Westminster School District bond proposition, Measure O (November 2008)

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A Westminster School District bond proposition, Measure O ballot question was on the November 4, 2008 ballot for voters in the Westminster School District in Orange County, California, where it was approved.

Measure O authorized the school district to borrow $130 million.

A 55 percent supermajority vote was required for approval.

Election results

Measure O
Approveda Yes 15,947 63.0%
These final, certified, results are from the Orange County elections office.

Ballot question

The question on the ballot:

MEASURE O: "To improve health/safety and recruit/retain teachers at elementary/middle schools by improving student safety at drop-off zones, upgrading computer technology, math/science labs and energy efficiency, installing emergency communication systems, expanding after-school tutoring/mentoring space, replacing outdated bathroom plumbing, and achieving eligibility for grant funding, shall Westminster School District issue $130,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, requiring Independent Citizens' Oversight, audits and no money for administrators' salaries?"[1]

See also

External links

  1. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.