Barry County Sales Tax Question (April 2013)

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Voting on taxes
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Barry County Sales Tax question was approved on the April 2, 2013 election ballot in Barry County, which is in Missouri.

This measure authorized the County of Barry to impose a sales tax of 0.125% in order to fund public safety, personnel, building maintenance and equipment. The county estimates the cost to the taxpayer to be $0.0013 per $100 in purchases.[1]

Election results

All precincts

Barry County Safety Tax
Approveda Yes 1,832 53%
These election results are from the KY3 News Election Reporting.

Text of measure

Text of the question:

Shall the County of Barry impose a countywide sales tax of 0.125 percent (1/8 of one cent) for the purpose of providing county services including public safety, personnel, building maintenance and equipment?

The cost to the taxpayer if this proposal is approved by the voters is .13 cents on $100.000 in purchases.



See also

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Barry County April 2, 2013 Sample Ballot
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.