Andy Baukol

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Andy Baukol

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Prior offices
Acting U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
Successor: Janet Yellen
Predecessor: Steven Mnuchin

Andy Baukol was the acting secretary of the Treasury in the Biden administration. He served from January 20-25, 2021, before Janet Yellen was confirmed by the Senate for the position.[1][2]


Baukol worked as an analyst on Soviet and Russian economics at the Central Intelligence Agency from 1989 to 1996. He then joined the U.S. Department of the Treasury, where he held several roles, including as director of the Office of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and a special assistant to the under secretary.[3]

In 2001, he became the senior advisor to the U.S. executive director at the International Monetary Fund. From 2005 to 2007, he was the director of the Office of South and Southeast Asian Nations.[3]

From 2008 to 2015, Baukol was the deputy assistant secretary for the Middle East and Africa. In 2016, he was the principal deputy assistant secretary for international monetary policy at the Department of the Treasury.[3]

Recent news

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See also

External links
