Sec. 104. Special, private or local laws — Prohibited in certain cases.
The legislature shall not pass a special, private, or local law in any of the following cases:
(1) Granting a divorce;
(2) Relieving any minor of the disabilities of nonage;
(3) Changing the name of any corporation, association, or individual;
(4) Providing for the adoption or legitimizing of any child;
(5) Incorporating a city, town, or village;
(6) Granting a charter to any corporation, association, or individual;
(7) Establishing rules of descent or distribution;
(8) Regulating the time within which a civil or criminal action may be begun;
(9) Exempting any individual, private corporation, or association from the operation of any general law;
(10) Providing for the sale of the property of any individual or estate;
(11) Changing or locating a county seat;
(12) Providing for a change of venue in any case;
(13) Regulating the rate of interest;
(14) Fixing the punishment of crime;
(15) Regulating either the assessment or collection of taxes, except in connection with the readjustment, renewal, or extension of existing municipal indebtedness created prior to the ratification of the Constitution of eighteen hundred and seventy-five;
(16) Giving effect to an invalid will, deed, or other instrument;
(17) Authorizing any county, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of a county, to issue bonds or other securities unless the issuance of said bonds or other securities shall have been authorized before the enactment of such local or special law, by a vote of the duly qualified electors of such county, township, city, town, village, district, or other political subdivision of a county, at an election held for such purpose, in the manner that may be prescribed by law; provided, the legislature may, without such election, pass special laws to refund bonds issued before the date of the ratification of this Constitution;
(18) Amending, confirming, or extending the charter of any private or municipal corporation, or remitting the forfeiture thereof; provided, this shall not prohibit the legislature from altering or rearranging the boundaries of the city, town, or village;
(19) Creating, extending, or impairing any lien;
(20) Chartering or licensing any ferry, road, or bridge;
(21) Increasing the jurisdiction and fees of justices of the peace or the fees of constables;
(22) Establishing separate school districts;
(23) Establishing separate stock districts;
(24) Creating, increasing, or decreasing fees, percentages, or allowances of public officers;
(25) Exempting property from taxation or from levy or sale;
(26) Exempting any person from jury, road, or other civil duty;
(27) Donating any lands owned by or under control of the state to any person or corporation;
(28) Remitting fines, penalties, or forfeitures;
(29) Providing for the conduct of elections or designating places of voting, or changing the boundaries of wards, precincts, or districts, except in the event of the organization of new counties, or the changing of the lines of old counties;
(30) Restoring the right to vote to persons convicted of infamous crimes, or crimes involving moral turpitude;
(31) Declaring who shall be liners between precincts or between counties. The legislature shall pass general laws for the cases enumerated in this section, provided that nothing in this section or article shall affect the right of the legislature to enact local laws regulating or prohibiting the liquor traffic; but no such local law shall be enacted unless notice shall have been given as required in section 106 of this Constitution.[1]