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Trivia answer

How many counties backed Donald Trump in 2016 after backing Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012?
a. 57
b. 143
c. 206
d. 352

In the 2016 election, Donald Trump (R) carried 2,626 counties while Hillary Clinton (D) carried 487. Trump carried 206 counties which backed Barack Obama (D) in the 2008 and 2012 elections, which are referred to as pivot counties.

The 206 pivot counties are located in 34 states. Iowa has 31 pivot counties, the most of any state nationwide, while 50% of Maine's counties are pivot counties, which is the highest proportion of any state nationwide. Maine is also the state with the highest proportion of its population living in pivot counties, at 47.08%.

Between 2012 and 2016, the Democratic popular vote margin declined by 2.1 million votes; pivot counties accounted for 51% of this decline even though they made up only 5.5% of the votes cast nationwide. Trump carried the 206 pivot counties by an average margin of 11.45%; Obama carried them by an average margin of 8.22% in 2012 and 12.29% in 2008. Trump's narrowest margin in a pivot county was 0.12% in Panola County, Mississippi, which backed Obama by 8.62% in 2012 and 6.52% in 2008. His widest margin was 44.13% in Elliott County, Kentucky, which backed Obama by 2.50% in 2012 and 25.17% in 2008.

Of the 206 pivot counties, 57 (27.7%) backed the winning presidential candidate in every election since 2000, of which 22 (10.7%) backed the winner in every election since 1984. Two pivot counties—Valencia County, New Mexico and Vigo County, Indiana—have backed the winning presidential candidate in every election since 1960.

There were six reverse pivot counties, which backed Hillary Clinton (D) in 2016 after backing Mitt Romney (R) in 2012 and John McCain (R) in 2008. Three of those counties are in Georgia, while there is one each in California, Maryland, and Texas.