Columbia City Home Rule Charter Amendments, 5 (April 2010)

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Five Columbia City Home Rule Charter Amendments were on the April 6, 2010 ballot in the city of Columbia which is in Boone County.

All five of these amendments were approved

The first charter amendment sought to amend section 19 of the charter and seeks to allow the city manager to choose the assistant city manager to take the manager's place if there is an absence.

YES 14,672 (81.60%)Approveda
NO 3,308 (18.40%)

The second charter amendment sought to amend section 44 which would eliminate the restrictions placed on transfered funds the first six months of the fiscal year.

YES 11,772 (70.2%)Approveda
NO 4,998 (29.8%)

The third charter amendment sought to amend section 99 which would eliminate the requirement that the director of the Water and Light Department be a registered engineer.

YES 9,225 (51.92%)Approveda
NO 8,544 (48.08%)

The fourth charter amendment sought to modify provisions relating to elections such as the filing period for candidates and increasing the time allowed for reviewing petitions.

YES 13,526 (78.74%)Approveda
NO 3,651 (21.26%)

The fifth charter amendment sought to make it so that city funds are secured in a city depository in the same manner that state funds are secured.[1]

YES 12,759 (76.02%)Approveda
NO 4,025 (23.98%)[2]

See also
