Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - March 13, 2019

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March 13, 2019


Bill de Blasio heads to New Hampshire

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing

March 13, 2019: Sens. Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders announced new hires in Iowa and South Carolina. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio heads to New Hampshire this weekend.

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Notable Quote of the Day

“Wisconsin has balanced on a knife's edge for so long. Go back to 2004 when George W. Bush very nearly won the state. Republicans won all the midterm years and the anomalies are [President Barack] Obama's big wins in 2008 and 2012. Wisconsin's blue shade was dropped years ago. It's now coming into its own. It's the crown jewel.”
– Brian Reisinger, Republican strategist


  • Vox profiled the overhaul of Newark public schools by Cory Booker, Chris Christie, and Mark Zuckerberg during Booker’s tenure as mayor.

  • Pete Buttigieg delivered his final State of the City address in South Bend, Indiana, Tuesday night.

  • Tulsi Gabbard said she agreed with Elizabeth Warren’s call to break up large tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and that she would be introducing legislation to that end in the House.

  • Kirsten Gillibrand will campaign in Michigan next week, where she is participating in a televised town hall Monday on MSNBC.

  • Kamala Harris brought on two new hires for her South Carolina team: Reggie Abraham as deputy state director and Anne Bailey as state organizing director. Abraham worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

  • CNN published a profile focused on John Hickenlooper’s face blindness and how it has affected his political career.

  • Bernie Sanders expanded his Iowa team, hiring Misty Rebik as state director, Jess Mazour as political director, Evan Burger as state caucus director, and Pete D'Alessandro as a senior advisor. Burger and D’Alessandro are alumni of Sanders’ 2016 campaign.

  • In a Bloomberg opinion article, Andrew Yang’s campaign was compared to previous efforts by Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders: “Beyond their electoral competitiveness, these campaigns are important because the values and issues they highlight become a part of mainstream politics, even if the campaigns so far have fallen short.”


  • Donald Trump’s campaign is reportedly focusing early on organizing in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Campaign officials also identified Florida as another state Trump won that the campaign will target.

On the Cusp: Tracking Potential Candidates

  • Bill de Blasio is traveling to New Hampshire Saturday, following visits to Iowa and South Carolina in recent weeks.

  • Beto O’Rourke is extending his trip to Iowa Saturday to a multi-day schedule. He has also begun advertising on Facebook to grow his email list.

  • Howard Schultz was interviewed in Texas Monthly, where he discussed the logistics of an independent presidential bid, his Jewish faith, and immigration.

What We’re Reading

Flashback: March 13, 2015

Bernie Sanders discussed some early roadblocks in his potential 2016 presidential campaign, saying, “You know, we have raised a little money, but nothing serious. Do we have, for example — I suspect that we do have the potential to raise a decent amount of money through modest donations on the Internet. Can I swear to you that that’s the case? I can’t.”
