Mississippi Municipal Courts
"The Mississippi municipal courts have jurisdiction over misdemeanor crimes, municipal ordinances and city traffic violations. Municipal judges may conduct initial appearances in which defendants are advised of the charges being filed, as well as bond hearings and preliminary hearings.
There are 226 Municipal Courts. Most municipalities have one municipal judge, although a few jurisdictions have several.
Most municipal judges are appointed by governing bodies of municipalities. Terms of office vary.[1]
External links
- Mississippi Municipal Courts.com
- State of Mississippi Judiciary website
- Mississippi Municipal Court Judges
Federal courts:
Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals • U.S. District Court: Northern District of Mississippi, Southern District of Mississippi • U.S. Bankruptcy Court: Northern District of Mississippi, Southern District of Mississippi
State courts:
Mississippi Supreme Court • Mississippi Court of Appeals • Mississippi circuit courts • Mississippi Chancery Court • Mississippi county courts • Mississippi justice courts • Mississippi youth courts • Mississippi Municipal Courts
State resources:
Courts in Mississippi • Mississippi judicial elections • Judicial selection in Mississippi