Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing - November 12, 2019

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November 12, 2019


Michigan includes Bloomberg in initial candidate list

Ballotpedia's Daily Presidential News Briefing

November 12, 2019: Eric Holder and Deval Patrick are reportedly considering late 2020 presidential runs. Michigan released its initial candidate list, which included Michael Bloomberg.

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How many counties backed Donald Trump in 2016 after backing Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012?

Notable Quote of the Day

“Indeed, given Trump’s fairly low approval ratings and the high level of partisan polarization, Trump’s vote share likely has both a clear floor and ceiling. The 2020 Democratic nominee will probably enter the general election limited by a similarly narrow bound. Given this floor, Sanders and Warren are electable, even if they might be marginally less electable than Biden.

‘It might make sense to talk about things in terms of a threshold, that someone is ‘electable “enough,”’ said Hans Noel, a Georgetown University professor and expert on party politics.”

– Perry Bacon Jr.


  • Michigan released its initial list of candidates for the presidential primary ballot. Among the 18 Democrats listed were Michael Bloomberg, who has not formally declared his candidacy, and Wayne Messam and Joe Sestak, neither of whom have participated in any presidential primary debates.

  • The Michael Bennet campaign announced on Monday that it planned to expand its presence in New Hampshire, opening three new offices and hiring additional staffers.

  • Joe Biden participated in a televised town hall on CNN on Monday. He also released his plan for veterans services, which included updating compensation, increasing the amount of time between permanent change of station moves, and developing programs for military spouses.

  • Cory Booker campaigned in Iowa on Saturday and Sunday, touring local small businesses.

  • Steve Bullock campaigned in New Hampshire on Monday and will file for the state primary on Tuesday.

  • Pete Buttigieg discussed racial inequity in policing in an interview on NPR’s “Off Script” series. He also attended a fundraiser in Rhode Island on Sunday and released his veterans services plan, which includes increasing coordination between the VA and the Department of Defense to streamline medical care and improving care for aging veterans.

  • While campaigning in Iowa, Julián Castro called for the primary calendar to be restructured so that states representative of the country’s demographic diversity vote earlier than Iowa and New Hampshire.

  • In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, John Delaney discussed globalization, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and U.S.-China trade relations.

  • Tulsi Gabbard campaigned in Los Angeles on Sunday and Monday. Her campaign also released a letter on Monday calling for Hillary Clinton to retract statements she made about Gabbard in an October interview.

  • Kamala Harris campaigned in South Carolina on Monday, holding an event with veterans.

  • Amy Klobuchar spoke at a veteran’s day event in Minnesota on Monday.

  • Bernie Sanders issued his veterans policy plan on Monday, which included investing $62 billion to repair and modernize hospitals and clinics.

  • Sestak visited with detained veterans at the SCI Phoenix maximum security prison in Pennsylvania on Monday.

  • Tom Steyer participated in a televised town hall on CNN in Iowa, where he discussed climate change, Michael Bloomberg’s possible candidacy, and expanding the Affordable Care Act.

  • Elizabeth Warren campaigned in South Carolina on Saturday and New Hampshire on Monday.

  • Marianne Williamson began a campaign visit to Nevada on Saturday, attending town halls in Las Vegas.

  • The New York Times profiled Andrew Yang’s campaign from its beginnings in late 2017.


On the Cusp: Tracking Potential Candidates

  • Former Attorney General Eric Holder reportedly spoke with strategists about a potential 2020 presidential bid.

  • Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is considering entering the Democratic primary, according to a The New York Times report.

Flashback: November 15, 2015

According to an analysis of SMG Delta advertising numbers, Jeb Bush and his supporters were more than doubling the television ad spending of his nearest competitor, Marco Rubio.
