Antioch, Measure W, Sales Tax (November 2018)

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Local ballot measure elections in 2018
Measure W: Antioch Sales Tax
LocalBallotMeasures Final.png
The basics
Election date:
November 6, 2018
Approveda Approved
Local sales tax
Amount: 1.0%
Expires in: 20 years
Related articles
Local sales tax on the ballot
November 6, 2018 ballot measures in California
Contra Costa County, California ballot measures
City tax on the ballot
See also
Antioch, California

A sales tax measure was on the ballot for Antioch voters in Contra Costa County, California, on November 6, 2018. It was approved.

A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing the city to renew a one-cent (1.0 percent) sales tax on retail sales to fund emergency programs and essential services.
A no vote was a vote against authorizing the city to renew a one-cent sales tax on retail sales to fund emergency programs and essential services.

Election results

Antioch Measure W

Result Votes Percentage

Approved Yes

19,504 66.11%
No 9,997 33.89%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot question

The ballot question was as follows:[1]

To maintain Antioch’s fiscal stability, police patrols, 911 emergency response, youth violence prevention programs; ensuring water quality/safety; repairing streets; cleaning up parks/illegal dumping; restoring youth afterschool/summer programs; other essential services; shall the measure be adopted approving an ordinance to renew the sales tax at the one-cent rate, raising approximately $14,000,000 annually, expiring in twenty years, with mandatory annual independent financial audits, and independent citizens oversight?[2]

Full text

The full text of the measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing local ballot measures in California

This measure was put on the ballot through a vote of the governing officials of Antioch, California .

See also

External links


  1. "Contra Costa County Board of Elections," "Statewide General Election Local Measures," accessed September 25, 2018
  2. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.