Wisconsin Recall Action Fund

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Wisconsin Recall Action Fund
Basic facts
Location:Milwaukee, Wis.
Website:Official website

The Wisconsin Recall Action Fund is an independent disbursement committee and political action committee (PAC) located in Milwaukee, Wis. As of June 2014, Greg Langhaim was listed as the group’s treasurer. The group was formed to help defeat the 2012 recall effort against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R).[1]


See also: Scott Walker recall, Wisconsin (2012)

The group was initially founded to fight against the 2012 attempt to recall Gov. Walker. However, according to the organization's website, as of 2015, the group aims to do the following:[2]

The Wisconsin Recall Action Fund is dedicated to building and motivating a grass-roots movement of Wisconsinites that can directly take on the organized labor movement. We are taking the fight door-to-door registering voters in key swing counties in Wisconsin. We will not allow national unions to out-work or out-organize our side.[3]


The following is a breakdown of WRAF's total annual revenue and the organization's expenses for the 2011-2014 fiscal years, as reported to the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB):

Annual contributions, revenues and expenses for CERS, 2011-2014
Tax Year Revenue Expenditures
2014[4] $33,087 $60,814
2013[5] $211,601 $209,214
2012[6] $2,049,019 $2,148,235
2011[7] $102,025 $31,238


The following individual is listed among organization's leadership:[2]

  • Greg Langhaim - Treasurer

Noteworthy events

John Doe investigations

See also: John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker

Two John Doe investigations, beginning in 2010 and ending in 2015, were launched by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm (D) into the activities of staff and associates of Gov. Scott Walker (R).[8] The WRAF was one of 29 conservative organizations that was targeted and investigated during the course of the second of two John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker.[9][10]

See also

External links
