The duties, functions and powers of the Governor are:
Comply with and enforce the laws.
Convoke the Legislative Assembly or the Senate into special session when his judgment the public interest so requires.
Appoint, in the manner provided by this Constitution or by law, to all officers whose appointment is authorized. The Governor may make appointments when the Legislature is not in session. Any appointment requiring the advice and consent of the Senate or of both houses shall effect at the next regular session.
Being commander in chief of the militia.
Call the militia and summon the posse comitatus to prevent or suppress any serious public disorder, rebellion or invasion.
Proclaim martial law when the public safety requires it in cases of rebellion or invasion or imminent danger thereof. The Legislature must immediately reuinirse own initiative to ratify or revoke the proclamation.
The Legislature must immediately meet on its own initiative to ratify or revoke the proclamation.
Suspend the execution of sentences in criminal cases, grant pardons, commutations penalties and total or partial remissions of fines and forfeitures for offenses committed violation of the laws of Puerto Rico. This power does not extend to processes residence.
Approve or disapprove in accordance with this Constitution, and joint resolutions bills passed by the Legislature. Submit to the Assembly Legislature at the beginning of each regular session, a message on the status of Commonwealth and submit a report on the state of the Treasury of Puerto Rico and the proposed expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. This report shall contain the data required for the formulation of a program of legislation.
Exercise such other powers and functions and perform such other duties assigned to him by this Constitution or by law.[1]