Alabama State Senate elections, 2010

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Alabama State Senate elections, 2010

Majority controlCampaign contributions

QualificationsCompetitiveness analysis

Star bookmark.png  State Legislative Election Results Star bookmark.png

List of candidates
District 1District 2District 3District 4District 5District 6District 7District 8District 9District 10District 11District 12District 13District 14District 15District 16District 17District 18District 19District 20District 21District 22District 23District 24District 25District 26District 27District 28District 29District 30District 31District 32District 33District 34District 35
Alabama State Senate

Elections for the Alabama Senate were held in Alabama on November 2, 2010. State senate seats in all 35 districts were on the ballot. In the election, Republicans won the majority.

A total of 7 incumbents lost in the general election. All 7 were Democrats.

The signature filing deadline was April 2, 2010, and the primary Election Day was June 1, 2010. In Alabama, senators serve four-year terms with no term limits and take office at midnight on the day of their election.

Although Alabama senators serve four-year terms, and all 35 seats are up for election every four years. 38 states have state senates where the terms of senators last for four years. Ten of these 38 states, including Alabama, feature non-staggered elections.

The incumbent senator ran for re-election in 27 of the 35 state senate seats that were up for election in 2010. (77.14%)

See also: Alabama House of Representatives elections, 2010 and State senate elections, 2010

November 2 General Election Results

The following candidates won election on November 2, 2010:

Majority control

See also: Partisan composition of state senates

Heading into the November 2 election, the Democratic Party held the majority in the Alabama State Senate:

Alabama State Senate
Party As of November 1, 2010 After the 2010 Election
     Democratic Party 20 12
     Republican Party 15 22
     Independent 0 1
Total 35 35

Campaign contributions

See also: State-by-state comparison of donations to state senate campaigns

This chart shows how many candidates ran for state senate in Alabama in past years and the cumulative amount of campaign contributions in state senate races, including contributions in both primary and general election contests. All figures come from Follow The Money.[1]

Year Number of candidates Total contributions
2008 35 $944,880
2006 89 $24,792,035
2004 0 $0
2002 84 $15,536,155

During the 2010 election, the total value of contributions to Senate candidates was $24,953,102. The top 10 contributors were:[2]

2010 Donors, Alabama State Senate
Donor Amount
Alabama Republican Party $1,493,942
Tennessee Valley Citizens for Economic Development $1,397,160
Alabama Education Association $868,675
Business Council of Alabama $817,000
Senate Majority PAC $745,634
Alabama Farmers Federation $597,293
George Davis Flowers $568,947
Progress for Alabama PAC $525,696
Alabama Democratic Party $435,499
Alabama Power Co $390,250


Unopposed incumbents

2010 state legislative elections analyzed using a Competitiveness Index

Eight incumbents (29.63%) faced no competition in the November 2 general election.

  • Three Democratic incumbents face no November challenger.
  • Five GOP incumbents face no November challenger.

Primary challenges

Six incumbents faced competition in the June 1 primary. One incumbent, Republican Steve French, lost to his challenger, Slade Blackwell.[3] The following five incumbents (4 Democrats, 1 Republican) won their primaries:

Retiring incumbents

Eight incumbent representatives did not run for re-election, while 27 incumbents (77.14%) ran for re-election. Of the eight incumbents who did not seek re-election, four were Democrats and four were Republicans.

Incumbents who retired are:


Under Article IV, Section 47, of the Alabama Constitution, Senators must be at least 25 years of age at the time of their election, must be citizens and residents of the State of Alabama for at least 3 years, and residents of their district at least one year, prior to election.[4]

List of candidates

Partisan dominance in state senates
heading into the 2010 state legislative elections
Nevada State SenateMassachusetts State SenateColorado State SenateNew Mexico State SenateWyoming State SenateArizona State SenateMontana State SenateCalifornia State SenateOregon State SenateWashington State SenateIdaho State SenateTexas State SenateOklahoma State SenateKansas State SenateSouth Dakota State SenateNorth Dakota State SenateMinnesota State SenateIowa State SenateMissouri State SenateArkansas State SenateLouisiana State SenateMississippi State SenateAlabama State SenateGeorgia State SenateFlorida State SenateSouth Carolina State SenateIllinois State SenateWisconsin State AssemblyTennessee State SenateNorth Carolina State SenateIndiana State SenateOhio State SenateKentucky State SenatePennsylvania State SenateNew Jersey State SenateNew York State SenateVermont State SenateVermont State SenateNew Hampshire State SenateMaine State SenateWest Virginia State SenateVirginia State SenateNebraska State Senate (Unicameral)Maryland State SenateMaryland State SenateConnecticut State SenateConnecticut State SenateDelaware State SenateDelaware State SenateRhode Island State SenateRhode Island State SenateMassachusetts State SenateNew Hampshire State SenateMichigan State SenateMichigan State SenateAlaska State SenateSenates Combined.png

District 1

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Tammy Irons 23,178 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Jerry Freeman 18,266

Note: Incumbent Bobby E. Denton (D) did not run for re-election.

District 2

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • Tom Butler Approveda Incumbent Butler was first elected in 1994.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Tom Butler 23,060
Republican Party Bill Holtzclaw 33,050 Green check mark transparent.png

District 3

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • Arthur Orr Approveda Incumbent Orr was first elected in 2006.

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Arthur Orr 39,245 Green check mark transparent.png

District 4

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Zebulon Little 18,733
Republican Party Paul Bussman 25,621 Green check mark transparent.png

District 5

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Brett Wadsworth 12,213
Republican Party Greg Reed 33,500 Green check mark transparent.png

Note: Incumbent Charles Bishop (R) did not run for re-election.

District 6

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Roger Bedford 20,452 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Jim Bonner 17,816

District 7

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Jeff Enfinger 20,819
Republican Party Paul Sanford 25,333 Green check mark transparent.png

District 8

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Lowell Barron 20,016
Republican Party Shadrack McGill 20,603 Green check mark transparent.png

District 9

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Tim Mitchell 13,933
Republican Party Clay Scofield 30,834 Green check mark transparent.png

Note: Incumbent Hinton Mitchem (D) did not run for re-election.

District 10

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • Larry Means Approveda Incumbent Means was first elected in 1998.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Larry Means 17,459
Republican Party Phil Williams 20,249 Green check mark transparent.png

District 11

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Jerry L. Fielding 19,929 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Ray Robbins 17,323

Note: Incumbent Jim Preuitt (R) initially filed to run but was replaced with Ray Robbins on the Republican ticket.[5]

District 12

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • Del Marsh Approveda Incumbent Marsh was first elected in 1998.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Wallace Wyatt, Jr. 15,210
Republican Party Del Marsh 26,715 Green check mark transparent.png

District 13

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Greg Varner 18,443
Republican Party Gerald Dial 18,800 Green check mark transparent.png

Note: Incumbent Kim Benefield (D) did not run for re-election.

District 14

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Cam Ward 42,511 Green check mark transparent.png

Note: Incumbent Henry Erwin (R) did not run for re-election.

District 15

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Slade Blackwell 46,018 Green check mark transparent.png

District 16

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party J.T. Waggoner 43,604 Green check mark transparent.png

District 17

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party T.E. Hudson 8,973
Republican Party Scott Beason 38,777 Green check mark transparent.png

District 18

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • No Republican ran for election.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Rodger Smitherman 25,154 Green check mark transparent.png

District 19

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • No Republican ran for election.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Priscilla Dunn 29,227 Green check mark transparent.png

District 20

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • No Republican ran for election.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Linda Coleman 28,282 Green check mark transparent.png

District 21

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • Phil Poole Approveda Incumbent Poole was first elected in 1994.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Phil Poole 19,509
Republican Party Gerald Allen 20,528 Green check mark transparent.png

District 22

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • Marc Keahey Approveda Incumbent Keahey was first elected in 2009.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Marc Keahey 24,785 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Danny B. Joyner 19,939

District 23

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • No Republican ran for election.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Henry Sanders 30,322 Green check mark transparent.png

District 24

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • No Republican ran for election.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Bobby Singleton 30,803 Green check mark transparent.png

District 25

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Doug Smith 14,425
Republican Party Dick L. Brewbaker 38,919 Green check mark transparent.png

Note: Incumbent Larry Dixon (R) did not run for re-election.

District 26

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • No Republican ran for election.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Quinton Ross 28,703 Green check mark transparent.png

District 27

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • T.D. Little Approveda Incumbent Little was first elected in 1991.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party T.D. Little 17,379
Republican Party Tom Whatley 21,245 Green check mark transparent.png

District 28

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Billy Beasley 28,619 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Kim West 12,033

Note: Incumbent Myron Penn (D) did not run for re-election.

District 29

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
Grey.png Independent candidate:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party George Flowers 19,225
Grey.png Harri Anne Smith 23,800 Green check mark transparent.png

District 30

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Wendell Mitchell 19,506
Republican Party Bryan Taylor 25,868 Green check mark transparent.png

District 31

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Jimmy Holley 29,301 Green check mark transparent.png

District 32

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Trip Pittman 42,365 Green check mark transparent.png

District 33

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Vivian Figures 23,241 Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Brad Moser 8,419

District 34

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
  • No Democrat ran for election.
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:

November 2 General election candidates:

Republican Party Rusty Glover 34,325 Green check mark transparent.png

District 35

Democratic Party June 1 Democratic primary result:
Republican Party June 1 GOP primary result:
  • Ben Brooks Approveda Incumbent Brooks was first elected in 2006.

November 2 General election candidates:

Democratic Party Scott Buzbee 12,653
Republican Party Ben Brooks 18,307 Green check mark transparent.png

See also

External links

2010 State senate elections
Parties with candidates
Impact of term limits
Successful challengers
Defeated incumbents
State house elections
State senate elections
State legislative elections


Current members of the Alabama State Senate
Majority Leader:Steve Livingston
Minority Leader:Bobby Singleton
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
District 21
District 22
District 23
District 24
District 25
District 26
District 27
Jay Hovey (R)
District 28
District 29
District 30
District 31
District 32
District 33
District 34
District 35
Republican Party (26)
Democratic Party (8)
Vacancies (1)