Superfund sites in the United States

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Superfund sites are abandoned waste sites, such as oil refineries, smelting facilities, mines, and other industrial areas. Under the Superfund program established by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (1980), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies potential sites and oversees cleanup efforts. Superfund sites are added and removed from a prioritized list on a regular basis.[1][2][3]

  • Among the 50 states, there were 1,303 Superfund sites as of January 2016.
  • New Jersey had the most Superfund sites—113 sites.
  • North Dakota had no Superfund sites.
  • Superfund sites by state

    The table below summarizes the number of Superfund sites in each state as of January 2016. Among the 50 states, there were 1,303 Superfund sites.

    The states with the most Superfund sites were New Jersey (113 sites), California (97 sites) and Pennsylvania (95 sites). The states with the fewest Superfund sites were North Dakota (no sites), Nevada (one site) and South Dakota (two sites).

    Number of Superfund sites by state (January 2016)
    State Superfund sites
    Alabama 13
    Alaska 6
    Arizona 9
    Arkansas 9
    California 97
    Colorado 19
    Connecticut 14
    Delaware 13
    Florida 53
    Georgia 16
    Hawaii 3
    Idaho 6
    Illinois 44
    Indiana 38
    Iowa 11
    Kansas 12
    Kentucky 13
    Louisiana 11
    Maine 13
    Maryland 20
    Massachusetts 32
    Michigan 65
    Minnesota 25
    Mississippi 8
    Missouri 33
    Montana 16
    Nebraska 15
    Nevada 1
    New Hampshire 20
    New Jersey 113
    New Mexico 15
    New York 85
    North Carolina 39
    North Dakota 0
    Ohio 37
    Oklahoma 7
    Oregon 13
    Pennsylvania 95
    Rhode Island 12
    South Carolina 25
    South Dakota 2
    Tennessee 17
    Texas 51
    Utah 15
    Vermont 12
    Virginia 31
    Washington 51
    West Virginia 9
    Wisconsin 37
    Wyoming 2
    United States total† 1,303
    Note: 50 state total only
    Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "National Priorities List (NPL) sites by state"

    See also
