Urban Education Committee, Wisconsin State Assembly (decommissioned)

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Wisconsin State Assembly
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The Urban Education Committee was a standing committee of the Wisconsin State Assembly. It was titled the Urban and Local Affairs Committee prior to the 2013 legislative session.

Beginning in the 2015 legislative session, this committee was no longer active.[1]



The following table describes committee membership at the beginning of the 2013 legislative session.

Urban Education Members, 2013
Democratic members (5)Republican members (8)
Christine SinickiDon Pridemore, Chair
Sondy PopeJeremy Thiesfeldt, Vice chair
Sandy PaschJohn Jagler
Mandela BarnesSteve Kestell
LaTonya JohnsonDaniel Knodl
Chad Weininger
Rob Hutton
Joe Sanfelippo

External links
