Constitutional language on the ballot

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Constitutional language on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures that specifically refer to changes to constitutional wording, such as through changes in specific word use or placement, or the removal of irrelevant language.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Tax Revenue and Funding Clarification, Amendment 16 (1967)
  2. Alabama Constitutional Amendments Affecting One County Amendment (1994)
  3. Alabama Constitutional Change, Amendment 1 (2002)
  4. Alabama Amendment 4, Authorize Legislature to Recompile the State Constitution Measure (2020)
  5. Alabama Amendment 10, Incorporate Voter-Approved Amendments in New State Constitution Measure (2022)
  6. Alabama Recompiled Constitution Ratification Question (2022)
  7. Alabama State Constitutional Language Governing Separation of Powers, Amendment 5 (2016)


  1. Alaska Single Subject Constitution Revision Rule, Measure 2 (2000)


  1. Arizona Proposition 101, Language Revisions Regarding People with Mental Disabilities and Voting Age Amendment (2000)
  2. Arizona Constitution Ratification Measure (February 1911)
  3. Arizona Constitution Ratification Measure (December 1911)


  1. Arkansas Voting and Elections, Proposed Amendment 1 (2008)
  2. Arkansas Repeal Amendment 44, Proposed Amendment 3 (1990)
  3. Arkansas Judicial Article Revision, Proposed Amendment 3 (2000)
  4. Arkansas Voting Secrecy, Proposed Amendment 1 (2002)
  5. Arkansas Executive Article Revision, Proposed Amendment 2 (2002)


  1. California Proposition 1A, Revisions to the Constitution Amendment (1966)
  2. California Proposition 4, Inoperative Provisions Relating to Cities and Counties Amendment (1949)
  3. California Proposition 5, Constitutional Convention Amendment (1949)
  4. California Proposition 9, Wording of the Constitution Amendment (1949)
  5. California Proposition 6, Effective Date of 1933 Statutes Amendment (1949)
  6. California Proposition 7, Inoperative Provisions Relating to Taxation Amendment (1949)
  7. California Proposition 8, Finance Sections of the Constitution Amendment (1949)
  8. California Proposition 7, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (1962)
  9. California Proposition 2, Local Government Constitutional Changes Amendment (June 1970)
  10. California Proposition 3, Constitutional Provisions Amendment (June 1970)
  11. California Proposition 4, Constitutional Provisions Amendment (June 1970)
  12. California Proposition 48, Remove References to "Municipal Courts" Amendment (2002)
  13. California Proposition 43, Constitutional Right to Have One's Vote Counted Amendment (March 2002)
  14. California Proposition 44, Chiropractic License Revocation for Insurance Fraud Measure (March 2002)
  15. California Proposition 13, Constitutional Amendments That Name Companies Amendment (1964)
  16. California Proposition 10, Maintenance of Monetary Fund Amendment (1964)
  17. California Proposition 5, Constitutional Revisions and Civil Service Amendment (June 1970)
  18. California Proposition 6, Naturalized Citizens Voting Eligibility Amendment (June 1972)
  19. California Proposition 14, Constitutional Language Reorganization Amendment (June 1976)
  20. California Proposition 10, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (June 1972)
  21. California Proposition 7, Rights of Citizens Amendment (1974)
  22. California Proposition 17, Death Penalty is Constitutional Initiative (1972)
  23. California Proposition 6, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (1972)
  24. California Proposition 1, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (1968)
  25. California Proposition 10, Repeal of Inoperable Prohibition Amendment Amendment (1949)
  26. California Proposition 11, Gender-Neutral Language in State Constitution Amendment (1974)
  27. California Proposition 14, Removal of Restrictions on Certain Immigrants Amendment (1952)
  28. California Proposition 15, Changes to Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1970)
  29. California Proposition 16, Constitutional Amendments and Conventions Amendment (1970)
  30. California Proposition 16, Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions in the Constitution (1962)
  31. California Proposition 17, Removal of Judicial Language from the Constitution Amendment (1956)
  32. California Proposition 17, Repeal of Obsolete Social Welfare Provisions Amendment (1970)
  33. California Proposition 6, Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment (2024)


  1. Colorado Referendum B, Repeal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1992)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Repeal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1990)
  3. Colorado Referendum D, Removal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (2002)
  4. Colorado Referendum D, Removal of Obsolete Provisions Amendment (2000)
  5. Colorado Referendum B, Removal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (2004)
  6. Colorado Referendum G, Removal of Obsolete Language Amendment (2006)
  7. Colorado Referendum M, Removal of Obsolete Land Value Increase Provision Amendment (2008)
  8. Colorado Referendum N, Removal of Obsolete Alcohol Provisions Amendment (2008)
  9. Colorado Referendum A, Approval of Constitutional Amendments Amendment (1996)
  10. Colorado Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals, Amendment T (2016)
  11. Colorado Amendment A, Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals Amendment (2018)


  1. Connecticut Constitutional Amendment Process Revision, Question 2 (1974)
  2. Connecticut Constitutional Amendment Process Revision, Question 1 (1964)
  3. Connecticut Qualifications of Electors, Question 2 (1932)
  4. Connecticut Gubernatorial Succession, Question 1 (1946)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Protection Against Unlawful Searches and Seizures Amendment (1982)
  2. Florida Amendment 1, Modification of the State Constitution Amendment (1978)
  3. Florida Amendment 1, Constitution Revision Measure (1968)
  4. Florida Amendment 1, Linked Proposed Constitutional Amendments Amendment (1958)
  5. Florida Amendment 11, Additional Method of Revising the Constitution Amendment (1964)
  6. Florida Amendment 3, Revisions to the Miami-Dade County Home Rule Charter Amendment (2002)
  7. Florida Amendment 8, State Boundaries Amendment (1962)
  8. Florida Amendment 7, Revision of the Preamble Amendment (1962)
  9. Florida Amendment 1, Property Possession Amendment (2008)
  10. Florida Amendment 5, Willing of Property to a Spouse Amendment (1972)
  11. Florida Amendment 5, Submission of Constitutional Changes to the Voters Amendment (1948)
  12. Florida Amendment 9, Division of Government Powers Amendment (1962)
  13. Florida Amendment 2, Legislatively Referred Constitutional Amendments Amendment (1942)
  14. Florida Constitution of 1885 Ratification (1886)
  15. Florida Amendment 9, Inalienable Rights Amendment (1998)
  16. Florida Amendment 13, Miscellaneous and Technical Changes Amendment (1998)
  17. Florida Amendment 11, Repeal Prohibition on Aliens' Property Ownership, Delete Obsolete Provision on High-Speed Rail, and Repeal of Criminal Statutes' Effect on Prosecution Amendment (2018)
  18. Florida Amendment 3, 60% Majority Requirement for Constitutional Amendments Amendment (2006)
  19. Florida Amendment 2, Death Penalty Amendment (1998)
  20. Florida Amendment 2, Constitution Revision Commission Amendment (1996)


  1. Georgia Revising the Constitution, Amendment 1 (August 1945)
  2. Georgia County and Municipal Amendments, Amendment 10 (1952)
  3. Georgia Education Section Addition, Amendment 4 (1954)
  4. Georgia Amendment Ratification, Amendment 1 (1970)
  5. Georgia Office of the Treasurer, Amendment 5 (1972)
  6. Georgia Constitution Ratification, Amendment 1 (1976)
  7. Georgia Ratification of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1982)
  8. Georgia Constitutional Commission, Amendment 9 (1988)
  9. Georgia Amendment 2, Change Constitution Amendment Process Measure (1956)


  1. Hawaii Phrasing of Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 2 (1980)
  2. Hawaii Technical and Style Changes, Amendment 34 (1978)
  3. Hawaii Clarifying Supplemental Appropriation, Amendment 2 (1972)
  4. Hawaii Constitutional Revisions, Amendment 23 (1968)


  1. Idaho Amendment Subject, SJR 7 (1966)
  2. Idaho Revision Committee Approval of Amendment Subjects, SJR 3 (1968)
  3. Idaho Revised State Constitution, SJR 122 (1970)


  1. Illinois Constitution Revision Measure (December 1970)
  2. Illinois Proposed New Constitution (December 1922)


  1. Indiana Lotteries, Proposition 1 (1988)
  2. Indiana Updating Constitutional Language, Amendment 1 (1984)


  1. Kansas Voting Disqualification Amendment, Constitutional Amendment Question 2 (2010)
  2. Kansas Constitutional Amendments and Revisions, Amendment 2 (1970)


  1. Kentucky Proposed Constitution Referendum (1967)


  1. Louisiana Constitution of 1974 Measure (April 1974)
  2. Louisiana Governance of Education Proposition (April 1974)
  3. Louisiana State Sovereignty, Amendment 11 (October 1998)


  1. Maine Removal of Gender Biased Constitutional Language, Question 7 (1988)
  2. Maine Codification of State Constitution, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1950)
  3. Maine Constitution Codifying Time, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1967)
  4. Maine Repeal of Poll Tax and Military Service Exemption, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1978)
  5. Maine Reapportionment Commission, Constitutional Amendment 10 (1986)
  6. Maine Question 6, Require Indian Treaty Obligations and Other Constitutional Provisions Included in Official Printing Amendment (2023)
  7. Maine Question 8, Repeal Constitutional Provision Prohibiting Voting for Individuals Under Guardianship Due to Mental Illness Amendment (2023)


  1. Maryland Abolish Article 8, Section 6 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1866)
  2. Maryland Bills with More than One Amendment, Question 4 (1972)
  3. Maryland Provisions of Limited Duration, Question 2 (1978)
  4. Maryland Technical Revisions of the Constitution, Question 3 (1978)
  5. Maryland Gender Neutral Reference in the Maryland Constitution, Question 1 (1982)
  6. Maryland Amend Article 4, Section 8 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1874)
  7. Maryland Amend Article 4, Section 5 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1880)
  8. Maryland Amend Article 2, Section 17 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1890)
  9. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 48 of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1890)
  10. Maryland Amend Article 7, Section 1 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1890)
  11. Maryland Amend Article 12, Section 3 of the Constitution, Amendment 4 (1890)
  12. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 51 of the Constitution, Amendment 5 (1890)
  13. Maryland Add a Section to Article 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1892)
  14. Maryland Amend Article 5, Section 9 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1901)
  15. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1901)
  16. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 2 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1901)
  17. Maryland Amend Section 27 of Article 3 of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1913)
  18. Maryland Amend Section 21 of Article 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1913)
  19. Maryland Amend Section 9 of Article 5 of the Constitution, Amendment 5 (1913)
  20. Maryland Amend Section 3 of Article 5 of the Constitution, Amendment 6 (1913)
  21. Maryland Amend Section 44 of Article 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1914)
  22. Maryland Amend Article 15 of the Declaration of Rights, Amendment 1 (1915)
  23. Maryland Repeal Article 38 of the Declaration of Rights, Amendment 1 (1944)
  24. Maryland Publication of Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 6 (1944)
  25. Maryland Sedition and Subversive Activities, Amendment 7 (1950)
  26. Maryland Removal of Obsolete Language from the Constitution, Amendment 5 (1956)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Rearrangement of the Constitution Question (1919)


  1. Michigan Constitution Revision Measure (1908)
  2. Michigan State Constitution Ratification Question (1850)
  3. Michigan State Constitution Ratification Question (April 1963)
  4. Michigan State Constitution Ratification Question (October 1835)


  1. Minnesota Process for Amending the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1898)
  2. Minnesota Remove Obsolete Language from the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1964)
  3. Minnesota Revise the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1974)
  4. Minnesota Vote Requirement to Amend Constitution, Amendment 2 (1974)


  1. Missouri Proposition 14, Enact New Judicial Jurisdictions Referendum (1922)
  2. Missouri Electronic Data Protection, Amendment 9 (August 2014)


  1. Nebraska Amendment 7B, Constitutional Article Transfer Measure (May 1998)
  2. Nebraska Amendment 7C, Constitution Prefix in Law Books Measure (May 1998)
  3. Nebraska Revising the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1904)
  4. Nebraska Elimination of Legislative Apportionment Provision, Amendment 12 (September 1920)
  5. Nebraska Obsolete Provisions, Amendment 41 (September 1920)
  6. Nebraska Obsolete Language, Amendment 11 (May 1972)
  7. Nebraska Industrial Development Bonds, Amendment 12 (May 1972)
  8. Nebraska Militia Provisions, Amendment 13 (May 1972)
  9. Nebraska Provisions for Corporations, Amendment 14 (May 1972)
  10. Nebraska Eligibility for Public Office, Amendment 6 (1972)
  11. Nebraska Amendment 1, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020)


  1. Nevada Question 2, Revising Language Related to Public Entities for Individuals with Mental Illness, Blindness, or Deafness Amendment (2024)
  2. Nevada Question 4, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2024)
  3. Nevada State Question 2, Removal of Section 16 from Article 1 Amendment (1924)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Gender-Neutral Language Amendment (1998)
  2. New Hampshire Governor's Councilors Amendment (February 1980)
  3. New Hampshire Constitution Bill of Rights Gender-Neutral Language Amendment (1980)
  4. New Hampshire Obsolete Provisions Amendment (1980)
  5. New Hampshire Repeal Article 99 Amendment (1980)
  6. New Hampshire Present Proposed Amendments to Voters Amendment (1980)
  7. New Hampshire Votes Required to Propose a Constitutional Amendment Amendment (1980)
  8. New Hampshire Remove Obsolete Language from Constitution Amendment (1976)
  9. New Hampshire Remove Obsolete Phrases from Constitution, Question 3 (1958)
  10. New Hampshire Money in Shillings and Pence, Question 1 (1950)
  11. New Hampshire Define the Word Paupers, Question 3 (1938)
  12. New Hampshire Remove Certain Phrases, Question 6 (1920)
  13. New Hampshire Remove Phrases from Bill of RIghts, Question 6 (1912)
  14. New Hampshire Amend Language in Bill of Rights, Question 6 (1903)
  15. New Hampshire Amend Language in Bill of Rights, Question 6 (1889)
  16. New Hampshire Military Service Amendment (1964)
  17. New Hampshire Remove Obsolete Language Amendment (1968)
  18. New Hampshire Remove Sectarian References Amendment (1968)
  19. New Hampshire Constitutional Convention Question (2002)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Modern Election Language Amendment, Amendment 3 (2010)
  2. New Mexico Referendum: Convention to Revise Constitution (1968)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: Municipal Home Rule (1970)
  4. New Mexico Referendum: Elective Franchise (1970)
  5. New Mexico Referendum: School Fund Levy (1970)
  6. New Mexico Referendum: Executive Officer Terms (1970)
  7. New Mexico Referendum: Amendment of Article 19 (1970)
  8. New Mexico Referendum: Board of Regents of State Educational Institutions (1970)
  9. New Mexico Referendum: Student Loan Programs (1970)
  10. New Mexico Referendum: Taxation and Revenue (1970)
  11. New Mexico Referendum: Equal Rights in Regards to Sex (1972)
  12. New Mexico Referendum: Personal Property Tax (1972)
  13. New Mexico Referendum: Jurors Required for Cases (1972)
  14. New Mexico Referendum: Removing Sex as a Qualification for Holding Office (1973)
  15. New Mexico Referendum: Removing Discrimination Based on Sex in Veteran's Property Tax Exemption (1973)
  16. New Mexico Referendum: Recalls of Local School Board Members (1973)
  17. New Mexico Referendum: Qualifications for Voting (1973)
  18. New Mexico Referendum: Creation of Boards of County Commissioners (1973)
  19. New Mexico Referendum: Personal Property Tax Exemption (1973)
  20. New Mexico Referendum: Term and Age Limitations of County Officers (1973)
  21. New Mexico Referendum: Legislative Compensation (1974)
  22. New Mexico Referendum: Levying of Taxes (1974)
  23. New Mexico Referendum: Creation of Student Loans for the Healing Arts (1974)
  24. New Mexico Referendum: Judicial Standards Commission (1978)
  25. New Mexico Referendum: Appointment of Retired Judges to Pro Tempore Positions (1978)
  26. New Mexico Referendum: Accrual of Real Property Taxes (1978)
  27. New Mexico Referendum: Legislative Reimbursement for Expenses (1978)
  28. New Mexico Referendum: New County Commissioners (1980)
  29. New Mexico Referendum: Number of School Board Members in Large Districts (1980)
  30. New Mexico Referendum: Limiting Bail in Certain Circumstances (1980)
  31. New Mexico Referendum: State Executive Officers Term Limits (1980)
  32. New Mexico Referendum: Requirements to Require a Grand Jury (1980)
  33. New Mexico Referendum: Legislative Reimbursement for Expenses (1980)
  34. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 4, Rename of the Highway Commission (1994)
  35. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 7, Renaming the State Hospital (1994)
  36. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 9, Public Support for Economic Development (1994)
  37. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 10, Judicial Retention (1994)
  38. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Amending Procedure (1911)
  39. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Qualification for Holding Office (1912)
  40. New Mexico State Constitution Ratification Question (January 1911)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question Four (2007)
  2. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1943)

New York

  1. New York Gender-Neutral Language Amendment, Proposal 1 (2001)
  2. New York Referendum, Adoption of Constitutional Changes (1967)
  3. New York Proposed Amendment One (1969)
  4. New York Proposed Amendment Two (1969)
  5. New York Proposed Amendment Three (1969)
  6. New York Proposed Amendment Four (1969)
  7. New York Proposed Amendment Two, Replacement of Article XIX (1972)
  8. New York Proposed Amendment Three, Increase of the Judicial Departments (1972)
  9. New York Repeal of Article XIX of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1972)
  10. New York Proposed New Constitution, Question 1 (1967)
  11. New York Publishing of Proposed Amendments, Amendment 7 (1965)
  12. New York Measure on the Military, Amendment 3 (1962)
  13. New York Repeal of Article 6, Amendment 1 (1961)
  14. New York Validity of Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 3 (1941)
  15. New York Article 4-A Amendment, Amendment 1 (1927)
  16. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1915)
  17. New York Constitutional Limitation, Amendment 2 (1913)
  18. New York Amendment to Article 3, Amendment 1 (1901)
  19. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1894)
  20. New York Amendment to Article 6, Amendment 1 (1888)
  21. New York Amendment to Article 8, Amendment 1 (1884)
  22. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1882)
  23. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 2 (1882)
  24. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1880)
  25. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1879)
  26. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1876)
  27. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 2 (1876)
  28. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1874)
  29. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 2 (1874)
  30. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 3 (1874)
  31. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 4 (1874)
  32. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 5 (1874)
  33. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 6 (1874)
  34. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 7 (1874)
  35. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 8 (1874)
  36. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 9 (1874)
  37. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 10 (1874)
  38. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 11 (1874)
  39. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1869)
  40. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1822)
  41. New York State Constitution of 1846 Measure (1846)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Constitution of 1868 Ratification Measure (April 1868)
  2. North Carolina Constitution of 1866 Ratification Measure (August 1866)
  3. North Carolina Amendment 1, Constitutional Language for Civil War Amendment (1914)
  4. North Carolina Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language and Rights Amendment (1946)
  5. North Carolina Legislative Representation and Multi-County House Districts Amendment (1968)
  6. North Carolina State Constitution of 1971 Measure (1970)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Reform School Referendum (1920)
  2. North Dakota Relating to Elective Franchise, Referendum 2 (1958)
  3. North Dakota Constitutional Revision Referendum, Number 4 (1966)
  4. North Dakota Constitutional Revision Referendum, Number 1 (1968)
  5. North Dakota Constitution, Main Proposition (1972)
  6. North Dakota Amend Obsolete Constitutional References, Measure 3 (1982)
  7. North Dakota Compact with United States, Measure 3 (1996)
  8. North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Language Describing State Institutions Amendment (2024)


  1. Ohio Simple Majority Vote for Constitutional Amendments Measure (September 1912)
  2. Ohio Schedule of When Amendments Take Effect Amendment (September 1912)
  3. Ohio New Constitution, Amendment 1 (August 1874)


  1. Oklahoma State Constitution Ratification Measure (September 1907)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Declaration of Rights and Constitutional Revisions Amendment (May 1967)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 4, Legislative Powers and Procedures Amendment (May 1967)
  3. Pennsylvania Question 2, Equal Rights Regardless of Sex Amendment (May 1971)
  4. Pennsylvania Question 2, Consolidate Provisions Regarding Public Officials as One Article Amendment (May 1966)
  5. Pennsylvania Question 8, Repeal Article 17 Concerning Railroads and Canals Amendment (May 1967)
  6. Pennsylvania Question 1, Move Article XVI to Different Section Amendment (1966)
  7. Pennsylvania Question 1, Interactions Between Accused Individuals and Witnesses Amendment (2003)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Rewrite of Constitution, Constitutional Amendment 1 (1986)
  2. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2020)
  3. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2010)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Age of Consent, Amendment 1 (2008)
  2. South Carolina Amendment to Transpose Article XVII to Article XVI, Amendment 7 (1972)
  3. South Carolina Amendment 1, Add New Declaration of Rights and Transpose Sections of Constitution to other Articles Amendment (1970)
  4. South Carolina Amendment to Transpose Sections of the Constitution to other Articles, Amendment 2 (1970)
  5. South Carolina Constitutional Article Revisions, Amendment 4 (1968)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Corporate Language Amendment, Constitutional Amendment M (2012)
  2. South Dakota Right to Work (1946)
  3. South Dakota Constitutional Revision, Amendment I (1970)
  4. South Dakota Amendment E, Initiated Constitutional Amendment and Constitution Revision Measure (1972)
  5. South Dakota Preamble Change, Amendment A (1976)
  6. South Dakota Bill of Rights, Amendment B (1976)
  7. South Dakota Legislative Article, Amendment C (1976)
  8. South Dakota Repeal Section 26, Amendment D (1976)
  9. South Dakota School and Public Lands, Amendment E (1976)
  10. South Dakota Arrangement of Constitution, Amendment F (1976)
  11. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment E, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2024)


  1. Tennessee Tax Relief, Amendment 1 (1982)
  2. Tennessee Constitutional Amendment 3, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2022)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1999)
  2. Texas Proposition 12, Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (2001)
  3. Texas Proposition 2, Judiciary Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  4. Texas Proposition 4, Education Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  5. Texas Proposition 3, Voter and Election Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  6. Texas Proposition 6, Local Government Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  7. Texas Proposition 7, General Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  8. Texas Proposition 8, Mode of Amending the Constitution Amendment (1975)
  9. Texas Proposition 4, Obsolete Provisions of the State Constitution Amendment (1997)
  10. Texas Proposition 1, Package of Executive and Legislative Powers Revisions Amendment (1975)
  11. Texas Proposition 1, Constitutional Updates Amendment (August 1969)


  1. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1960)
  2. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1962)
  3. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1962)
  4. Utah Proposition 1, Change Residency Requirements to Vote Amendment (1970)
  5. Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2020)
  6. Utah Constitutional Amendment C, Remove Slavery as Punishment for a Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020)
  7. Utah State Constitution Ratification Measure (1895)


  1. Vermont Men and Women on Same Footing as Involuntary Indentured Servants (1924)
  2. Vermont Revision of Chapter 2 of the State Constitution (1913)
  3. Vermont "Justice" Used to Designate Supreme Court Judges (1913)
  4. Vermont Proposal 2, Prohibit Slavery and Indentured Servitude Amendment (2022)


  1. Washington Repeal Tax Law Amendments, Initiative 1107 (2010)
  2. Washington HJR 4231, Remove Certain Terms for Individuals with Disabilities from Constitution Amendment (1988)
  3. Washington State Constitution Ratification Question (October 1889)

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia Constitutional Improvement Amendment, Amendment 1 (1972)
  2. West Virginia Sheriff Succession Amendment, Amendment 5 (1973)
  3. West Virginia Repeal Archaic Language, Amendment 1 (1994)
  4. West Virginia Constitutional Improvement Amendment, Amendment 1 (1966)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Constitution Ratification Referendum (March 1848)
  2. Wisconsin Question 1, Constitution Ratification Referendum (April 1847)


  1. Wyoming State Constitution Ratification Measure (1890)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. South Dakota Constitutional Amendment E, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2024)
  2. North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Language Describing State Institutions Amendment (2024)
  3. Nevada Question 4, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2024)
  4. Nevada Question 2, Revising Language Related to Public Entities for Individuals with Mental Illness, Blindness, or Deafness Amendment (2024)
  5. California Proposition 6, Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment (2024)


  1. Maine Question 6, Require Indian Treaty Obligations and Other Constitutional Provisions Included in Official Printing Amendment (2023)
  2. Maine Question 8, Repeal Constitutional Provision Prohibiting Voting for Individuals Under Guardianship Due to Mental Illness Amendment (2023)


  1. Vermont Proposal 2, Prohibit Slavery and Indentured Servitude Amendment (2022)
  2. Alabama Amendment 10, Incorporate Voter-Approved Amendments in New State Constitution Measure (2022)
  3. Tennessee Constitutional Amendment 3, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2022)
  4. Alabama Recompiled Constitution Ratification Question (2022)


  1. Utah Constitutional Amendment A, Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2020)
  2. Utah Constitutional Amendment C, Remove Slavery as Punishment for a Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020)
  3. Nebraska Amendment 1, Remove Slavery as Punishment for Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020)
  4. Alabama Amendment 4, Authorize Legislature to Recompile the State Constitution Measure (2020)
  5. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2020)


  1. Florida Amendment 11, Repeal Prohibition on Aliens' Property Ownership, Delete Obsolete Provision on High-Speed Rail, and Repeal of Criminal Statutes' Effect on Prosecution Amendment (2018)
  2. Colorado Amendment A, Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals Amendment (2018)


  1. Alabama State Constitutional Language Governing Separation of Powers, Amendment 5 (2016)
  2. Colorado Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals, Amendment T (2016)


  1. Missouri Electronic Data Protection, Amendment 9 (August 2014)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Repeal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1990)


  1. South Dakota Corporate Language Amendment, Constitutional Amendment M (2012)


  1. Kansas Voting Disqualification Amendment, Constitutional Amendment Question 2 (2010)
  2. New Mexico Modern Election Language Amendment, Amendment 3 (2010)
  3. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2010)
  4. Washington Repeal Tax Law Amendments, Initiative 1107 (2010)


  1. South Carolina Age of Consent, Amendment 1 (2008)
  2. Arkansas Voting and Elections, Proposed Amendment 1 (2008)
  3. Florida Amendment 1, Property Possession Amendment (2008)
  4. Colorado Referendum M, Removal of Obsolete Land Value Increase Provision Amendment (2008)
  5. Colorado Referendum N, Removal of Obsolete Alcohol Provisions Amendment (2008)


  1. New Jersey Public Question Four (2007)


  1. Colorado Referendum G, Removal of Obsolete Language Amendment (2006)
  2. Florida Amendment 3, 60% Majority Requirement for Constitutional Amendments Amendment (2006)


  1. Colorado Referendum B, Removal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (2004)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 1, Interactions Between Accused Individuals and Witnesses Amendment (2003)


  1. Florida Amendment 3, Revisions to the Miami-Dade County Home Rule Charter Amendment (2002)
  2. Colorado Referendum D, Removal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (2002)
  3. Arkansas Voting Secrecy, Proposed Amendment 1 (2002)
  4. New Hampshire Constitutional Convention Question (2002)
  5. Alabama Constitutional Change, Amendment 1 (2002)
  6. California Proposition 48, Remove References to "Municipal Courts" Amendment (2002)
  7. California Proposition 43, Constitutional Right to Have One's Vote Counted Amendment (March 2002)
  8. California Proposition 44, Chiropractic License Revocation for Insurance Fraud Measure (March 2002)


  1. New York Gender-Neutral Language Amendment, Proposal 1 (2001)
  2. Texas Proposition 12, Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (2001)


  1. Arizona Proposition 101, Language Revisions Regarding People with Mental Disabilities and Voting Age Amendment (2000)
  2. Colorado Referendum D, Removal of Obsolete Provisions Amendment (2000)
  3. Arkansas Judicial Article Revision, Proposed Amendment 3 (2000)
  4. Arkansas Executive Article Revision, Proposed Amendment 2 (2002)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1999)


  1. New Hampshire Gender-Neutral Language Amendment (1998)
  2. Nebraska Amendment 7B, Constitutional Article Transfer Measure (May 1998)
  3. Nebraska Amendment 7C, Constitution Prefix in Law Books Measure (May 1998)
  4. Florida Amendment 9, Inalienable Rights Amendment (1998)
  5. Florida Amendment 13, Miscellaneous and Technical Changes Amendment (1998)
  6. Florida Amendment 2, Death Penalty Amendment (1998)
  7. Louisiana State Sovereignty, Amendment 11 (October 1998)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Obsolete Provisions of the State Constitution Amendment (1997)


  1. North Dakota Compact with United States, Measure 3 (1996)
  2. Colorado Referendum A, Approval of Constitutional Amendments Amendment (1996)
  3. Florida Amendment 2, Constitution Revision Commission Amendment (1996)


  1. Gender Inclusive Language in the Vermont Constitution, Proposed Amendment (1994)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 4, Rename of the Highway Commission (1994)
  3. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 7, Renaming the State Hospital (1994)
  4. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 9, Public Support for Economic Development (1994)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 10, Judicial Retention (1994)
  6. West Virginia Repeal Archaic Language, Amendment 1 (1994)
  7. Alabama Constitutional Amendments Affecting One County Amendment (1994)


  1. Colorado Referendum B, Repeal of Obsolete Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1992)


  1. Arkansas Repeal Amendment 44, Proposed Amendment 3 (1990)


  1. Washington HJR 4231, Remove Certain Terms for Individuals with Disabilities from Constitution Amendment (1988)
  2. Maine Removal of Gender Biased Constitutional Language, Question 7 (1988)
  3. Indiana Lotteries, Proposition 1 (1988)
  4. Georgia Constitutional Commission, Amendment 9 (1988)


  1. Maine Reapportionment Commission, Constitutional Amendment 10 (1986)
  2. Rhode Island Rewrite of Constitution, Constitutional Amendment 1 (1986)


  1. Indiana Updating Constitutional Language, Amendment 1 (1984)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Protection Against Unlawful Searches and Seizures Amendment (1982)
  2. North Dakota Amend Obsolete Constitutional References, Measure 3 (1982)
  3. Maryland Gender Neutral Reference in the Maryland Constitution, Question 1 (1982)
  4. Tennessee Tax Relief, Amendment 1 (1982)
  5. Georgia Ratification of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1982)


  1. New Mexico Referendum: New County Commissioners (1980)
  2. New Mexico Referendum: Number of School Board Members in Large Districts (1980)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: Limiting Bail in Certain Circumstances (1980)
  4. New Mexico Referendum: State Executive Officers Term Limits (1980)
  5. New Mexico Referendum: Requirements to Require a Grand Jury (1980)
  6. New Mexico Referendum: Legislative Reimbursement for Expenses (1980)
  7. Hawaii Phrasing of Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 2 (1980)
  8. New Hampshire Governor's Councilors Amendment (February 1980)
  9. New Hampshire Constitution Bill of Rights Gender-Neutral Language Amendment (1980)
  10. New Hampshire Obsolete Provisions Amendment (1980)
  11. New Hampshire Repeal Article 99 Amendment (1980)
  12. New Hampshire Present Proposed Amendments to Voters Amendment (1980)
  13. New Hampshire Votes Required to Propose a Constitutional Amendment Amendment (1980)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Modification of the State Constitution Amendment (1978)
  2. Maine Repeal of Poll Tax and Military Service Exemption, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1978)
  3. Maryland Provisions of Limited Duration, Question 2 (1978)
  4. Maryland Technical Revisions of the Constitution, Question 3 (1978)
  5. New Mexico Referendum: Judicial Standards Commission (1978)
  6. New Mexico Referendum: Appointment of Retired Judges to Pro Tempore Positions (1978)
  7. New Mexico Referendum: Accrual of Real Property Taxes (1978)
  8. New Mexico Referendum: Legislative Reimbursement for Expenses (1978)
  9. Hawaii Technical and Style Changes, Amendment 34 (1978)


  1. South Dakota Preamble Change, Amendment A (1976)
  2. South Dakota Bill of Rights, Amendment B (1976)
  3. South Dakota Legislative Article, Amendment C (1976)
  4. South Dakota Repeal Section 26, Amendment D (1976)
  5. South Dakota School and Public Lands, Amendment E (1976)
  6. South Dakota Arrangement of Constitution, Amendment F (1976)
  7. New Hampshire Remove Obsolete Language from Constitution Amendment (1976)
  8. Georgia Constitution Ratification, Amendment 1 (1976)
  9. California Proposition 14, Constitutional Language Reorganization Amendment (June 1976)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Judiciary Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Education Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  3. Texas Proposition 3, Voter and Election Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  4. Texas Proposition 6, Local Government Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  5. Texas Proposition 7, General Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1975)
  6. Texas Proposition 8, Mode of Amending the Constitution Amendment (1975)
  7. Texas Proposition 1, Package of Executive and Legislative Powers Revisions Amendment (1975)


  1. Connecticut Constitutional Amendment Process Revision, Question 2 (1974)
  2. Minnesota Revise the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1974)
  3. Minnesota Vote Requirement to Amend Constitution, Amendment 2 (1974)
  4. New Mexico Referendum: Legislative Compensation (1974)
  5. New Mexico Referendum: Levying of Taxes (1974)
  6. New Mexico Referendum: Creation of Student Loans for the Healing Arts (1974)
  7. Louisiana Constitution of 1974 Measure (April 1974)
  8. Louisiana Governance of Education Proposition (April 1974)
  9. California Proposition 7, Rights of Citizens Amendment (1974)
  10. California Proposition 11, Gender-Neutral Language in State Constitution Amendment (1974)


  1. New Mexico Referendum: Removing Sex as a Qualification for Holding Office (1973)
  2. New Mexico Referendum: Removing Discrimination Based on Sex in Veteran's Property Tax Exemption (1973)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: Recalls of Local School Board Members (1973)
  4. New Mexico Referendum: Qualifications for Voting (1973)
  5. New Mexico Referendum: Creation of Boards of County Commissioners (1973)
  6. New Mexico Referendum: Personal Property Tax Exemption (1973)
  7. New Mexico Referendum: Term and Age Limitations of County Officers (1973)
  8. West Virginia Sheriff Succession Amendment, Amendment 5 (1973)


  1. Florida Amendment 5, Willing of Property to a Spouse Amendment (1972)
  2. North Dakota Constitution, Main Proposition (1972)
  3. Maryland Bills with More than One Amendment, Question 4 (1972)
  4. South Dakota Amendment E, Initiated Constitutional Amendment and Constitution Revision Measure (1972)
  5. New Mexico Referendum: Equal Rights in Regards to Sex (1972)
  6. New Mexico Referendum: Personal Property Tax (1972)
  7. New Mexico Referendum: Jurors Required for Cases (1972)
  8. Nebraska Obsolete Language, Amendment 11 (May 1972)
  9. Nebraska Industrial Development Bonds, Amendment 12 (May 1972)
  10. Nebraska Militia Provisions, Amendment 13 (May 1972)
  11. Nebraska Provisions for Corporations, Amendment 14 (May 1972)
  12. Nebraska Eligibility for Public Office, Amendment 6 (1972)
  13. Hawaii Clarifying Supplemental Appropriation, Amendment 2 (1972)
  14. New York Proposed Amendment Two, Replacement of Article XIX (1972)
  15. New York Proposed Amendment Three, Increase of the Judicial Departments (1972)
  16. West Virginia Constitutional Improvement Amendment, Amendment 1 (1972)
  17. Georgia Office of the Treasurer, Amendment 5 (1972)
  18. South Carolina Amendment to Transpose Article XVII to Article XVI, Amendment 7 (1972)
  19. New York Repeal of Article XIX of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1972)
  20. California Proposition 6, Naturalized Citizens Voting Eligibility Amendment (June 1972)
  21. California Proposition 10, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (June 1972)
  22. California Proposition 17, Death Penalty is Constitutional Initiative (1972)
  23. California Proposition 6, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (1972)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Equal Rights Regardless of Sex Amendment (May 1971)


  1. Illinois Constitution Revision Measure (December 1970)
  2. California Proposition 2, Local Government Constitutional Changes Amendment (June 1970)
  3. California Proposition 3, Constitutional Provisions Amendment (June 1970)
  4. California Proposition 4, Constitutional Provisions Amendment (June 1970)
  5. Idaho Revised State Constitution, SJR 122 (1970)
  6. South Dakota Constitutional Revision, Amendment I (1970)
  7. Utah Proposition 1, Change Residency Requirements to Vote Amendment (1970)
  8. New Mexico Referendum: Municipal Home Rule (1970)
  9. New Mexico Referendum: Elective Franchise (1970)
  10. New Mexico Referendum: School Fund Levy (1970)
  11. New Mexico Referendum: Executive Officer Terms (1970)
  12. New Mexico Referendum: Amendment of Article 19 (1970)
  13. New Mexico Referendum: Board of Regents of State Educational Institutions (1970)
  14. New Mexico Referendum: Student Loan Programs (1970)
  15. New Mexico Referendum: Taxation and Revenue (1970)
  16. Kansas Constitutional Amendments and Revisions, Amendment 2 (1970)
  17. Georgia Amendment Ratification, Amendment 1 (1970)
  18. South Carolina Amendment 1, Add New Declaration of Rights and Transpose Sections of Constitution to other Articles Amendment (1970)
  19. South Carolina Amendment to Transpose Sections of the Constitution to other Articles, Amendment 2 (1970)
  20. California Proposition 5, Constitutional Revisions and Civil Service Amendment (June 1970)
  21. California Proposition 15, Changes to Constitutional Provisions Amendment (1970)
  22. California Proposition 16, Constitutional Amendments and Conventions Amendment (1970)
  23. California Proposition 17, Repeal of Obsolete Social Welfare Provisions Amendment (1970)
  24. North Carolina State Constitution of 1971 Measure (1970)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Constitutional Updates Amendment (August 1969)
  2. New York Proposed Amendment One (1969)
  3. New York Proposed Amendment Two (1969)
  4. New York Proposed Amendment Three (1969)
  5. New York Proposed Amendment Four (1969)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Constitution Revision Measure (1968)
  2. North Dakota Constitutional Revision Referendum, Number 1 (1968)
  3. Idaho Revision Committee Approval of Amendment Subjects, SJR 3 (1968)
  4. New Mexico Referendum: Convention to Revise Constitution (1968)
  5. Hawaii Constitutional Revisions, Amendment 23 (1968)
  6. New Hampshire Remove Obsolete Language Amendment (1968)
  7. New Hampshire Remove Sectarian References Amendment (1968)
  8. South Carolina Constitutional Article Revisions, Amendment 4 (1968)
  9. California Proposition 1, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (1968)
  10. North Carolina Legislative Representation and Multi-County House Districts Amendment (1968)


  1. Kentucky Proposed Constitution Referendum (1967)
  2. Maine Constitution Codifying Time, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1967)
  3. New York Referendum, Adoption of Constitutional Changes (1967)
  4. Pennsylvania Question 2, Declaration of Rights and Constitutional Revisions Amendment (May 1967)
  5. Pennsylvania Question 4, Legislative Powers and Procedures Amendment (May 1967)
  6. New York Proposed New Constitution, Question 1 (1967)
  7. Alabama Tax Revenue and Funding Clarification, Amendment 16 (1967)
  8. Pennsylvania Question 8, Repeal Article 17 Concerning Railroads and Canals Amendment (May 1967)


  1. California Proposition 1A, Revisions to the Constitution Amendment (1966)
  2. North Dakota Constitutional Revision Referendum, Number 4 (1966)
  3. Idaho Amendment Subject, SJR 7 (1966)
  4. West Virginia Constitutional Improvement Amendment, Amendment 1 (1966)
  5. Pennsylvania Question 2, Consolidate Provisions Regarding Public Officials as One Article Amendment (May 1966)
  6. Pennsylvania Question 1, Move Article XVI to Different Section Amendment (1966)


  1. New York Publishing of Proposed Amendments, Amendment 7 (1965)


  1. Florida Amendment 11, Additional Method of Revising the Constitution Amendment (1964)
  2. Connecticut Constitutional Amendment Process Revision, Question 1 (1964)
  3. Minnesota Remove Obsolete Language from the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1964)
  4. New Hampshire Military Service Amendment (1964)
  5. California Proposition 13, Constitutional Amendments That Name Companies Amendment (1964)
  6. California Proposition 10, Maintenance of Monetary Fund Amendment (1964)


  1. Michigan State Constitution Ratification Question (April 1963)


  1. California Proposition 7, Constitutional Revisions Amendment (1962)
  2. Florida Amendment 8, State Boundaries Amendment (1962)
  3. Florida Amendment 7, Revision of the Preamble Amendment (1962)
  4. Florida Amendment 9, Division of Government Powers Amendment (1962)
  5. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1962)
  6. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1962)
  7. New York Measure on the Military, Amendment 3 (1962)
  8. California Proposition 16, Elimination of Obsolete and Superseded Provisions in the Constitution (1962)


  1. New York Repeal of Article 6, Amendment 1 (1961)


  1. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1960)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Linked Proposed Constitutional Amendments Amendment (1958)
  2. North Dakota Relating to Elective Franchise, Referendum 2 (1958)
  3. New Hampshire Remove Obsolete Phrases from Constitution, Question 3 (1958)


  1. Maryland Removal of Obsolete Language from the Constitution, Amendment 5 (1956)
  2. California Proposition 17, Removal of Judicial Language from the Constitution Amendment (1956)
  3. Georgia Amendment 2, Change Constitution Amendment Process Measure (1956)


  1. Georgia Education Section Addition, Amendment 4 (1954)


  1. Georgia County and Municipal Amendments, Amendment 10 (1952)
  2. California Proposition 14, Removal of Restrictions on Certain Immigrants Amendment (1952)


  1. Maine Codification of State Constitution, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1950)
  2. Maryland Sedition and Subversive Activities, Amendment 7 (1950)
  3. New Hampshire Money in Shillings and Pence, Question 1 (1950)


  1. California Proposition 4, Inoperative Provisions Relating to Cities and Counties Amendment (1949)
  2. California Proposition 5, Constitutional Convention Amendment (1949)
  3. California Proposition 9, Wording of the Constitution Amendment (1949)
  4. California Proposition 6, Effective Date of 1933 Statutes Amendment (1949)
  5. California Proposition 7, Inoperative Provisions Relating to Taxation Amendment (1949)
  6. California Proposition 8, Finance Sections of the Constitution Amendment (1949)
  7. California Proposition 10, Repeal of Inoperable Prohibition Amendment Amendment (1949)


  1. Florida Amendment 5, Submission of Constitutional Changes to the Voters Amendment (1948)


  1. South Dakota Right to Work (1946)
  2. Connecticut Gubernatorial Succession, Question 1 (1946)
  3. North Carolina Gender-Neutral Constitutional Language and Rights Amendment (1946)


  1. Georgia Revising the Constitution, Amendment 1 (August 1945)


  1. Maryland Repeal Article 38 of the Declaration of Rights, Amendment 1 (1944)
  2. Maryland Publication of Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 6 (1944)


  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1943)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Legislatively Referred Constitutional Amendments Amendment (1942)


  1. New York Validity of Proposed Constitutional Amendments, Amendment 3 (1941)


  1. New Hampshire Define the Word Paupers, Question 3 (1938)


  1. Connecticut Qualifications of Electors, Question 2 (1932)


  1. New York Article 4-A Amendment, Amendment 1 (1927)


  1. Vermont Men and Women on Same Footing as Involuntary Indentured Servants (1924)
  2. Nevada State Question 2, Removal of Section 16 from Article 1 Amendment (1924)


  1. Missouri Proposition 14, Enact New Judicial Jurisdictions Referendum (1922)
  2. Illinois Proposed New Constitution (December 1922)


  1. North Dakota Reform School Referendum (1920)
  2. Nebraska Elimination of Legislative Apportionment Provision, Amendment 12 (September 1920)
  3. Nebraska Obsolete Provisions, Amendment 41 (September 1920)
  4. New Hampshire Remove Certain Phrases, Question 6 (1920)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Rearrangement of the Constitution Question (1919)


  1. Maryland Amend Article 15 of the Declaration of Rights, Amendment 1 (1915)
  2. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1915)


  1. Maryland Amend Section 44 of Article 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1914)
  2. North Carolina Amendment 1, Constitutional Language for Civil War Amendment (1914)


  1. Vermont Revision of Chapter 2 of the State Constitution (1913)
  2. Vermont "Justice" Used to Designate Supreme Court Judges (1913)
  3. Maryland Amend Section 27 of Article 3 of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1913)
  4. Maryland Amend Section 21 of Article 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1913)
  5. Maryland Amend Section 9 of Article 5 of the Constitution, Amendment 5 (1913)
  6. Maryland Amend Section 3 of Article 5 of the Constitution, Amendment 6 (1913)
  7. New York Constitutional Limitation, Amendment 2 (1913)


  1. Ohio Simple Majority Vote for Constitutional Amendments Measure (September 1912)
  2. Ohio Schedule of When Amendments Take Effect Amendment (September 1912)
  3. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Qualification for Holding Office (1912)
  4. New Hampshire Remove Phrases from Bill of RIghts, Question 6 (1912)


  1. Arizona Constitution Ratification Measure (February 1911)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 1, Amending Procedure (1911)
  3. Arizona Constitution Ratification Measure (December 1911)
  4. New Mexico State Constitution Ratification Question (January 1911)


  1. Michigan Constitution Revision Measure (1908)


  1. Oklahoma State Constitution Ratification Measure (September 1907)


  1. Nebraska Revising the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1904)


  1. New Hampshire Amend Language in Bill of Rights, Question 6 (1903)


  1. Maryland Amend Article 5, Section 9 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1901)
  2. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1901)
  3. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 2 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1901)
  4. New York Amendment to Article 3, Amendment 1 (1901)

Before 1900

  1. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1822)
  2. Michigan State Constitution Ratification Question (October 1835)
  3. New York State Constitution of 1846 Measure (1846)
  4. Wisconsin Question 1, Constitution Ratification Referendum (April 1847)
  5. Wisconsin Question 1, Constitution Ratification Referendum (March 1848)
  6. Michigan State Constitution Ratification Question (1850)
  7. Maryland Abolish Article 8, Section 6 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1866)
  8. North Carolina Constitution of 1866 Ratification Measure (August 1866)
  9. North Carolina Constitution of 1868 Ratification Measure (April 1868)
  10. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1869)
  11. Maryland Amend Article 4, Section 8 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1874)
  12. Ohio New Constitution, Amendment 1 (August 1874)
  13. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1874)
  14. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 2 (1874)
  15. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 3 (1874)
  16. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 4 (1874)
  17. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 5 (1874)
  18. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 6 (1874)
  19. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 7 (1874)
  20. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 8 (1874)
  21. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 9 (1874)
  22. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 10 (1874)
  23. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 11 (1874)
  24. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1876)
  25. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 2 (1876)
  26. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1879)
  27. Maryland Amend Article 4, Section 5 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1880)
  28. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1880)
  29. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1882)
  30. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 2 (1882)
  31. New York Amendment to Article 8, Amendment 1 (1884)
  32. Florida Constitution of 1885 Ratification (1886)
  33. New York Amendment to Article 6, Amendment 1 (1888)
  34. New Hampshire Amend Language in Bill of Rights, Question 6 (1889)
  35. Washington State Constitution Ratification Question (October 1889)
  36. Maryland Amend Article 2, Section 17 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1890)
  37. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 48 of the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1890)
  38. Maryland Amend Article 7, Section 1 of the Constitution, Amendment 3 (1890)
  39. Maryland Amend Article 12, Section 3 of the Constitution, Amendment 4 (1890)
  40. Maryland Amend Article 3, Section 51 of the Constitution, Amendment 5 (1890)
  41. Wyoming State Constitution Ratification Measure (1890)
  42. Maryland Add a Section to Article 4 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1892)
  43. New York Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 1 (1894)
  44. Utah State Constitution Ratification Measure (1895)
  45. Minnesota Process for Amending the Constitution, Amendment 2 (1898)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Initiative to Re-Write California's Constitution (2010)
  2. Florida Bill of Rights Amendment (2012)
  3. Michigan Declaration of Independence Language Amendment (2012)
  4. Massachusetts "Corporations are not People" Initiative (2016)
  5. Alabama Homestead Exemptions Amendment, HB 608 (2014)
  6. Michigan Gender Neutral Constitutional Language Amendment (2014)
  7. Arkansas Definition of "Infamous Crime" Amendment (2016)
  8. Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice to Organize State Constitution Amendment (2018)
  9. Texas Repeal Manual Labor Poor House and Farm Amendment, SJR 27 (2017)
  10. Kentucky Repeal of Virginia Law Clause Amendment (2020)
  11. North Dakota Article XIV Supremacy Clause Removal Amendment (2022)
  12. Montana Define Person in State Constitution Amendment (2022)
  13. California Remove Involuntary Servitude as Punishment for Crime Amendment (2022)
  14. Minnesota Two-Thirds Vote on Constitutional Changes Amendment (2016)
  15. Arizona Constitutional Property Tax Exemptions Amendment (2020)
  16. California People’s Government Amendment (2016)
  17. Louisiana Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude Amendment (2023)
  18. Missouri Definition of Marriage Amendment (2024)
Voting on
Constitutional Language
Constitutional language.jpg
Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

IssuesBallot logo final.jpg

Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

See also