Washington Initiative 728, School Class Sizes Measure (2000)
Washington Initiative 729, Charter Schools Sponsorship Measure (2000)
Washington Initiative 732, Cost-of-Living Salary Adjustments for Teachers Measure (2000)
Washington Initiative 884, Sales Tax Increase for Education Trust Fund Measure (2004)
Washington Investment of Permanent School Fund in School District Bonds Amendment (1894)
Washington Referendum 1, Teachers' Retirement Fund Measure (1914)
Washington Referendum 10, Bonds for State Institutions Measure (1958)
Washington Referendum 12, Public School Facilities Bond Measure (1964)
Washington Referendum 13, Physical Examination and Vaccination Requirements Measure (1922)
Washington Referendum 14, Bonds for Public School Facilities Measure (1966)
Washington Referendum 31, Community Colleges Bond Measure (1972)
Washington Referendum 55, Charter School Authorization Measure (2004)
Washington Referendum 7, Bonds for School Construction Measure (1950)
Washington Referendum 9, Bonds for Public University Construction Measure (1950)
Washington Referendum 90, Sex Education in Public Schools Measure (2020)
Washington SJR 137, Two-Year Excess School Taxes Amendment (1976)
Washington SJR 8206, School District Debt Amendment (1999)
Washington SJR 8223, Authorization of Public University Investments Amendment (2012)
Washington Substitute HJR 4, Tax Levy Periods for Schools Amendment (1958)
West Virginia
West Virginia Amendment 3, Prayer or Private Contemplation in Public Schools Measure (1984)
West Virginia Amendment 4, Legislative Approval of the State Board of Education Rules Measure (2022)
West Virginia Better School Buildings Amendment, Amendment 2 (1986)
West Virginia Better Schools, Road and Public Works Amendment, Amendment 4 (1984)
West Virginia Better Schools Amendment, Amendment 3 (1958)
West Virginia Better Schools Amendment, Amendment 5 (1966)
West Virginia Fair Education Opportunity Amendment, Amendment 1 (1982)
West Virginia School Board Members Amendment, Amendment 6 (1986)
West Virginia School Levy and Bond Amendment, Amendment 2 (1978)
West Virginia State Superintendent of Free Schools Amendment, Amendment 2 (1958)
West Virginia Uniform School Funding Amendment, Amendment 1 (1988)
Wisconsin Question 1, Property Tax for School Aid Advisory Question (April 1944)
Wisconsin Question 1, State Superintendent Amendment (1888)
Wisconsin Question 1, State Superintendent Salary Amendment (1896)
Wisconsin Question 1, Teacher Retirement Benefits Amendment (April 1956)
Wisconsin Question 1, Teacher Tenure Law Repeal Advisory Question (April 1940)
Wisconsin Question 2, State Superintendent Amendment (1902)
Wisconsin Question 2, Transportation for Private School Students Amendment (1946)
Wisconsin Question 3, Public School Building Use Amendment (April 1972)
Wisconsin Question 3, State Control and Funding of Vocational Education (April 1969)
Wisconsin Question 4, School Release for Religious Instruction Amendment (April 1972)
Wisconsin Question 6, Repeal of Draft Exemption Fund Collection Amendment (1982)
Wisconsin Question 7, Transportation for Private School Students Amendment (April 1967)