Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - February 24, 2020

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February 24, 2020


Steyer qualifies for South Carolina debate

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing

February 24, 2020: Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday. Tom Steyer will return to the debate stage after qualifying for the South Carolina debate.

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Notable Quote of the Day

“One of the major question marks for Sanders coming into Nevada was whether he could win with more than just his core base, which fueled his winning a quarter of the vote in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Well, on Saturday, he did that.

Sanders won not only with voters under 30 and people who identify as very liberal, but also with men, women, Hispanics (overwhelmingly), voters 45 to 64 and people with and without college degrees, according to polls conducted as voters entered caucus sites. He also did well among black voters and moderates, finishing a close second to Joe Biden with both groups, which are supposed to be the former vice president's base.”

– Domenico Montanaro, NPR

Nevada Results

Bernie Sanders won the Nevada caucuses on Saturday afternoon. With 88% of precincts reporting, he had 47% of the county convention delegates used to determine the number of pledged delegates allocated to each candidate. Joe Biden followed with 21% of the county convention delegates. Pete Buttigieg came in third with 14%.

The final pledged delegate count is pending, but Sanders is projected to win at least 13 of Nevada’s 36 delegates, giving him the overall delegate lead.

On the Republican side, the Nevada Republican Party bound the state's 25 delegates to Donald Trump on Saturday at its winter meeting. The party voted on September 7, 2019, to cancel its caucus.


  • Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders are appearing in CNN town halls on Monday in Charleston, South Carolina. Michael Bloomberg was scheduled to participate but postponed his appearance until Wednesday to allow for more debate preparation.

  • Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren are scheduled to speak at the South Carolina Democratic Party’s First in the South Dinner on Monday.

  • House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (S.C.) is expected to endorse Joe Biden on Wednesday. Biden issued a $640 billion housing plan, proposing changes to mortgage standards, eviction protections, and anti-discrimination policies.

  • Toni Atkins, the California Senate president pro tem, endorsed Buttigieg on Friday. The Buttigieg campaign requested the Nevada Democratic Party release additional caucus data and recalculate results in select precincts.

  • Tulsi Gabbard is holding a town hall in Virginia Beach on Tuesday.

  • Former 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson endorsed Sanders at his rally in Austin, Texas, on Sunday. Sanders began airing a new ad in South Carolina focused on criminal justice.

  • Steyer qualified for Tuesday night’s debate in Charleston after placing over 12 percent in his second South Carolina poll.

  • Massachusetts State Auditor Suzanne Bump endorsed Warren on Friday.


Flashback: February 24, 2016

Donald Trump received his first congressional endorsements from Reps. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) and Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.). 
