Suffolk County, Massachusetts (Judicial)

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Suffolk County, Massachusetts

The people of Suffolk County are served by a District Court, a Probate and Family Court, Municipal Courts and a Juvenile Court. The people of Massachusetts are also served by Housing Courts and Land Courts.

The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts has jurisdiction in Suffolk County. Appeals from the District of Massachusetts go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit.

District Court

Chelsea District Court, Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, district court judges are appointed by the governor with help from a nominating commission and confirmed by the Governor's Council. They serve until age 70. District court judges receive temporary assignments to specific geographic jurisdictions, and those assignments may change over time.[1]

Probate and Family Court

Suffolk Probate and Family Court, Massachusetts

Juvenile Court

Suffolk Juvenile Court, Massachusetts

Municipal Courts

Boston Municipal Courts, Massachusetts

External links
