Tarrant County School District Tax and Bond Measures, 3 (November 2009)

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The County School District Tax and Bond Measures on the November 3 ballot in Tarrant County for voters in the specific school district areas.[1]

  • Arlington School District sought to get a bond issued in the amount of $197,500,000 in order to help fund the school district. A tax would be levied in order to pay for the bond. The measure was approved.[2]
School District Tax
Result Votes Percentage
Approveda Yes 10,475 64.32%
No 5,810 35.68%
Total votes 16,285 100.00%
Voter turnout 9.79%
  • Aledo School District sought to get an ad valorem tax approved at a rate of $1.204 which would be added to property within the district area. The measure was defeated.[3]
School District Tax
Result Votes Percentage
Defeatedd No 11 61.11%
Yes 7 38.89%
Total votes 18 100.00%
Voter turnout 7.17%
  • Everman School District sought to get an ad valorem tax approved at a rate of $1.36 which was proposed to be added to property within the district area. The measure was defeated.[4]
School District Tax
Result Votes Percentage
Defeatedd No 304 50.67%
Yes 296 49.33%
Total votes 18 100.00%
Voter turnout 5.85%
