Chapter 4. Economic and Industrial Development
Article 1. Economic Development
§52-4.00. Morgan County and the Cities of Hartselle and Decatur. (Amendment 303)
For the promotion of local industrial, commercial or agricultural development, Morgan county and the city of Hartselle and the city of Decatur shall each separately or any two or more of them jointly have full and continuing power (a) to purchase, construct, lease and otherwise acquire industrial, commercial and agricultural projects or sites, including real and personal property, plants, buildings, factories, works, facilities, machinery and equipment of any kind whatsoever; (b) to lease, sell, exchange or otherwise convey all or any part of any such project or site to any person, firm or corporation; (c) after an approving election as hereinafter provided, if required, to sell and issue for such purposes interest-bearing general obligation bonds. Neither the county nor the cities shall issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, other than bonds issued to finance the acquisition or development of industrial sites, such development to include the extension and installation of streets and roadways and utility services, unless the question of the issuance of such bonds has first been submitted to the qualified electors of the county or the cities, as the case may be, and approved at such election by a majority of the qualified electors voting thereat. Each such election shall be called, held and conducted, and may be contested, in the manner provided by law for county or municipal bond elections, as the case may be. Bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall not be considered indebtedness of the county or the cities, as the case may be, within the meaning of sections 224 and 225 of the Constitution of Alabama, but neither the county nor the cities shall at any time issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment if as a result thereof it will have outstanding an aggregate principal amount of bonds issued hereunder in excess of twenty percent of an assessed value of the property in the county or the cities, as the case may be. Neither shall the county or the cities issue any bonds under the authority of this amendment, except bonds issued to finance the acquisition or development of industrial sites, such development to include the extension and installation of streets and roadways and utility services, unless prior thereto or contemporaneously therewith the county or the cities, as the case may be, has entered into a lease or other similar agreement, with respect to the project being financed by such bonds, providing for the payment to the county or the cities, as the case may be, of net rentals sufficient to pay the principal of and the interest on such bonds at the respective maturities of such principal and interest, and any bonds issued hereunder shall be secured by a pledge of such rentals and may be secured by a foreclosable mortgage on such project and by a pledge of any other taxes and revenues which the county or the cities, as the case may be, is authorized by law to pledge to the payment of its bonded indebtedness. All bonds issued under the authority of this amendment shall be sold at public sale in the manner required by law for the sale of county or municipal bonds, as the case may be, and shall mature and be payable in annual or semiannual installments in such amounts and at such times as to result in the aggregate amount of principal and interest maturing thereon in each year following the year of their issuance being substantially equal, but shall not be subject to any other provisions of law relating to maturities of county or municipal bonds. In the event that any such action is necessary to prevent or cure a default in payment of the principal of or the interest on any bonds issued under the authority of this amendment, the county or the cities, as the case may be, is authorized to levy and collect ad valorem taxes, without limitation as to rate or amount, on the assessed value of all taxable property in the county or the cities, as the case may be, but only so long as and only to such extent as necessary to prevent or cure any such default.
In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither Morgan county nor the city of Hartselle nor the city of Decatur shall be subject to the provisions of section 93 of the Constitution of Alabama, and the taxes which the county and the cities are hereinabove authorized to levy and collect are in addition to all other taxes which the county and the cities are authorized to levy and collect. This amendment shall be self-executing, but notwithstanding any contrary provisions of section 104 of the Constitution of Alabama, the legislature shall have the power, by general, special or local act, to enact laws supplemental hereto or in furtherance of the purposes hereof. (Amendment 303)
§52-4.01. Promotion of Economic and Industrial Development in Certain Counties. (Amendment 429)
For the promotion of local economic and industrial development, the governing body of Bullock, Coffee, Coosa, Dallas, Etowah, Geneva, Houston, Jefferson, Lawrence, Macon, Marengo, Mobile, Morgan, Talladega, Madison, Shelby, and Tuscaloosa counties and of each municipality situated in said counties, other provisions of law or this Constitution notwithstanding, shall each have, independently or in cooperation with one or more of such governmental entities in such counties, full and continuing power (a) to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, land, or to utilize land heretofore purchased or otherwise acquired, and to improve and develop such land for use as industrial site, or industrial park, projects, including, but not limited to, grading and the construction of roads, drainage, sewers, sewage and waste disposal systems, parking areas and utilities to serve said projects, and (b) to lease, sell, grant, exchange, or otherwise convey, on terms approved by the governing body of the county, or of municipality exercising such power, all, or any part of, any such project to any person, firm or corporation, public or private, including to any industrial development board or authority heretofore or hereafter created by any such county or municipality therein, for the purpose of the constructing, or developing thereon, by such purchaser or lessees, and the equipping and operating of, industrial, transportation, distribution, warehouse or research facilities, and of office and other facilities auxiliary to the foregoing. Nothing herein shall authorize the counties named, or any municipality there, to construct residential or any other buildings for the purpose of lease or sale.
In carrying out the purposes of this amendment, neither the governing bodies of the counties named hereinabove, nor of any municipality situated in said counties to which this amendment is or becomes applicable, shall be subject to the provisions of sections 93 or 94 of the Constitution of Alabama, as amended. The provisions of this amendment shall be self-executing and the powers granted hereby may be exercised as alternative to, or cumulative with, and in no way restrictive of, powers otherwise granted by law to the governing body of such counties, or of any municipality therein, or to any agency, board, or authority created or approved thereby pursuant to this Constitution or the laws of this state.
The names and addresses of all parties involved in conveyances of land herein provided, and the amount of any monies paid or received, shall be published in the newspaper in the county with the largest circulation.
This amendment shall not be construed to grant any power of eminent domain in addition to that which may be provided otherwise by statute heretofore or hereafter enacted by the legislature of Alabama; nor shall this amendment be construed to affect the annexation statutes heretofore or hereafter enacted by said legislature.
Furthermore, no county or municipality shall sell any real property acquired under the authority hereof for a price less than its actual purchase and development cost of such property, unless:
- (a) The price be approved at a public meeting of the governing body of such county or municipality; and
- (b) At least fourteen (14) days prior to such public meeting at which such price is approved by such governing body, it has published notice in the newspaper with the largest circulation in the county in which the property is located stating (1) the acreage proposed to be sold, (2) the section or sections or subdivisions of record in which the property is located, (3) the price per acre at which sale is proposed to be made, and (4) the place where a map of the property can be examined by the public; and
- (c) The price thus approved is no less than the price advertised as aforesaid; provided, however, that should any real property be acquired for any purpose authorized by this amendment by eminent domain pursuant to other legislative authority as aforesaid, such property shall not be sold, in any event, for less than the price determined and paid pursuant to the orders of the court in such condemnation proceedings. Provided further, that no municipality shall acquire real property in unincorporated areas without a prior consent thereto as expressed in a resolution by the county governing body. Provided further, that no county or municipality shall acquire real property which is located in another county or municipality without such other county's or municipality's prior consent thereto as expressed in a resolution by its governing body. Nothing in the provisions of this constitutional amendment shall be construed to allow construction of dormitories or other type housing on or off university or college campuses. (Amendment 429)
[Note: Amendment 759 is identical to Amendment 429. except for the addition of Baldwin County. For the text of Amendment 759, see §2-4.01.][1]