Schedule, Montana Constitution

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Montana Constitution
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The Transition Schedule of the Montana Constitution follows 14 articles and a preamble, and consists of six sections.

Transition Schedule

Text of Transition Schedule:

The following provisions shall remain part of this Constitution until their terms have been executed. Once each year the attorney general shall review the following provisions and certify to the secretary of state which, if any, have been executed. Any provisions so certified shall thereafter be removed from this Schedule and no longer published as part of this Constitution.[1]

Section 1

Accelerated effective date. Executed (certified by letter, December 4, 1974).[1]

Section 2

Delayed effective date. Executed (certified by letter, December 4, 1974).[1]

Section 3

Prospective operation of declaration of rights. Any rights, procedural or substantive, created for the first time by Article II shall be prospective and not retroactive.[1]

Section 4

Terms of judiciary. Executed (certified by letter, December 20, 1978).[1]

Section 5

Terms of legislators. Executed (certified by letter, February 22, 1977).[1]

Section 6

General transition.

(1) The rights and duties of all public bodies shall remain as if this Constitution had not been adopted with the exception of such changes as are contained in this Constitution. All laws, ordinances, regulations, and rules of court not contrary to, or inconsistent with, the provisions of this Constitution shall remain in force, until they shall expire by their own limitation or shall be altered or repealed pursuant to this Constitution.
(2) The validity of all public and private bonds, debts, and contracts, and of all suits, actions, and rights of action, shall continue as if no change had taken place.
(3) Executed (certified by letter, February 22, 1977).[1]

See also

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External links

Additional reading
