Vermont Votes of General Assembly Shall be Printed (1913)

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Constitutional amendments
Statutes referred by Legislature
Amending the Vermont Constitution
Vermont Constitution

A Vermont Votes of General Assembly Shall Be Printed Amendment was on the 1913 ballot in Vermont as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved, becoming Article 31 of the amendments to the Vermont Constitution.

The ballot question said:

That section 14 of chapter 2 of the Constitution be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 14. The votes and proceedings of the General Assembly shall be printed (when one third of the members, of either house think it necessary) as soon as convenient after the end of the session, with the yeas and nays of the House of Representatives on any question when required by five members and of the Senate when required by one Senator, (except where the votes shall be taken by ballot,) in which case every member of either house shall have a right to insert the reasons of his vote upon the minutes.

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