City of Los Angeles Disabled Children Benefits, Proposition C (March 2009)

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A City of Los Angeles Disabled Children Survivor Benefit, Proposition C ballot question was on the March 3, 2009 ballot in the City of Los Angeles, California, where it was approved.[1]

Proposition C amended the Los Angeles City Charter to allow disabled children of deceased members of the Fire and Police Pension Plan to marry or be adopted without losing their Dependent Child benefits. It also provided additional options for the payment of benefits belonging to disabled children of deceased members, as long as the additional options do not increase the amount of the benefits being paid.

Election results

Proposition C
Approveda Yes 168,786 67.0%
These final election results are from the Los Angeles County election office.


The Los Angeles Times endorsed a "yes" vote on Measure C, saying, "The Times acknowledges that pension plans are fraught with potential financial hazards for the city and therefore the taxpayers, so we swallow our irritation with such petty demands for voter attention. Charter Amendment C will have little effect on the fiscal health of the pension plan and should be approved, although its beneficial attributes are slight."[2]

Ballot question

The question on the ballot:

Proposition C: "Shall the Charter be amended to allow disabled children of deceased members of the Fire and Police Pension Plan to marry or be adopted without losing their Dependent Child benefits and to provide additional options for the payment of benefits belonging to disabled children of deceased members that do not increase the amount of the benefits being paid?"[3]

See also

External links
