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Trivia answer
How many candidates were running for president at this point in the 2016 election?
a. Three
b. Six
c. Nine
d. Twelve
As of February 24, 2016, there were nine noteworthy candidates running for president, including five Republicans, two Democrats, one Libertarian, and one Green Party candidate. For comparison, Ballotpedia is currently tracking 11 noteworthy candidates in the 2020 election, including eight Democrats and three Republicans.
We last asked this question on Election Day 2019. At that point, there were 22 noteworthy presidential candidates in the running, up from 20 noteworthy candidates as of Election Day 2015. In both the 2016 and the 2020 campaign cycles, at least half of the candidates in the running at the beginning of November had dropped out by the end of February.
At this point in 2016, the five remaining Republican candidates were Ben Carson (R), Ted Cruz (R), John Kasich (R), Marco Rubio (R), and Donald Trump (R). The two Democrats were Hillary Clinton (D) and Bernie Sanders (D). Also in the running were Gary Johnson (Libertarian) and Jill Stein (Green). Sixteen others, including 12 Republicans and four Democrats, had dropped out.
Click [show] to view candidates who had dropped out of the 2016 presidential election as of Feb. 24, 2016 | |||
The eight noteworthy Democratic candidates currently in the running are Joe Biden (D), Michael Bloomberg (D), Pete Buttigieg (D), Tulsi Gabbard (D), Amy Klobuchar (D), Bernie Sanders (I), Tom Steyer (D), and Elizabeth Warren (D). The three Republicans running are Roque De La Fuente (R), Donald Trump (R), and Bill Weld (R). So far, 23 candidates have withdrawn, including 21 Democrats and two Republicans:
Click [show] to view candidates who had dropped out of the 2020 presidential election as of Feb. 24, 2020 | |