Arizona 1948 ballot measures
In 1948, voters decided on eight statewide ballot measures in Arizona on November 2.
- Three of the measures were legislatively referred constitutional amendments.
- Five of the measures were initiated state statutes.
- Voters approved eight (100%) and rejected zero (0%) measures.
On the ballot
November 2, 1948
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Measure Nos. 100-101 | Legislature | Require a two-thirds vote of the legislature to call for and sign a petition to convene a special session |
77,941 (68%) |
37,392 (32%) |
Measure Nos. 102-103 | Judiciary | Provide for the consolidation of all county superior courts into one court |
80,120 (68%) |
37,839 (32%) |
Measure Nos. 104-105 | Local government | Permit cities to employ non-residents as city managers |
73,363 (60%) |
48,052 (40%) |
Measure Nos. 300-301 | Labor | Prohibit the denial of employment due to non-membership in a labor union |
86,866 (59%) |
60,295 (41%) |
Measure Nos. 302-303 | Law enforcement; Labor | Provide for establishing a system of merit and the fixed number of highway patrol men |
91,323 (73%) |
33,317 (27%) |
Measure Nos. 304-305 | Healthcare; Labor | Provide for the limitation of Workmen's Compensation to $1,000 per month |
102,340 (81%) |
23,856 (19%) |
Measure Nos. 306-307 | Civil service; Administration | Provide for the establishment of a Civil Service Board to classify all positions in the state civil service |
78,907 (67%) |
39,470 (33%) |
Measure Nos. 308-309 | Labor; Pension | Provide for the establishment of a public employee retirement fund |
86,989 (70%) |
38,111 (30%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Arizona
- List of Arizona ballot measures
- 1948 ballot measures
External links
State of Arizona Phoenix (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
Government |
Who represents me? | U.S. President | U.S. Congress | Federal courts | State executives | State legislature | State and local courts | Counties | Cities | School districts | Public policy |