United States Senate Committee on Finance

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United States CongressUnited States SenateUnited States House of RepresentativesUnited States Constitution113th United States Congress112th United States Congress

The United States Senate Committee on Finance is a standing committee of the U.S. Senate. It was created during the 14th Congress between 1815 and 1817.[1]


118th Congress

The committee chairman in the 118th Congress was Ron Wyden (D).

117th Congress

The committee chairman in the 117th Congress was Ron Wyden (D).

116th Congress

The committee chairman in the 116th Congress was Chuck Grassley (R).

115th Congress

The committee chairman in the 115th Congress was Orrin Hatch (R).

114th Congress

The committee chairman in the 114th Congress was Orrin Hatch (R).

113th Congress

The committee chairman in the 113th Congress was initially Max Baucus (D). He was subsequently replaced by Ron Wyden (D) when Baucus was appointed as U.S. Ambassador to China.[2]

"The Senate Finance Committee has many important responsibilities which include promoting job creation, ensuring competitiveness and stabilizing the nation's fiscal health," Wyden said in a statement. "I also look forward to continuing my work on preserving the Medicare guarantee and protecting retirement security, updating the nation's tax system with a focus on growth, fairness and efficiency and ensuring that fiscal policy supports keeping jobs here in America."[2]

112th Congress

The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Max Baucus (D).


Rick Scott (R) left this committee in 2024. [Source]

Bob Menendez (D) left this committee in 2024. [Source]

Mike Enzi (R) left this committee in 2020.

Pat Roberts (R) left this committee in 2020.

Mike Enzi (R) left this committee in 2018.

Pat Roberts (R) left this committee in 2018.

Pat Roberts (R) left this committee in 2016.

Mike Enzi (R) left this committee in 2016.

Pat Roberts (R) left this committee in 2014.

Mike Enzi (R) left this committee in 2014.

Mike Enzi (R) left this committee in 2012.

Pat Roberts (R) left this committee in 2012.


Health Care

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Health Care Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (8)Republican members (10)
Debbie Stabenow Ranking MemberPatrick Toomey Chairman
Robert Menendez Chuck Grassley
Maria Cantwell Pat Roberts
Tom Carper Michael Enzi
Ben Cardin John Thune
Sherrod Brown Richard Burr
Mark Warner Johnny Isakson
Ron Wyden Rob Portman
Dean Heller
Bill Cassidy

Taxation and IRS Oversight

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (7)Republican members (10)
Mark Warner Ranking MemberRob Portman Chairman
Thomas Carper Mike Crapo
Claire McCaskill Pat Roberts
Robert Menendez Mike Enzi
Michael Bennet John Cornyn
Robert Casey John Thune
Maria Cantwell Richard Burr
Johnny Isakson
Pat Toomey
Tim Scott

Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (6)Republican members (8)
Michael Bennet Ranking MemberDean Heller Chairman
Maria Cantwell Chuck Grassley
Bill Nelson Mike Crapo
Bob Menendez Michael Enzi
Thomas Carper John Cornyn
Mark Warner Richard Burr
Tim Scott
Bill Cassidy

International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (4)Republican members (6)
Bob Casey Ranking MemberJohn Cornyn Chairman
Debbie Stabenow Chuck Grassley
Bill Nelson Pat Roberts
Claire McCaskill Johnny Isakson
John Thune
Dean Heller

Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions and Family Policy Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (2)Republican members (4)
Sherrod Brown Ranking MemberBill Cassidy Chairman
Bob Casey Rob Portman
Mike Crapo
Pat Toomey

Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth

To view the jurisdiction and recent activities of this subcommittee, please see the official committee page here.

Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth Members, 2017-2018
Democratic members (1)Republican members (2)
Ron Wyden Ranking MemberTim Scott Chairman
Orrin Hatch

Nominations for secretary of the Treasury

The following nominations were made for secretary of the Treasury in the Obama, Biden, and Trump administrations.[3][4]

Confirmation process for nominees for secretary of the Treasury
Nominee Announced Hearings Received Status Vote
Scott Bessent November 22, 2024 January 16, 2025 January 20, 2025 Confirmed on January 27, 2025 68-29
Janet Yellen November 30, 2020 January 19, 2021 January 20, 2021 Confirmed on February 25, 2021 84-15
Steve Mnuchin November 30, 2016 January 19, 2017 January 20, 2017 Confirmed on February 13, 2017 53-47
Jack Lew January 10, 2013 February 13, 2013 January 22, 2013 Confirmed on February 27, 2013 71-26
Timothy Geithner November 24, 2008 January 21, 2009 January 20, 2009 Confirmed on January 26, 2009 60-34


According to the official Senate website, the jurisdiction of the Finance Committee includes the following:

  1. taxation and other revenue measures generally, and those relating to the insular possessions
  2. bonded debt of the United States
  3. customs, collection districts, and ports of entry and delivery
  4. reciprocal trade agreements
  5. tariff and import quotas, and related matters thereto
  6. the transportation of dutiable goods
  7. deposit of public moneys
  8. general revenue sharing
  9. health programs under the Social Security Act, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and other health and human services programs financed by a specific tax or trust fund
  10. national social security
—U.S. Senate Committee on Finance[6]


Committee on Finance
United States Senate
219 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-6175

Phone: 202-224-4515
Fax: 202-228-0554

See also

External links
