San Clemente Pacific Golf Club Zoning, Measure C (February 2008)

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A San Clemente Pacific Golf Club Residential Development Zoning, Measure C ballot question was on the February 5, 2008 ballot for voters in the City of San Clemente in Orange County, California, where it was defeated.

Measure C was put on the ballot via the collection of signatures on a petition in a local veto referendum process by a group that wanted to rescind an action taken by the San Clemente City Council in June 2007. That action allowed 9 of the 27 golf holes at the Pacific Golf Club to be converted to a "Residential Medium Low" zoning designation in order to allow 224 homes to be erected.

A "yes" vote was in favor of the city council's action. A "no" vote was in opposition to the proposed development.

Election results

Measure C
Defeatedd No15,12468.9%
Yes 6,813 31.1%
These final, certified, election results are from the Orange County elections office.

Ballot question

The question on the ballot:

MEASURE C: "A measure to affirm or rescind the City Council's June 2007 General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment and other land use actions to allow a portion of the Pacific Golf Club to be converted to Residential Medium Low designation."[1]

See also

External links

  1. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.