Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - November 18 2019

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November 18, 2019


Booker defends charter schools in NYT op-ed

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing

November 18, 2019: At least 14 Democratic candidates attended the “First in the West” event hosted by the Nevada Democratic Party on Sunday. Cory Booker wrote an op-ed on charter schools for The New York Times.

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There are 16 new candidates running since last week, including five Democrats, six Republicans, and one Green. In total, 953 individuals are currently filed with the FEC to run for president.

Notable Quote of the Day

“Democrats who argue that nominating a moderate presidential candidate is the best approach to beat Trump are certain to say Louisiana’s race bolsters their case. Edwards, a West Point graduate, opposes gun restrictions, signed one of the nation’s strictest abortion bans and dismissed the impeachment effort as a distraction.

Still, while Rispone’s loss raises questions about the strength of Trump’s coattails, its relevance to his reelection chances are less clear. Louisiana is expected to easily back Trump next year, and Edwards’ views in many ways are out of step with his own party.”

– Melinda Deslatte, Associated Press



On the Cusp: Tracking Potential Candidates

  • While speaking at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn on Sunday, Michael Bloomberg said he was wrong to support the stop-and-frisk program in New York City and apologized for its disproportionate effect on black and Latino communities. 

Flashback: November 18, 2015

Donald Trump released a series of radio ads in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.
