Thomas Conroy (Massachusetts)

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Thomas Conroy
Image of Thomas Conroy
Prior offices
Massachusetts House of Representatives 13th Middlesex District



Yale University


Boston University and Johns Hopkins University

Risk Management Consultant

Thomas P. Conroy is a former Democratic member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, representing the Thirteenth Middlesex district from 2006 to 2015. Conroy has been a member of the Wayland Democratic Town Committee.

Conroy was a Democratic candidate for Massachusetts Treasurer in the 2014 elections.[1]


Conroy's professional experience includes working for the U.S. State Department as a Manager of the Refugee Resettlement Program, as a speechwriter for Senator Gary Hart, assistant to Senator Barbara Mikulski and a Risk Management Consultant for Marsh, Incorporated.[2]

Committee assignments


At the beginning of the 2013 legislative session, Conroy served on the following committees:


In the 2011-2012 legislative session, Conroy served on the following committees:


In the 2009-2010 legislative session, Conroy served on the following committees:



See also: Massachusetts down ballot state executive elections, 2014

Conroy was running for election to the office of Massachusetts Treasurer. Conroy lost the Democratic nomination in the primary on September 9, 2014.


Massachusetts Treasurer, Democratic Primary, 2014
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngDeb Goldberg 42.7% 202,819
Barry Finegold 31.4% 149,470
Thomas Conroy 25.7% 122,198
Write-in votes 0.2% 848
Total Votes 475,335
Election results via Massachusetts Secretary of State.


Conroy earned the endorsement of The Boston Globe prior to the primary.[3]


See also: Massachusetts House of Representatives elections, 2012

Conroy won re-election in the 2012 election for Massachusetts House of Representatives Thirteenth Middlesex District. Conroy defeated Steven Hakar in the September 6 Democratic primary and was unopposed in the general election, which took place on November 6, 2012.[4][5]

Massachusetts House of Representatives, Thirteenth Middlesex District Democratic Primary, 2012
Candidate Vote % Votes
Green check mark transparent.pngThomas Conroy Incumbent 88.8% 1,951
Steven Hakar 11.2% 247
Total Votes 2,198


See also: Massachusetts House of Representatives elections, 2010

Conroy won re-election to the Thirteenth Middlesex seat in 2010. He was unopposed in the September 14 primary. He also faced no opposition in the general election on November 2, 2010.[6]

Massachusetts House of Representatives General Election, Thirteen District (2010)
Candidates Votes
Green check mark transparent.png Thomas Conroy (D) 11,896


See also: Massachusetts House of Representatives elections, 2008

On November 4, 2008, Conroy won re-election in the Massachusetts House of Representatives election for the Thirteenth Middlesex district.[7] In this election he raised $58,126; of that total $52,821 (90.9%) was from in state contributions and $5,303 (9.1%) was from out of state contributions.[8]

Massachusetts House of Representatives - Thirteenth Middlesex district
Candidates Votes
Green check mark transparent.png Thomas Conroy (D) 12,225
Susan Pope (R) 8,539
All Others 20
Blanks 1,207

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Thomas Conroy campaign contribution history
2014Massachusetts TreasurerLost $363,392 N/A**
2012MA House District Thirteenth MiddlesexWon $12,727 N/A**
2010MA House District Thirteenth MiddlesexWon $6,356 N/A**
2008MA House District Thirteenth MiddlesexWon $58,124 N/A**
2006MA House District Thirteenth MiddlesexWon $47,313 N/A**
Grand total$487,912 N/A**
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only available data.


See also: State legislative scorecards and State legislative scorecards in Massachusetts

A scorecard evaluates a legislator’s voting record. Its purpose is to inform voters about the legislator’s political positions. Because scorecards have varying purposes and methodologies, each report should be considered on its own merits. For example, an advocacy group’s scorecard may assess a legislator’s voting record on one issue while a state newspaper’s scorecard may evaluate the voting record in its entirety.

Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. Some states have a limited number of available scorecards or scorecards produced only by select groups. It is Ballotpedia’s goal to incorporate all available scorecards regardless of ideology or number.

Click here for an overview of legislative scorecards in all 50 states. To contribute to the list of Massachusetts scorecards, email suggestions to


In 2014, the Massachusetts General Court was in session from January 14 through August 1.

Legislators are scored on bills of interest to an organization of employers.
Legislators are scored on bills of interest to an organization that pledges "to make government more transparent, make fiscally responsible choices, and to hold the line on taxes."
Legislators are scored on bills selected by a "statewide, grassroots [organization] for progressive change in Massachusetts."
Legislators are scored on their votes on conservative issues.
Legislators are scored on environmental issues.





Note: Please contact us if the personal information below requires an update.
Conroy has been a member of the Sabre Foundation and Wayland Youth Soccer.[2]

Recent news

This section links to a Google news search for the term Thomas + Conroy + Massachusetts + House

All stories may not be relevant to this page due to the nature of the search engine.

See also

External links

Campaign Facebook
Campaign Twitter


Political offices
Preceded by
Massachusetts House of Representatives Thirteenth Middlesex
Succeeded by
Carmine Lawrence Gentile (D)

Speaker of the House:Ronald Mariano
Majority Leader:Michael Moran
Barnstable, Dukes, and Nantucket District
1st Barnstable District
1st Berkshire District
1st Bristol District
1st Essex District
1st Franklin District
1st Hampden District
1st Hampshire District
1st Middlesex District
1st Norfolk District
1st Plymouth District
1st Suffolk District
1st Worcester District
2nd Barnstable District
Kip Diggs (D)
2nd Berkshire District
2nd Bristol District
2nd Essex District
2nd Franklin District
2nd Hampden District
2nd Hampshire District
2nd Middlesex District
2nd Norfolk District
2nd Plymouth District
2nd Suffolk District
2nd Worcester District
3rd Barnstable District
3rd Berkshire District
3rd Bristol District
3rd Essex District
3rd Hampden District
3rd Hampshire District
3rd Middlesex District
3rd Norfolk District
3rd Plymouth District
3rd Suffolk District
3rd Worcester District
4th Barnstable District
4th Bristol District
4th Essex District
4th Hampden District
4th Middlesex District
4th Norfolk District
4th Plymouth District
4th Suffolk District
4th Worcester District
5th Barnstable District
5th Bristol District
5th Essex District
5th Hampden District
5th Middlesex District
5th Norfolk District
5th Plymouth District
5th Suffolk District
5th Worcester District
6th Bristol District
6th Essex District
6th Hampden District
6th Middlesex District
6th Norfolk District
6th Plymouth District
6th Suffolk District
6th Worcester District
7th Bristol District
7th Essex District
7th Hampden District
7th Middlesex District
7th Norfolk District
7th Plymouth District
7th Suffolk District
7th Worcester District
8th Bristol District
8th Essex District
8th Hampden District
8th Middlesex District
8th Norfolk District
8th Plymouth District
8th Suffolk District
8th Worcester District
9th Bristol District
9th Essex District
9th Hampden District
9th Middlesex District
9th Norfolk District
9th Plymouth District
9th Suffolk District
9th Worcester District
10th Bristol District
10th Essex District
10th Hampden District
10th Middlesex District
John Lawn (D)
10th Norfolk District
10th Plymouth District
10th Suffolk District
10th Worcester District
11th Bristol District
11th Essex District
Sean Reid (D)
11th Hampden District
11th Middlesex District
11th Norfolk District
11th Plymouth District
11th Suffolk District
11th Worcester District
12th Bristol District
12th Essex District
12th Hampden District
12th Middlesex District
12th Norfolk District
12th Plymouth District
12th Suffolk District
12th Worcester District
13th Bristol District
13th Essex District
13th Middlesex District
13th Norfolk District
13th Suffolk District
13th Worcester District
14th Bristol District
14th Essex District
14th Middlesex District
14th Norfolk District
14th Suffolk District
14th Worcester District
15th Essex District
15th Middlesex District
15th Norfolk District
15th Suffolk District
15th Worcester District
16th Essex District
16th Middlesex District
16th Suffolk District
16th Worcester District
17th Essex District
17th Middlesex District
17th Suffolk District
17th Worcester District
18th Essex District
18th Middlesex District
Tara Hong (D)
18th Suffolk District
18th Worcester District
19th Middlesex District
19th Suffolk District
19th Worcester District
20th Middlesex District
21st Middlesex District
22nd Middlesex District
23rd Middlesex District
24th Middlesex District
25th Middlesex District
26th Middlesex District
27th Middlesex District
28th Middlesex District
29th Middlesex District
30th Middlesex District
31st Middlesex District
32nd Middlesex District
33rd Middlesex District
34th Middlesex District
35th Middlesex District
36th Middlesex District
37th Middlesex District
Democratic Party (132)
Republican Party (25)
Unenrolled (1)
Vacancies (2)