Colorado Amendment 46, Elimination of Affirmative Action Initiative (2008)

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Colorado Amendment 46

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Election date

November 4, 2008

Affirmative action


Initiated constitutional amendment


Colorado Amendment 46 was on the ballot as an initiated constitutional amendment in Colorado on November 4, 2008. It was defeated.

A “yes” vote supported establishing that the state may not discriminate or give preferential treatment to anyone on the basis of a variety of characteristics.

A “no” vote opposed establishing that the state may not discriminate or give preferential treatment to anyone on the basis of a variety of characteristics.

Election results

Colorado Amendment 46

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 1,102,046 49.19%

Defeated No

1,138,134 50.81%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Amendment 46 was as follows:

Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning a prohibition against discrimination by the state, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting the state from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting; allowing exceptions to the prohibition when bona fide qualifications based on sex are reasonably necessary or when action is necessary to establish or maintain eligibility for federal funds; preserving the validity of court orders or consent decrees in effect at the time the measure becomes effective; defining "state" to include the state of Colorado, agencies or departments of the state, public institutions of higher education, political subdivisions, or governmental instrumentalities of or within the state; and making portions of the measure found invalid severable from the remainder of the measure?

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Signature requirements for ballot measures in Colorado

In Colorado, proponents needed to collect a number of signatures for an initiated constitutional amendment.

See also

External links
