Administrative Oversight Committee, Missouri House of Representatives

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The Administrative Oversight Committee is a standing committee of the Missouri House of Representatives.

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Per Rule 22 of the House Rules, standing, conference, interim, and statutory committees in the Missouri House of Representatives are appointed by the Speaker of the House, with minority members of regular standing committees being appointed by the Minority Floor Leader. Special standing committees are appointed by the Speaker with input from the Minority Floor Leader on minority leadership. The Speaker is responsible for designating the number of members of each committee. Unless provided for by the act or resolution creating a committee, partisan balance of committee membership is to match partisan balance of the chamber as closely as possible, save for the Ethics Committee, which is to consist of an equal number of majority and minority members. The chair and vice-chair of each standing committee are appointed by the Speaker. The Speaker, Speaker Pro Tem, floor leaders, assistant floor leaders and whips serve as ex officio members on all standing committees. The chair and a minority member of the Budget Committee serve as ex officio members on all appropriations committees. Ex officio members do not hold voting power unless properly appointed.[1]

DocumentIcon.jpg See rules: Rules of the House of Representatives - 100th General Assembly


  1. If a committee reports a bill, except an appropriations bill, with a recommendation that it "Do Pass" or "Without Recommendation", the bill shall stand automatically referred to its Committee on Rules. The committee is hereby authorized to:
    1. Report the bill "Do Pass" to the House without a limitation on time of debate on the bill or amendments.
    2. Report the bill "Do Pass" to the House with a limitation on the time of debate.
    3. Send the bill back to the originating committee in the form as originally referred by theSpeaker. If a Committee on Rules sends the bill back to the originating committee, that committee may amend the bill and report the bill again without the need to reconsider the initial vote by which the committee voted the bill "Do Pass".
  2. If a bill is automatically referred to a Committee on Rules with a recommendation that it "Do Pass - Federal Mandate", the committee shall review the bill for the purpose of determining whether it should have federal mandate status. The committee may decide, by a majority of those present, whether to place the bill on the appropriate federal mandate calendar. If the committee declines to place the bill on the appropriate federal mandate calendar, it may consider whether to report the bill to the House with a "Do Pass" recommendation without federal mandate status. The authority of the committee with respect to limiting debate shall apply to bills reported by it as "Do Pass - Federal Mandate".
  3. If a Committee on Rules shall place a limitation on the time of floor debate on a bill or on amendments, such time shall be divided equally between and controlled by the floor handler of the bill and the floor leader of the political party other than that of the floor handler or their respective designees. The floor handler shall have the right to have the final one minute of designated time. If time has been allocated and unused by either side and no member from that side is seeking recognition, the Speaker may declare additional time waived and recognize the members of the other side to complete the use of their time. Nothing in this rule shall entitle any member to speak longer than theHouse Rules otherwise allow.
  4. In reviewing bills automatically referred to it from another committee, a Committee on Rules may, but is not required to, take such testimony as it deems appropriate to make its decisions. The committee shall not amend any bill that was not initially referred to a Committee on Rules.
  5. If a committee has reported a bill "Do Pass" with committee amendments, a Committee on Rules shall take such action as it deems proper on the entire package of the bill with committee amendments as though the committee amendments were already incorporated into the bill.
  6. If a Committee on Rules is the original committee to which a bill is referred, when the committee reports such bill as "Do Pass" or "Without Recommendation", such bill shall not be subject to the automatic referral referenced in Rule 24(25)(d)a. above. Instead, in reporting such bill, the committee may take any action on such bill that is permissible under the authority given to regular standing committees under Rule 24(1) above.[2][3]


2021-2022 legislative session

Administrative Oversight Committee, 2021-2022

Democratic members (4) Republican members (10) Third-party members(0)

2019-2020 legislative session

Administrative Oversight Committee, 2019-2020

Democratic members (3) Republican members (7) Third-party members(0)

2017 legislative session

The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2017 legislative session.

Administrative Oversight Members, 2017
Democratic members (4)Republican members (10)
Lauren ArthurJason Barnes, Chair
Jon CarpenterChrissy Sommer, Vice chair
Joe RunionsKevin Austin
Sarah UnsickerT.J. Berry
Kevin Corlew
Kevin Engler
Kirk Mathews
Rebecca Roeber
Rob Vescovo
John Wiemann

External links


Current members of the Missouri House of Representatives
Speaker of the House:Jon Patterson
Minority Leader:Ashley Aune
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Ed Lewis (R)
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Rudy Veit (R)
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Kem Smith (D)
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Jo Doll (D)
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Bill Owen (R)
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Bob Titus (R)
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John Voss (R)
District 148
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Ben Baker (R)
District 161
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District 163
Cathy Loy (R)
Republican Party (110)
Democratic Party (52)
Vacancies (1)