Deriso v. Cooper

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Number: none
Year: 1980
State: Georgia
Court: {{{Court}}}
Other lawsuits in Georgia
Other lawsuits in 1980
Precedents include:
Sunshine Laws
Open Records laws
Open Meetings Laws
How to Make Records Requests
Sunshine Litigation
Sorted by State, Year and Topic
Sunshine Nuances
Deliberative Process Exemption

Deriso v. Cooper was a case before the Georgia Supreme Court in 1980 concerning open meetings laws and school boards.


This suit was brought against the Sumter County school board based on the 1976 constitutional provision that required school boards to keep all meetings open at all times.

The Court reversed and affirmed the trial court's ruling, saying school boards may meet in executive session to discuss, deliberate, consider or hear matters listed as exceptions in the Open Meetings Act.

Justice Hill concurred, but Justice Jordan dissented, arguing that "the Constitution says what it means and means what it says."

The plaintiffs moved for rehearing, which the Court denied: "If this state of the law is perceived by the school patrons as being unjust, their proper recourse is to their elected representatives in the General Assembly with suggested revisions to our Constitution and laws."[1]

See also

  • Georgia Open Meetings Act
  • Georgia Open Records Act

External links
