Wisconsin judicial elections

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Judges in Wisconsin participate in nonpartisan elections. Judges must run for re-election in nonpartisan elections for subsequent terms. Judicial elections are held in the state every year.[1] Wisconsin is one of four states that hold judicial elections every year, along with Louisiana, New York and Ohio.[2]

Wisconsin is one of 12 states that uses nonpartisan elections to select judges and does not use retention elections for subsequent terms. To read more about how states use judicial elections to select judges across the country, click here.

Judges in Wisconsin are elected for the following term lengths:

Supreme Court Court of Appeals Circuit Courts
Nonpartisan elections - 10 year terms Nonpartisan elections - Six-year terms Nonpartisan elections - Six-year terms

At the end of their terms, judges in Wisconsin may run for re-election.[3]

If a vacancy occurs for a judicial position mid-term, an advisory council on judicial selection will recommend three to five qualified candidates to the governor. The governor then appoints a candidate, but is not bound by the council's recommendations. The appointed candidate must run for election in the next judicial election.[3]


Election rules

Primary election

A primary is held on the third Tuesday in February to nominate judicial candidates for the spring election. Candidates seeking election must file by the first Tuesday in January preceding the spring general election.[1] A primary is required if more than two candidates file for nomination to the supreme court, the same district of an appellate court, or for the same branch of a circuit court.[1] If the number of candidates for office does not exceed twice the number to be elected to the office a primary is not held and all the candidates will appear on the ballot in the spring election.[1] The two candidates who receive the most votes in a primary race advance to the general election.[3]

General election

A spring election is held on the first Tuesday in April.[1]

See also

Wisconsin Judicial Selection More Courts
Seal of Wisconsin.png
BP logo.png
Courts in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Court of Appeals
Wisconsin Supreme Court
Elections: 202520242023202220212020201920182017
Gubernatorial appointments
Judicial selection in Wisconsin
Federal courts
State courts
Local courts

External links
