California Election Policies Initiative (2024)

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California Election Policies Initiative (2024)
Flag of California.png
Election date
November 5, 2024
Elections and campaigns and Voting policy measures
Not on the ballot
Constitutional amendment

The California Election Policies Initiative (2024) (#23-0016) was not on the ballot in California as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 5, 2024.

The initiative would have amended the California Constitution to require a valid government ID to vote in person or the last three digits of the ID for mail-in voters. The amendment would have also required counties to maintain accurate voter registration lists.[1]

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title would have been as follows:[2]

Requires government-issued identification to vote. Initiative constitutional amendment.[3]

Petition summary

The summary provided for inclusion on signature petition sheets was as follows:[2]

Amends California Constitution to:
  • Require voters to present driver’s license or other government-issued identification card at polls;
  • Require voters to provide a matching signature (as already required by state law) and last three digits of government-issued identification number with mail-in ballot;
  • Require counties to maintain accurate voter registration lists (as already required by state and federal law);
  • Prohibit counties from mailing ballot if they “obtain information that suggests” a voter no longer resides at registered address; and
  • Require counties to report in-person voting wait times after elections.[3]

Fiscal impact

The fiscal impact statement was as follows:[2]

One-time state and local government costs in the millions of dollars to prepare for implementation of the measure. Increased annual state and local government costs, potentially in the tens of millions of dollars, to administer elections.[3]

Full text

The full text of the initiative is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing the initiative process in California

In California, the number of signatures required for an initiated constitutional amendment is equal to 8 percent of the votes cast in the preceding gubernatorial election. Petitions are allowed to circulate for 180 days from the date the attorney general prepares the petition language. Signatures need to be certified at least 131 days before the general election. As the verification process can take multiple months, the secretary of state provides suggested deadlines for ballot initiatives.

The requirements to get initiated constitutional amendments certified for the 2024 ballot:

  • Signatures: 874,641 valid signatures were required.
  • Deadline: The deadline for signature verification was 131 days before the general election, which was around June 27, 2024. However, the process of verifying signatures can take multiple months and proponents are recommended to file signatures at least two months before the verification deadline.

Signatures are first filed with local election officials, who determine the total number of signatures submitted. If the total number is equal to at least 100 percent of the required signatures, then local election officials perform a random check of signatures submitted in their counties. If the random sample estimates that more than 110 percent of the required number of signatures are valid, the initiative is eligible for the ballot. If the random sample estimates that between 95 and 110 percent of the required number of signatures are valid, a full check of signatures is done to determine the total number of valid signatures. If less than 95 percent are estimated to be valid, the initiative does not make the ballot.

Initiative #22-0007

  • Carl DeMaio filed the initiative on August 15, 2023.[4]
  • On October 19, 2023, the initiative was cleared for signature gathering.[4]
  • The initiative campaign did not submit a sufficient number of signatures by the circulation deadline.[2]

See also

External links
