Anthony Muhammad

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Anthony Muhammad

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Anthony Muhammad was a 2015 candidate for Ward 8 of the Washington, D.C. City Council.[1]



See also: Washington, D.C. municipal elections, 2015

The city of Washington, D.C. held special elections for city council on April 28, 2015. The filing deadline for candidates who wished to run in this election was January 28, 2015.[2]

In the election to fill the Ward 8 seat of the late Marion Barry, LaRuby May defeated Jauhar Abraham, Stuart Anderson, Karlene Armstead, Marion C. Barry, Nate Bennett Fleming, Sheila Bunn, Greta Fuller, Eugene D. Kinlow, Anthony Muhammad, Genora Akosua Reed, "S.S." Sandra Seegars, Keita Vanterpool, Leonard Watson, Sr., Trayon "WardEight" White and Natalie Williams.[3][4][5]

Washington, D.C., City Council, Ward 8, 2015
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngLaRuby May 27% 1,955
Trayon "WardEight" White 25.9% 1,877
Sheila Bunn 10.2% 741
Eugene D. Kinlow 9.6% 693
Natalie Williams 9.4% 683
Marion C. Barry 7.6% 554
"S.S." Sandra Seegars 4.6% 331
Anthony Muhammad 1.7% 123
Leonard Watson, Sr. 1.7% 123
Greta Fuller 1.4% 100
Keita Vanterpool 0.6% 46
Jauhar Abraham 0.2% 17
Stuart Anderson 0.1% 10
Total Votes 5,949
Source: DC Board of Elections, "Official election results," accessed May 18, 2015

Recent news

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