Vermont Revision of Chapter 2 of the State Constitution (1913)
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A Vermont Revision of Chapter 2 of the State Constitution ballot propositions was on the 1913 ballot in Vermont as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment, where it was approved, becoming Article 36 of the amendments to the Vermont Constitution.
The ballot question said:
- That a new amendment be added to the Constitution to be known as Article 33, as follows:
- That the judges of the supreme court be and are hereby authorized and directed to revise chapter 2 of the Constitution by incorporating into said chapter all amendments of the Constitution that are now or may be then in force and excluding therefrom all sections, clauses and words not in force and rearranging and renumbering the sections thereof under appropriate titles as in their judgment may be most logical and convenient; and said revised chapter 2 as certified to the secretary of state by said judges or a majority thereof shall be a part of the Constitution of this state in substitution for existing chapter 2 and all amendments thereof.