Antioch Unified School District elections (2016)

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Antioch Unified School District Elections

General election date:
November 8, 2016
Enrollment (13–14):
18,523 students

Three of the five seats on the Antioch Unified School District board of trustees were up for at-large general election on November 8, 2016. In their bids for re-election, incumbents Diane Gibson-Gray, Fernando Navarro, and Alonzo Terry faced newcomers Mike Burkholder and Crystal Sawyer-White. They also faced former Antioch Unified trustees Gary Hack and Joy Motts. Gibson-Gray won another term, Sawyer-White was elected as a new member, and Hack returned to the board after two years away.[1][2]


Voter and candidate information

Antioch Unified School District seal.jpg

The Antioch Unified board of trustees consists of five members elected to four-year terms. Elections are held at large on a staggered basis every November of even-numbered years. Two seats were up for election on November 4, 2014, and three seats were up for election on November 8, 2016. There was no primary election.[3]

To get on the ballot, school board candidates had to register with the county elections office by August 12, 2016. If incumbents did not file by that deadline, the filing deadline was extended for non-incumbent candidates until August 17, 2016. In order to qualify as candidates, they had to be at least 18 years old, citizens of California, residents of the school district, registered voters, and "not disqualified by the constitution or laws of the state from holding a civil office," according to the bylaws of the Antioch Unified board of trustees. Once they took office, school board members could not be employed by the school district.[4][5]

To vote in this election, residents of the school district had to register by October 24, 2016.[6] Photo identification was not required to vote in this election.[7]

Candidates and results



Antioch Unified School District,
At-large General Election, 4-year terms, 2016
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.png Crystal Sawyer-White 20.47% 13,834
Green check mark transparent.png Diane Gibson-Gray Incumbent 17.87% 12,080
Green check mark transparent.png Gary Hack 16.50% 11,151
Joy Motts 15.21% 10,281
Fernando Navarro Incumbent 12.58% 8,501
Mike Burkholder 9.75% 6,588
Alonzo Terry Incumbent 7.30% 4,935
Write-in votes 0.32% 216
Total Votes 67,586
Source: Contra Costa County , "Presidential General Election Official Results - Final," accessed December 7, 2016


Diane Gibson-Gray Green check mark transparent.png Fernando Navarro Alonzo Terry

Diane Gibson-Gray.jpg

  • Incumbent
  • Member from 2008-2016

Fernando Navarro.jpeg

  • Incumbent
  • Member from 2015-2016

Alonzo Terry.jpeg

  • Incumbent
  • Appointed to board in May 2016
Mike Burkholder Gary Hack Green check mark transparent.png

Mike Burkholder.jpg

Gary Hack.jpg

  • Former board member, 2010-2014
  • Retired educator
Joy Motts Crystal Sawyer-White Green check mark transparent.png

Joy Motts.jpg

  • Former board member, 2010-2014
  • Senior mortgage consultant

Crystal Sawyer-White.jpg

Additional elections on the ballot

See also: California elections, 2016

The district's school board election shared the ballot with a number of statewide ballot measures as well as elections for the following offices:[8]

Key deadlines

The following dates were key deadlines for California school board elections in 2016:[9][10]

Deadline Event
August 1, 2016 Semi-annual campaign finance report due
August 10, 2016 - November 8, 2016 24-hour campaign contribution reporting period
August 12, 2016 Candidate filing deadline
August 17, 2016 Extended filing deadline for non-incumbent candidates for open seats
September 29, 2016 First pre-election campaign finance report due
October 24, 2016 Voter registration deadline
October 27, 2016 Second pre-election campaign finance report due
November 8, 2016 Election Day
January 31, 2017 Semi-annual campaign finance report due


The Democratic Party of Contra Costa County endorsed challengers Mike Burkholder and Joy Motts.[11] The Antioch Education Association and the California School Employees Association endorsed Motts, incumbent Diane Gibson-Gray, and challenger Gary Hack. The Antioch Management Executive Board also endorsed Burkholder, Motts, Gibson-Gray, and Hack.[12] CCSA Advocates endorsed incumbents Fernando Navarro and Alonzo Terry and challenger Crystal Sawyer-White.[13]

The community organization Evolve endorsed Motts and Sawyer-White.[14] Motts was further endorsed by the Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council.[15]

Do you know of an official or organization that endorsed a candidate in this race? Let Ballotpedia know by email at

Campaign finance

Campaign Finance Ballotpedia.png
See also: List of school board campaign finance deadlines in 2016

Candidates in this race were required to file two pre-election reports. The first was due on September 29, 2016, and the second was due on October 27, 2016. If candidates received more than $1,000 from a single source between August 10, 2016, and November 8, 2016, they had to file a campaign finance report within 24 hours of receiving the contribution.[10]

Candidates who did not raise or spend more than $2,000 on their campaigns had to file an exemption form by September 29, 2016. They did not have to file additional campaign finance reports.[10]

Candidates who had a remaining balance from previous campaigns or who had raised or spent money on their campaigns prior to the candidate filing deadline had to file a semi-annual campaign finance report by August 1, 2016. The next semi-annual campaign finance report was due January 31, 2017.[10]


Candidates received a total of $22,060.16 and spent a total of $22,016.96 in the election, according to the Contra Costa County Elections Division.[16]

Candidate Existing balance Contributions Expenditures Cash on hand
Diane Gibson-Gray $0.00 $2,868.39 $2,868.39 $0.00
Fernando Navarro $0.00 $3,450.00 $3,420.76 $29.24
Alonzo Terry $0.00 $3,700.00 $3,673.07 $26.93
Mike Burkholder $0.00 $3,984.00 $3,687.57 $296.43
Gary Hack $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Joy Motts $1,522.30 $8,057.77 $8,367.17 $1,212.90
Crystal Sawyer-White $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Past elections

What was at stake?


Issues in the district

Recall effort
See also: Debra Vinson recall, Antioch Unified School District, California (2016)
Debra Vinson

Antioch Unified School District board of trustees member Debra Vinson was targeted for recall in October 2016. Supporters of the recall started the effort after Vinson allegedly berated a district employee.[17][18]

The incident with the district employee started when Vinson told the employee she had poor customer service skills, according to Nicole Cedano, another district employee who overheard the incident. Vinson proceeded to question whether the employee had received the district's offered training in cultural tolerance and fostering empathy, according to the employee's written statement about the incident. The employee said Vinson had implied she was a bigot.[18]

Board President Diane Gibson-Gray said the board consulted with an attorney and investigated the matter after the employee made a formal complaint about the incident. The investigation led Vinson to send the employee an apology by email.[18]

Board member Fernando Navarro, who lost his re-election bid on November 8, 2016, spoke in support of Vinson after the recall papers were served. He said any residents with questions about the incident should contact Vinson directly. He also questioned the timing of the recall starting so close to the regularly-scheduled school board election. “I question the timing of this recall, considering the election,” Navarro said. “She is not up for reelection and we have four candidates running for three seats.”[18]

Court rules test scores not required in teacher evaluations
StudentsMatter logo.jpg

Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge Barry Goode ruled in September 2016 that the Antioch Unified School District, along with 12 other school districts, could not be required to use student test scores in teacher evaluations. Goode's ruling went against a lawsuit filed by the group Students Matter, which sought to mandate the use of student standardized test scores in teacher evaluations. Students Matter argued that the districts' teacher contracts violated California's 1971 Stull Act, which requires school districts to evaluate teachers in a manner related to student performance. Goode concluded that all of the school districts in question were meeting their legal obligations.[19]

“The Legislature endorses many uses of those tests, including evaluating pupils, entire schools and local educational agencies,” Goode wrote in his opinion. “But it does not say the results should be used to evaluate individual teachers.”[19]

Marcellus McRae, who represented the plaintiffs, said he was surprised by the ruling. “If you really think about it, this is such a basic concept that the goal of teaching is for students to learn,” McRae said. “It is, to me, axiomatic that teacher evaluations have to be based at least in part over whether students have learned.”[19]

Students Matter won a similar case in 2012. That lawsuit had been filed against the Los Angeles Unified School District, and the school district was ultimately required to include test scores in its teacher evaluations. In the 2016 case, however, Goode ruled that school districts were allowed to decide how to use test results. “There are serious questions about whether, and the extent to which, a pupil’s standardized test score is ‘reasonably related’ and ‘applicable’ to the performance of a given teacher,” Goode said.[19]

Teachers unions supported Goode's ruling. They argued that standardized test scores overlooked external factors that inhibited student learning, such as poverty.[19]

“Every day teachers across California use a variety of benchmarks, including in-class quizzes, tests, projects, and personal observation to fine-tune their approaches with their students,” said California Federation of Teachers President Joshua Pechthalt. “There is no single method for assessing progress that is ideal or that should be used to the exclusion of all others.”[19]

Candidate survey

Candidate Connection Logo - stacked.png

Ballotpedia invites school board candidates to participate in its annual survey.
Click here to view or fill out the survey.

About the district

See also: Antioch Unified School District, California
The Antioch Unified School District is located in Contra Costa County, California.

The Antioch Unified School District is located in Contra Costa County in central California. The county seat is Martinez. Contra Costa County was home to 1,126,745 residents in 2015, according to the United States Census Bureau.[20] The district was the 87th-largest school district in the state in the 2013–2014 school year and served 18,523 students.[21]


Contra Costa County outperformed California as a whole in terms of higher education achievement between 2010 and 2014. The United States Census Bureau found that 39.4 percent of county residents aged 25 years and older had attained a bachelor's degree, compared to 31 percent of state residents. The median household income for Contra Costa County was $79,799, compared to $61,489 for the entire state. The percentage of people in poverty in the county was 10.5 percent, compared to 16.4 percent statewide.[20]

Racial Demographics, 2015[20]
Race Contra Costa County (%) California (%)
White 66.8 72.9
Black or African American 9.6 6.5
American Indian and Alaska Native 1.0 1.7
Asian 16.8 14.7
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.6 0.5
Two or more races 5.2 3.8
Hispanic or Latino 25.3 38.8

Presidential Voting Pattern,
Contra Costa County[22]
Year Democratic Vote Republican Vote
2012 290,824 136,517
2008 306,983 136,436
2004 257,254 150,608
2000 224,338 141,373

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms 'Antioch Unified School District' 'California'. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

Antioch Unified School District California School Boards
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Seal of California.png
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External links


  1. Contra Costa County, California, "Contest/Candidate Proof List Presidential General Election," accessed August 15, 2016
  2. Contra Costa County, "Unofficial Results - Election Night Final," accessed November 9, 2016
  3. Antioch Unified School District, "board of trustees," accessed June 15, 2016
  4. Antioch Unified School District, "Board Member Qualifications & Method of Election," accessed June 15, 2016
  5. Contra Costa County Elections Division, "Contra Costa County Candidate Guide," accessed June 15, 2016
  6. California Secretary of State, "Voter Registration," accessed June 13, 2016
  7. California Secretary of State, "California Online Voter Registration," accessed June 13, 2016
  8. Contra Costa County Elections Division, "Contest/Candidate Proof List: Presidential General Election," accessed September 23, 2016
  9. California Secretary of State, "November 8, 2016, General Election Calendar," accessed July 27, 2016
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 California Fair Political Practices Commission, "Filing Schedule for Candidates and Controlled Committees for Local Office Being Voted on November 8, 2016," accessed July 27, 2016
  11. Democratic Party of Contra Costa County, "2016 General Election Final Endorsements," October 10, 2016
  12. Antioch Herald, "Letter Writer Announces Antioch School Board Endorsements by District Staff," October 10, 2016
  13. CCSA Advocates, "Our Endorsements: November 2016 Elections," accessed October 27, 2016
  14. Evolve, "Endorsements: November 8, 2016 General Election," accessed October 13, 2016
  15. Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council, "Contra Costa Building and Construction Trades Council 2016 Endorsements," accessed October 13, 2016
  16. Contra Costa County Elections Division, "Contra Costa County Public Portal for Campaign Finance Disclosure," accessed February 7, 2017
  17. Antioch Herald, "Antioch Schools Trustee Vinson Served With Recall Papers At Meeting, Wednesday Night," October 26, 2016
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 East Bay Times, "Antioch: School district trustee accused of racially divisive remarks faces recall," October 27, 2016
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 Los Angeles Times, "Court refuses to mandate use of test scores in teacher evaluations," September 22, 2016
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 United States Census Bureau, "Contra Costa County, California," accessed June 15, 2016
  21. National Center for Education Statistics, "ELSI Table Generator," accessed November 16, 2015
  22. Contra Costa County Registrar of Voters, "Past Election Results," accessed July 11, 2014