Dennis Bragiel recall, Kawkawlin, Michigan (2019)

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Kawkawlin Township Supervisor recall
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Dennis Bragiel
Recall status
Recall approved
Recall election date
May 7, 2019
See also
Recall overview
Political recall efforts, 2019
Recalls in Michigan
Michigan recall laws
City official recalls
Recall reports

An effort in Kawkawlin, Michigan, to recall Township Supervisor Dennis Bragiel was initiated in December 2018. The recall election took place on May 7, 2019.[1] Samuel Davidson won the recall election, and Bragiel was removed from office.[2]

Recall vote

The recall election took place on May 7, 2019. Samuel Davidson won the recall election, and Bragiel was removed from office.[2]

Dennis Bragiel recall
Yes check.svg Recall75074.04%

Recall supporters

The petition against Bragiel read, "at the July 9, 2018, township board meeting, Dennis Bragiel voted ‘no’ on a motion being considered by the Board to put a 120 day moratorium on further implementation of the township’s wind energy ordinance."[1]

Recall opponents

Bragiel said he voted against the motion over concerns that a moratorium could expose the township to a lawsuit.[1]

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing recall in Michigan

Petitioners were required to submit 455 valid signatures to put the recall on the ballot. Bay County Clerk Cynthia Luczak found 530 signatures valid.[1]

See also

External links
