School District of Manatee County, Florida

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School District of Manatee County
School Board badge.png
Manatee County, Florida
District details
Superintendent: Jason Wysong
# of school board members: 5
Website: Link

School District of Manatee County is a school district in Florida.

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This information is updated as we become aware of changes. Please contact us with any updates.

Jason Wysong is the superintendent of the School District of Manatee County. Wysong was appointed superintendent on July 3, 2023. Wysong's previous career experience includes working as a deputy superintendent, executive director, and other administrative roles in the Seminole County Public School District.[1]

Past superintendents

  • Cynthia Saunders was the superintendent of the School District of Manatee County from June 28, 2018 until 2023. Saunders' previous career experience includes working as the district's executive director of secondary schools and deputy superintendent of instructional services.[2]
  • Diana Greene was the interim and then full superintendent of the School District of Manatee County from 2015 to 2018.[3]

School board

School District of Manatee County school board consists of five members elected to four-year terms. Board members are elected to specific geographical districts in at-large elections.[4][5]

This officeholder information was last updated on May 15, 2024. Please contact us with any updates.


See also: School District of Manatee County elections in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024

Elections are held on a staggered basis in the November general election.[4]

Two seats on the board were up for general election on November 5, 2024. A primary was scheduled for August 20, 2024.

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Public participation in board meetings

The School District of Manatee County school board maintains the following policy on public testimony during board meetings:[6]


A School Board meeting is a business meeting of the Board and is conducted in an orderly, efficient, effective, and dignified manner. Public comments related to education and the District are welcome and encouraged. A public comment opportunity is not, however, an open forum to discuss matters unrelated to education, to support or oppose candidates for public office, or to engage in commercial speech attempting to sell a service or product to the Board or public. Also, public comment is not a forum to engage in personal attacks against school system employees or Board members. Any such complaints should be submitted in writing to the Superintendent for appropriate handling. Finally, issues involving individual students shall not be brought up in a public forum. Because of privacy concerns, such issues should be submitted in writing to the Superintendent for appropriate handling. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board.

The Board recognizes the value of school governance through public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest during Board meetings and workshops. The rules of public comment apply to Board business meetings and workshops. If the Board travels or participates in joint workshops the public comment rules are deferred to the host district. Members of the public shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard before the Board. For the purposes of public participation:

A. A member of the public may speak during a General Public Comment section provided in an agenda.
B. A member of the public may speak on one (1) or more specific propositions on the agenda.

For purposes of the policy, a proposition is an action item taken before the Board for a vote. It does not include items on such as reports, updates, recognitions, Superintendent comments, Board comments, or similar items on the agenda. A proposition does not include items wherever found on the agenda upon which the Board votes in its quasi-judicial capacity (i.e., employment termination hearing).

This policy does not prohibit the Board from maintaining orderly conduct or proper decorum in a public meeting, according to F.S. 286.0114.

A. The opportunity to be heard is subject to policies adopted by the Board as follows:
1. Persons who desire to speak before the Board may sign up to speak online at the District's website ( once the agenda is posted or in person by filling out a "public comment card" prior to the start of the Board meeting.
2. If a proposition is added to the agenda after the start of the meeting, an opportunity will be granted for the public to exercise their right to participate.
3. The agency clerk shall provide a list to the Chairman Vice-Chair of those persons who requested to address the Board, as well as, if applicable, the particular agenda item to which they wish to speak.
4. Each statement made by a member of the public shall be limited to three (3) minutes duration. Persons will be recognized in the order in which the requests were received, sorted by agenda item.
B. Public Input Instructions
1. Before you begin speaking, please provide any handouts to the Agency Clerk.
2. Please identify yourself only by your full name for the record.
3. You have no more than three minutes to speak. Please stop speaking when the bell rings.
4. Florida Law requires all citizens to conduct themselves in an orderly fashion at public meetings.
5. WARNING: Any individual who interferes with the expeditious or orderly process of a Board meeting pursuant to F.S. 1001.372(3) at the discretion of the Chair. Orderly fashion is deemed as, at a minimum (1) no profanity (2) no vulgar language (3) no discourteous, disrespectful, or disparaging conduct.
C. The Chairman may:
1. call for a recess or an adjournment to another time when the lack of public decorum so interferes with the orderly conduct of the meeting as to warrant such action.
2. request the assistance of law enforcement officers in the removal of a disorderly person when that person's conduct interferes with the orderly progress of the meeting;
3. request any individual to leave the meeting when that person does not observe reasonable decorum;
4. interrupt, warn, or terminate a participant's statement when it is beyond the allotted time, personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant;
D. The requirement for public comment on action items does not apply to:
1. an official act that must be taken to deal with an emergency situation affecting the public health, welfare, or safety, if compliance with the requirements would cause an unreasonable delay in the ability of the Board to act;
2. an official act involving no more than a clerical action, including, but not limited to, approval of minutes and ceremonial proclamations;
3. a meeting that is exempt from F.S. 286.011 (the Public Meetings Law), such as litigation assessment meetings and collective bargaining strategy sessions; or
4. a meeting at which the Board is sitting in its quasi‑judicial capacity.

E. Tape or video recordings are permitted under the following conditions:
1. No obstructions are created between the Board and the audience.
2. No interviews are conducted in the meeting room while the Board is in session.
3. No commentary, adjustment of equipment, or positioning of operators is made that would distract either the Board or members of the audience while the Board is in session.

These exceptions do not affect the right of a person to be heard as otherwise required by law or Board policy.[7]

District map


The following statistics were published by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Education.[8]

Revenue, 2020-2021
Federal: $77,087,000 $1,567 12%
Local: $372,339,000 $7,571 58%
State: $193,210,000 $3,929 30%
Total: $642,636,000 $13,067
Expenditures, 2020-2021
Total Expenditures: $618,914,000 $12,584
Total Current Expenditures: $515,570,000 $10,483
Instructional Expenditures: $317,317,000 $6,452 51%
Student and Staff Support: $50,355,000 $1,023 8%
Administration: $56,885,000 $1,156 9%
Operations, Food Service, Other: $91,013,000 $1,850 15%
Total Capital Outlay: $71,341,000 $1,450
Construction: $46,477,000 $945
Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $22,162,000 $450
Interest on Debt: $9,841,000 $200

Academic performance

Each year, state and local education agencies use tests and other standards to assess student proficiency. Although the data below was published by the U.S. Department of Education, proficiency measurements are established by the states. As a result, proficiency levels are not comparable between different states and year-over-year proficiency levels within a district may not be comparable because states may change their proficiency measurements.[9]

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 54 79 33 44 40-59 57 68
2018-2019 60 84 39 49 40-59 63 74
2017-2018 57 81 35 45 40-49 61 71
2016-2017 56 81 34 44 50-59 58 69
2015-2016 53 80 31 41 50-59 61 66
2014-2015 52 79 30 39 50-59 65
2013-2014 57 85 36 45 50-59 69
2012-2013 54 79 33 42 40-49 66
2011-2012 51 79 29 39 60-69 63
2010-2011 62 85 39 50 70-79 74

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 50 75 29 37 60-79 56 65
2018-2019 52 75 31 38 60-69 59 68
2017-2018 51 75 28 36 50-59 58 67
2016-2017 50 74 28 34 50-59 56 66
2015-2016 48 72 27 33 40-49 55 64
2014-2015 49 73 27 34 50-59 64
2013-2014 54 74 31 39 60-69 69
2012-2013 54 75 32 38 50-59 68
2011-2012 53 74 30 37 50-59 67
2010-2011 58 73 37 43 50-59 71

The following table shows the graduation rate of district students each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2019-2020 86 >=95 79 83 >=50 85-89 89
2018-2019 83 90-94 75 77 >=50 75-79 89
2017-2018 85 >=95 75 81 >=50 90-94 90
2016-2017 81 80-84 68 72 PS 80-84 89
2015-2016 83 >=90 71 76 >=50 80-84 89
2014-2015 78 >=95 69 66 PS 70-79 84
2013-2014 76 >=90 66 65 >=50 82
2012-2013 77 >=90 66 64 PS 83
2011-2012 76 70-79 65 68 PS 81
2010-2011 65 70-79 47 50 PS 74


Year Enrollment Year-to-year change (%)
2022-2023 51,234 1.9
2021-2022 50,248 2.1
2020-2021 49,181 -1.8
2019-2020 50,088 1.6
2018-2019 49,301 0.7
2017-2018 48,952 0.1
2016-2017 48,884 1.1
2015-2016 48,356 1.0
2014-2015 47,883 2.5
2013-2014 46,705 1.2
2012-2013 46,165 2.6
2011-2012 44,986 1.6
2010-2011 44,249 3.0
2009-2010 42,939 0.8
2008-2009 42,580 0.1
2007-2008 42,524 0.7
2006-2007 42,235 -0.3
2005-2006 42,370 2.4
2004-2005 41,351 2.6
2003-2004 40,269 2.8
2002-2003 39,132 2.2
2001-2002 38,282 4.5
2000-2001 36,569 3.0
1999-2000 35,463 0.0
Racial Demographics, 2022-2023
RACE School District of Manatee County (%) Florida K-12 STUDENTS (%)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.1 0.2
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 2.2 2.8
Black 12.2 21.0
Hispanic 36.4 36.4
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.1 0.2
Two or More Races 4.9 4.1
White 44.2 35.3

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.


As of the 2022-2023 school year, School District of Manatee County had 2,963.45 full-time classroom teachers. The student-teacher ratio was 17.29.

Teachers, 2022-2023 school year
Prekindergarten: 41.00
Kindergarten: 180.00
Elementary: 1,112.00
Secondary: 1,136.60
Total: 2,963.45

School District of Manatee County employed 39.00 district administrators and 162.00 school administrators as of the 2022-2023 school year.

Administrators, 2022-2023 school year
District Administrators: 39.00
District Administrative Support: 91.13
School Administrators: 162.00
School Administrative Support: 350.52
Other staff, 2022-2023 school year
Instructional Aides: 814.00
Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors: 69.00
Total Guidance Counselors: 135.00
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 53.00
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 79.00
Librarians/Media Specialists: 50.00
Library/Media Support: 6.00
Student Support Services: 547.60
Other Support Services: 971.07


The School District of Manatee County operates 82 schools. They are listed below in alphabetical order.
List of schools
Access To Education423-12
Amikids Manatee266-12
Anna Maria Elementary School190KG-5
Annie Lucy Williams Elementary School798PK-5
Ballard Elementary School400PK-5
Barbara A Harvey Elementary School1,069PK-5
Bayshore Elementary School701PK-5
Bayshore High School1,4359-12
B.D. Gullett Elementary School1,121PK-5
Blackburn Elementary School551PK-5
Blanche H. Daughtrey Elementary758PK-5
Braden River Elementary School568PK-5
Braden River High School1,7749-12
Braden River Middle School8106-8
Buffalo Creek Middle School1,1276-8
Carlos E. Haile Middle School7376-8
Dr Mona Jain Middle School9946-8
Easter Seals12PK-12
Electa Lee Magnet Middle School7596-8
Florine J Abel Elementary School488PK-5
Freedom Elementary School574PK-5
G D Rogers Garden- Bullock Elementary504PK-5
Gene Witt Elementary School689PK-5
Gilbert W Mcneal Elementary School678PK-5
Hola! Elementary @ Msa0
Horizons Academy454PK-12
Hospital Homebound Instruction0KG-12
H. S. Moody Elementary School606PK-5
Ida M. Stewart Elementary School391PK-5
Imagine Charter At Lakewood Ranch550PK-8
Imagine Charter School At North Manatee682PK-8
James Tillman Elementary Magnet School520PK-5
Jessie P. Miller Elementary School614PK-5
Just For Girls Elementary School43KG-5
Just For Girls Middle School286-8
Juvenile Detention Center612-12
Lakewood Ranch High School2,4359-12
Lakewood Ranch Preparatory Academy747KG-12
Lincoln Memorial Middle School4136-8
Louise R Johnson K-8 School Of International Studies936PK-8
Manatee Charter School526KG-8
Manatee Community Action Agency-Head Start2PK-PK
Manatee Elementary School525PK-5
Manatee High School1,9839-12
Manatee School For The Arts1,9686-12
Manatee School Of Arts/Sciences130PK-6
Manatee Technical College09-12
Manatee Virtual Instruction Program13KG-12
Manatee Virtual School ( Virtual Franchise)531-12
Marjorie G. Kinnan Elementary School516PK-5
Martha B. King Middle School8486-8
Myakka City Elementary School309PK-5
Oasis Middle School456-8
Oneco Elementary School596PK-5
Pace Center For Girls556-12
Palma Sola Elementary School434PK-5
Palmetto Charter School418PK-8
Palmetto Elementary School570PK-5
Palmetto High School2,1009-12
Palmshores Behavior Health Center812-12
Palm View K-8 School653PK-8
Parrish Charter Academy565KG-6
Parrish Community High School2,0179-12
Pinnacle Academy Inc.1PK-12
R. Dan Nolan Middle School7606-8
Robert H. Prine Elementary School744PK-5
Robert Willis Elementary School765PK-5
Rowlett Middle Academy6716-8
Samoset Elementary School589PK-5
Sch Ofacademic & Behavioral Learning Exc (Sable) Grade Code13PK-8
Sea Breeze Elementary School499PK-5
Selby Preschool5PK-PK
Southeast High School1,7169-12
State College Of Florida Collegiate School4926-12
Tara Elementary School559PK-5
Team Success A School Of Excellence1,222KG-12
The Port Academy139-12
Virgil Mills Elementary School818PK-5
Visible Men Academy63KG-5
W. D. Sugg Middle School1,0106-8
William H. Bashaw Elementary684PK-5
William Monroe Rowlett Academy For Arts And Communication918KG-5

Contact information

Manatee County School District seal.png
School District of Manatee County
215 Manatee Avenue West
Bradenton, FL 34205
Phone: 941-708-8770

About school boards

Education legislation in Florida

Bills are monitored by BillTrack50 and sorted by action history.

See also

Florida School Board Elections News and Analysis
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External links
