Ballotpedia's 2023 Candidate Connection report

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Candidate Connection:
2023 statistics


Survey statistics
Survey respondents
About the survey

See also

More 2023 analysis
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Since 2018, Ballotpedia has invited candidates to take part in our Candidate Connection initiative. We survey candidates at the federal, state, and local levels to help voters choose representatives who reflect their values and uphold their ideals.

A total of 845 candidates responded to the survey in 2023.[1] This report compares 2023 respondents to 2018-2022 respondents and examines where those respondents lived, what offices they ran for, and how they did in their races. It also highlights several notable candidates who completed the survey, features the respondents who won their elections, and lists all of the 845 candidates who sent in answers.

The greatest number of respondents came from Colorado, with 116 candidates answering Ballotpedia's survey. Incumbents accounted for 7.1% of respondents, with challengers making up the remaining 92.9%. Candidates running for city offices were the largest group at 36.2% of respondents.

Survey statistics

By year

Respondents compared to total candidates

In 2023, Ballotpedia had 845 survey respondents out of 30,519 total candidates. Of those, 111 respondents and 24,737 candidates were part of Ballotpedia's expansion to collect surveys from local candidates beyond Ballotpedia's core coverage scope. Excluding the expansion project, 734 candidates took the survey out of 5,782, equaling a 12.7% completion rate.[2]

See also


  1. Out of the 845 candidates who submitted a survey, 111 were part of a pilot program to collect surveys from local candidates outside of Ballotpedia's core coverage scope. As indicated below, these candidates have been excluded from some of the analysis that follows.
  2. Excluding candidates from Ballotpedia's 2023 ultra-local expansion project made the survey completion rate more comparable year over year.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  4. Ballotpedia's candidate survey, "Gabe Amo’s responses," August 7, 2023
  5. Ballotpedia's candidate survey, "John Fleming's responses," July 17, 2023
  6. Ballotpedia's candidate survey, "Angela Lawson's responses," October 10, 2023
  7. Ballotpedia's candidate survey, "Saddam Salim's responses," May 6, 2023
  8. Ballotpedia's candidate survey, "Paul Young's responses," August 21, 2023