United States House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security

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The United States House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security is a standing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The committee was created in 2002, acquiring permanent status in 2005.[1]


118th Congress

The committee chairman in the 118th Congress was Mark Green (R).

117th Congress

The committee chairman in the 117th Congress was Bennie Thompson (D).

116th Congress

The committee chairman in the 116th Congress was Bennie Thompson (D).

115th Congress

The committee chairman in the 115th Congress was Michael McCaul (R).

114th Congress

The committee chairman in the 114th Congress was Michael McCaul (R).

113th Congress

The committee chairman in the 113th Congress was Michael T. McCaul (R).[2]

112th Congress

The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Peter T. King (R).


Brian Higgins (D) left this committee on February 02, 2024. [Source] [Source]

John Ratcliffe (R) left this committee on May 22, 2020.

Note: On May 21, 2020, the Senate confirmed John Ratcliffe as the director of national intelligence (DNI). Ratcliffe resigned from Congress the following day.[3]


Border Security and Enforcement

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

The committee was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations.

Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (5)Republican members (7)
Filemon Vela Ranking MemberMartha McSally Chairman
Cedric Richmond Lamar Smith
Lou Correa Mike Rogers
Val Demings Jeff Duncan
Nanette Barragan Lou Barletta
Will Hurd
John Rutherford

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

The committee was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation.

Subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (4)Republican members (6)
Cedric Richmond Ranking MemberJohn Ratcliffe Chairman
Sheila Jackson Lee John Katko
James Langevin Daniel Donovan
Val Demings Mike Gallagher
Tom Garrett
Brian Fitzpatrick

Emergency Management and Technology

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

The committee was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.

Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (3)Republican members (5)
Donald Payne Ranking MemberDaniel Donovan Chairman
James Langevin Tom Marino
Bonnie Watson Coleman Martha McSally
John Rutherford
Tom Garrett

Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

The committee was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism.

Subcommittee on Counterterriorism and Intelligence Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (3)Republican members (5)
Kathleen Rice Ranking MemberPete King Chairman
Sheila Jackson Lee Lou Barletta
William Keating Scott Perry
Will Hurd
Mike Gallagher

Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

The committee was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Oversight, Management, and Accountability.

Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (3)Republican members (5)
Lou Correa Ranking MemberScott Perry Chairman
Kathleen Rice Jeff Duncan
Nanette Barragan Tom Marino
John Ratcliffe
Clay Higgins

Transportation and Maritime Security

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

The committee was formerly known as the Subcommittee on Transportation and Protective Security and the Subcommittee on Transportation Security.

Subcommittee on Transportation and Protective Security Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (3)Republican members (5)
Bonnie Watson Coleman Ranking MemberJohn Katko Chairman
William Keating Peter King
Donald Payne Mike Rogers
Clay Higgins
Brian Fitzpatrick


According to the official House website, the jurisdiction of the Homeland Security committee includes the following:

  1. Overall homeland security policy.
  2. Organization, administration, and general management of the Department of Homeland Security.
  3. Functions of the Department of Homeland Security relating to the following:
    1. Border and port security (except immigration policy and non-border enforcement).
    2. Customs (except customs revenue).
    3. Integration, analysis, and dissemination of homeland security information.
    4. Domestic preparedness for and collective response to terrorism.
    5. Research and development.
    6. Transportation security.


—Rules of the House of Representatives[5]


U.S. House of Representatives H2-176 Ford House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 226-2616
Fax: (202) 226-3399

See also

External links
