Darke County Court of Common Pleas, Ohio

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Ballotpedia:Trial Courts

The Darke County Court of Common Pleas is a trial Court of Common Pleas in Greenville, Ohio.


General division

Probate and Juvenile Division

Former judges

See also

External links


See also: Ohio judicial elections

Ohio is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. To learn more about judicial selection in Ohio, click here.

Selection method

See also: Nonpartisan election of judges

The 391 judges of the Ohio Courts of Common Pleas are all selected in an identical manner. Qualified individuals wishing to join the bench must participate in partisan primary elections followed by nonpartisan general elections.[1]

The chief judges of the Ohio Courts of Common Pleas are chosen by peer vote and serve for one year.[1]

To serve on an appellate or general jurisdiction court, a judge must be:[1]

  • a district or county resident (for court of appeals and common pleas judges);
  • at least six years practiced in law; and
  • under the age of 70.

Under the Ohio Constitution, a judge who reaches 70 years of age may be assigned by the chief justice to active duty, receiving payment on a per-day basis in addition to whatever retirement benefits he or she is entitled to.

Election rules

Primary election

In Ohio, primary elections serve to nominate a candidate of a political party for election to an office. The winners of each party's primary go on to face each other in the general election. Primaries are held "on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of each year except in years in which a presidential primary election is held."[2]
