City of Lancaster Home Rule Charter, Measure C (April 2010)

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A City of Lancaster Home Rule Charter, Measure C ballot question was on the April 13, 2010 ballot for voters in the City of Lancaster in Los Angeles County, where it was approved.

Measure C adopted a charter for the City of Lancaster. The impact of the approval of Measure C was to cause Lancaster to be a charter city, rather than a general law city.

The City of Lancaster's city council voted on November 10, 2009 to adopt Resolution 09-103, which submitted Measure C to the ballot.

Election results

Measure C
Approveda Yes 8,996 71.0%
These election results are from the Los Angeles County elections office.

General law and charter cities

According to an analysis of Measure C prepared by Lancaster's city attorney, "A general law city finds its authority to act in, and is thereby limited by, the general laws adopted by the legislature. A charter city, on the other hand, has all of the powers of a general law city together with the power to enact ordinances and regulations with respect to municipal affairs without regard to the general laws adopted by the Legislature, but subject to the limitations found in the Constitution and the charter."

Proposed charter

The charter proposed:

  • Keeping the Council/Manager form of government with an elected mayor and four council members.
  • Retaining its authority to appoint, with the concurrence of the city council, members of all commissions, committees and boards.
  • Requiring a 4/5ths vote to change salaries of council members.
  • Providing for the payment of prevailing wages on all public works projects.
  • Giving the city the power to engage in revenue producing public enterprises.
  • Giving the city the power "to resist costly state mandates in the area of municipal affairs."
  • Requiring the approval of a majority of the voters to amend the charter.

About Lancaster

Lancaster is the eighth-largest city in Los Angeles County, California and the 9th fastest growing city in the United States. The population of Lancaster grew from 37,000 residents when the city was incorporated in 1977, to an estimated 145,074 residents in 2009.

Ballot question

The question on the ballot:

Measure C: "Shall the voters of the City of Lancaster adopt a charter to regain home-rule control and accountability from the State for local municipal affairs?"[1]

External links

  1. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.