Del Norte County Board of Supervisors recalls, California (2018)

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Del Norte County Board of Supervisors recall
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Roger Gitlin
Bob Berkowitz
Recall status
Did not go to a vote
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2018
Recalls in California
California recall laws
County official recalls
Recall reports

Efforts to recall Roger Gitlin and Bob Berkowitz from their positions on the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors in California were launched in June 2018. The recalls were initiated by Jesse Davis, who said that Gitlin and Berkowitz were engaging in partisan politics. The petition said, in part, "We count on our local representatives to cooperate and compromise on divisive issues, rather than waging war on each other." Signatures were not submitted by the August 20, 2018, deadline, so the recall did not go to a vote.[1][2]

Recall opponents

Gitlin's response

The organizers of this frivolous Recall seek to remove me because I am a strong advocate for positive solutions implementing quality-of-life changes. Advocating constituents’priorities will ruffle the feathers of those who wish to keep the status quo. It’s that simple!

I’ve committed no wrongful acts during my terms. Honesty and candor have been the foundation of my relationship with the voters.

Since elected in 2012, I’ve maintained the promise making local government accessible to all and continue performing on that pledge.

At zero taxpayer cost, Take a Bite out of Blight clean-ups, 37 to date, will continue.

Facing the prospect of Critical Access at our local hospital (fewer beds and higher prices), I worked with local medical leaders successfully preserving our full-service hospital.

Currently, I serve on a City/County/Healthcare District subcommittee and continue to advocate for expanded quality healthcare.

Last Chance Grade project remains a top priority, continuing work to provide a safe Highway 101 route.

No Recall organizer contributed to any of the above efforts or successes.

When needing assistance, you receive a prompt, courteous reply and my best effort to help solve your issue.

Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you.[3]

—Roger Gitlin[4]

Berkowitz's response

For the last year and a half, my one goal has been to help make our county a better place to live, work and raise a family. I am proud of our board’s accomplishments.

After years of inaction, we’ve begun the process of replacing Last Chance Grade.

We have motivated Sutter Coast Hospital to find a new physicians group that will lower the prices you pay doctors. We’ve reworked the county budget so that we have a new funding source providing for more clean-ups of blighted areas. We were successful in getting more federal dollars for our local schools and county roads.

After months without air service, we now have regular air service via Contour Airlines.

Our county recently won a national award for its “Daily Town Hall Meeting” where you can interact with a supervisor on a daily basis. This is just a small list of what your board of supervisors has accomplished in the last year and a half.

Now there are some who want to recall two supervisors and send our county back into the dark ages with this uncalled for move. You can help our county moving forward by not signing this recall. [3]

—Bob Berkowitz[5]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in California

Recall proponents would need to collect valid signatures from 25 percent of the voters in each district. Gitlin's petition would need 580 signatures, and Berkowitz's petition would need 756 signatures.[1] Signatures were due on August 20, 2018. Signatures were not submitted by the deadline.[6]

See also

External links
