Alaska local trial court judicial elections, 2016

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2016 Local Judicial Elections

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Elections Information
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Alaska held retention elections for local judicial offices on November 8, 2016. The filing deadline for candidates running for retention was August 16, 2016.

Retention races

1st District

Superior court

David V. George
Philip M. Pallenberg
Trevor Stephens

District court

Thomas Nave

2nd District

No superior or district court judges in Alaska's 2nd Judicial District were up for retention election in 2016.

3rd District

Superior court

Anna M. Moran
Catherine Easter
Eric A. Aarseth
Erin B. Marston
Jack W. Smith
Kari Kristiansen
Kevin M. Saxby
Mark Rindner
Vanessa H. White

District court

Alex Swiderski
Daniel Schally
David Zwink
David Wallace
James Hanley
Jennifer S. Henderson
Leslie N. Dickson
Margaret L. Murphy
Pamela Scott Washington

4th District

Superior court

Bethany Spalding Harbison
Douglas L. Blankenship
Dwayne W. McConnell
Jane F. Kauvar
Michael A. MacDonald

District court

Matthew Christian
Nathaniel Peters
Patrick Hammers

Election rules

Retention election

In these elections, judges do not compete against another candidate, but voters are given a "yes" or "no" choice in deciding whether to keep the judge in office for another term. The judge must receive a majority of "yes" votes to remain in office. Judges must face their first retention at the next general election occurring at least three years after their appointment. The exception to this are the district court judges, who face retention two years after their appointment.[1]

Judges must file for retention by August 1.[1] At least 60 days prior to the election, the Alaska Judicial Council publishes its evaluations of the judges up for retention.[2][3][4][5]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Alaska judicial election. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links
