Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - September 20, 2019

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September 20, 2019


Sanders reaches 1 million unique donors

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing

September 20, 2019: Bill de Blasio announced he was ending his presidential campaign on Friday morning. The Bernie Sanders campaign announced it had received contributions from 1 million donors.

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Each Friday, we'll highlight a presidential candidate's key campaign staffer.

Daily Presidential News Briefing Staffer Spotlight - Richard McDaniel
Richard McDaniel is a Democratic staffer with experience campaigning in the southeast. McDaniel graduated from Morehouse College with a degree in sociology in 2007.

Previous campaign work:

  • 2017 Doug Jones U.S. Senate campaign, field director and political director

  • 2017 Randall Woodfin mayoral campaign (Birmingham, AL), senior advisor

  • 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, consultant, primary states director, and state director

  • 2014 Michelle Nunn U.S. Senate campaign, political director

  • 2012 Barack Obama presidential campaign, state field director

  • 2006 Greg Hecht lieutenant gubernatorial campaign, field organizer

Other experience:

  • 2015: Democratic Party of Georgia, political director

  • 2013: Organizing for Action, state director

  • 2012: Democratic Party of Ohio, regional field director

  • 2010-2011: Service Employees International Union, organizer

  • 2007-2010: Levy Restaurants, suite captain

  • 2009-2010: Planned Parenthood Southeast

    • 2010: Legislative coordinator

    • 2009: Field director


Notable Quote of the Day

“It seems like [the debate criteria] is not criteria that is measuring the effectiveness of a future president. The DNC is usurping our roles … That’s been Iowa’s role in the past, and that’s been the beauty of the caucuses. Everyone is given a fair chance.”

 – Jan Bauer, DNC member from Iowa



What We’re Reading

Flashback: September 20, 2015

Hillary Clinton discussed the Syrian refugee crisis and the 2012 Benghazi attack in an interview on Face the Nation.
